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  1. I was searching more on this and I wonder if these are possibilities for the underlying problem of not being able to interrupt the slow 8 minute ramp off- 1. While a ramp is in process it can't be interrupted programmatically or in another scene, only locally at the switch? 2. The 6 LEDs under control of the switch (which are dimmable) are introducing noise which is why ISY is not reporting the correct on level during the ramp unless I manually query the switch? If these are true would a better approach be to use a program with a repeating Dim command, after a timeout period, which then can be "Stopped" by the motion sensors being triggered? New method -Motion triggered - Light switch turned on directly linked to motion sensors and timeout program started -10 minute time out - after 10 minutes a repeat Dim is called that lowers the light level over the time period I want -Motion triggered stops the above program and also turns the lights back on through the scene they are in with the light switch The one issue I see is if the Dim commands are too frequent then they may collide with the motion sensors turning the lights back on. Is there a better way to do this?
  2. I have searched but haven't come up with this topic. I would like to interrupt a very slow ramp off to turn the lights back on to default brightness triggered by motion sensors. It can be interrupted locally at the switch, just not though scenes or programs that I know of. 2 2842-222 Motion Sensor turning on in a scene a- 2466D controlling 6 dimmable LEDs- this has a local on level that is controlled throughout the day After 15 minutes a scene with only this light in it set to a 8 minute ramp is turned off. I want to be able to have the motion sensors trigger the light back on with a 0.1 ramp while the light is turnings off ( for example it is at 40% after 4 minutes of ramp and motion is triggered- I want it to go on with 0.1 ramp rate). Long version- I have a scene that is called "off" from a program that has a 8 minutes ramp rate. The purpose of this scene is to allow plenty of time to re-trigger the light before the room goes completely dark. These are 6 dimmable LEDs on the same 2466D and they are turned on in a scene by 2 old style 2842-222 Motion Sensors. The light is updated throughout the day to different local on levels. It is 100% during the day and ends up at 20% at night. I do this with programs that adjust the device locally. At the end of a 15 minute timeout the scene with the 8 minute ramp is turned off. It only contains that controlling switch. I am not sure why, but the motion sensors will turn the light back on but, if interrupting the 8 minute ramp off, the lights turn back on with the same 8 minute ramp. I am not sure why this is as the scene that the motion sensors are part of has a 0.1 ramp rate. I have tried adding a "fade stop" on the slow ramp scene, but that does not help. The reporting in isy is also not accurate for the light. It shows a status of 100% while the light is ramping up until I click the query button. Can an 8 minute ramp on or off be interrupted? Thoughts?
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