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Everything posted by KSP1138

  1. I don't have the Backup/Restore options under Z-Wave either. I have a Eisy and I'm currently using the Zooz 700 stick, but I have a ZMatter USB on the way. Edit - And that's because it is only supported on the UD ZMatter USB. Thanks, Techman. DIdn't see that documented anywhere.
  2. The upgrade went fine, but after the upgrade both my wired (re0) and wi-fi (wlan0) interfaces were active. I have a static mapping for the wired interface on my router. The wi-fi interface uses DHCP. I could ssh in under either address, but the admin console and polyglot were running under the wi-fi interface's IP. Everything worked, but things were a little confusing with 2 entries in the IoX finder, with both listing the wired interface's UID. After a reboot just now only the wired interface is active again.
  3. Also getting "Unsupported device" with a new HS220 I tried to add today (hardware version 3.26, firmware 1.1.1). No issues with older HS220's running 3.0/1.0.11.
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