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Dave Green

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Everything posted by Dave Green

  1. Please excuse my ignorance as I am new to this and trying to learn. Could I get an example of what to put in the configuration? I see that there is a comment on the streaming config that says "the comma separated list of stations. see readme". I could not find a readme file any where. Thanks in advance for your time and patience. Any help would be appreciated and keep in mind I am a complete newbie to this. Dave
  2. I keep getting this error when trying to get the acurite plugin to work again. New to all this but here is what I think is causing the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This is the error... ValueError: Unsupported callback API version: version 2.0 added a callback_api_version, see migrations.md for details
  3. Is there a way to have the temperatures report in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit? Not a huge deal but I am a Canadian Eh!? Sorry to be a bother. Thanks Paul by the way for an amazing app!!! Dave Green
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