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  1. I just wanted to update people on my situation and thank everyone for their help. I replaced the serial PLM on my new EISY with a new serial PLM from the Insteon store. The one I had before was repaired through the eBay program when Insteon closed down. All statuses on UD Mobile appear to be working. Thanks again for all of your help.
  2. That would be a good solution, except that the status doesn't seem correct on the admin console either. So I think Javi may be right, and I need to consider line noise. But, I am already using filters, so I am going to try changing the PLM. The one I am using was one that was repaired through eBay when there was a shortage. I have a new one to try.
  3. Two questions (and I know that I am a bit off-topic here): 1) Is there a specific test for line noise? 2) I tried searching for "How to Replace a PLM" and couldn't find anything. I have a spare Serial PLM here and would try it but I want to do it right. Thx.
  4. By the way, as I was about to order a new PLM, I noticed that the Serial one I am using now was only purchased in April 2023. Seems fast to have a failure.
  5. This is happening on scenes and devices as well, and it is not affecting just a few devices. So, I will assume it is a PLM issue and order a new one. As for estimated status, can I assume that UDM can then never give the status of a scene with 100% accuracy? If so, perhaps I should reconfigure my favorites to only be devices and not scenes.
  6. Here is a perfect example. I logged into both UDM and the console, and the Media Room light (Insteon) is showing as off, but it is on. I query the device on UDM, and then both show On at the same time. So, to answer your questions, yes and yes :). Funny, I bought the EISY hoping to solve the issue and now you say it is the PLM. Where do you recommend I purchase a new PLM from? The Insteon Store? Does serial or USB work best (I already bought the serial cable when I got the EISY)? Thanks.
  7. I am on eisy 5.8.3 and UD Mobile 1.1.73. I believe these are both the latest versions. I have a favorites page on UD mobile with scenes. The status is almost always incorrect when I start the app. Clicking on a scene icon shows the underlying devices and even those are incorrect. Sometimes, pressing Query corrects it, but often it does not. I actually just upgraded to the EISY, not just because of the UD "push" :), but also because I was hoping it would solve this issue. Sadly, it hasn't. What else could it be? Thanks.
  8. This may be a feature request but I think it would be very helpful: - Separate out scenes and devices - Sort devices by on/off Furthermore, I am having a big problem with the on/off status in UDM properly updating. When I start UDM, the statuses are rarely correct. I have to manually query each device that is incorrect and, even then, it only seems to correct itself some of the time. Is there a configuration I have wrong?
  9. I am finding that my favorites screen is never properly updated. I need to query either the individual device or the entire system EVERY time. Is that normal behavior or am I missing something in the setup? Thanks.
  10. This is really helpful. Thank you so much. Interestingly, when I choose defaults, they do not get added to the Mapped Values but seem to work. I hope I set it correctly under User Preferences. I just set the Zero Color Code to #00aa00 and the Positive Color Code to #ff0000.
  11. Got it. But you can also just click on the ISY in the Home Screen and then My Devices to see everything - it just won't be organized by folder, room, etc. The tips you gave for the configuration of the icons is great. But copying the mapped values isn't working for me. This will be a real pain to set up for each device or scene.
  12. To be able to easily see what is on and off, you showed us how to create icons with customization where the color changes. I don't think I can do that with a folder as I get a Display Node Required error. So is the only way to get this type of icon display is to create scenes in AC?
  13. Thanks. I'll try it. And, just to confirm, if I want to do the above for as many lights as possible, I need to create scenes in the AC first? Even if I am not using them for anything other than this capability? Thx.
  14. It was the status in UD that wasn't updating. The lights respond. And yes, I had two KPLs in the scene so I excluded them. Unfortunately, the status is still not updating :(. BUT....I realized that the first KPL was actually the load. So I re-enabled that one and disabled the other KPL and the two slave switches and I think I have success. Thanks! Is there any way to copy the mapped values/configuration from one scene to the next?
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