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Everything posted by turbo2pointo

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, folks. I took the risk and set up box 1 as single pole switch to test my theory of the wires destinations. Eg. attach the line to the switch, and the black from the top right to the load, and connect the neutrals as well, and it works as expected. Once I confirm that, I rewire them as in this picture, and it works. [URL unfurl="true"]https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/1338-3-way-diagrams-for-zen73-zen74-zen76-and-zen77-switches/[/URL] One thing I still haven't figure out though is why both travelers have voltage when the line is connected to ANY one of the wires that go to Box 2, even when I didn't complete the circuit or connect another other wire.
  2. Thanks, I will try your suggestion. Here is more troubleshooting: https://photos.app.goo.gl/7wAVUEzkEmz4qmbG6 Note: I said it wrong near the end of the video that the one with high voltage is Black. It's actually white as in the diagram above.
  3. If you have any suggestion to safely test the wires to figure out more information, let me know.
  4. The wire color can mean anything, it looks like. Not sure this helps but the existing switches are Levitons.
  5. I have replaced 15 single pole switches and 1 3-way switch before. I am trying to replace another 3-way switch, and I am confused about the wiring. I am hoping that some of the folks can help me. I have this multimeter if it's needed to check connectivity of the wires.
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