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Everything posted by richardw

  1. Well, duh. No, I never clicked on Network Folder. That would have saved a bunch of aggravation.
  2. Ok. Turns out I just got myself all confused. This is a new system and I've been adding lots of switches. I had the names mixed up so I the switch I deleted was not the switch I thought I was working on. I hadn't looked at the IoX device links table previously. Doing this showed me the switch addresses with the names I have given them. So, not an actual issue. Just user error. Thanks again for the responses.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, that did not correct the problem. The switch continues to show in the PLM link table, but not in the Network folder. I have also reset the PLM and the switch. No luck. Any other suggestions?
  4. I have an Insteon dimmer switch I am trying to re-add to eISY. It was previously in and I had an issue so I deleted the link and reset the switch. When I try to link the switch the eISY tells me it is "already added". It does not show in the Main list. The address does show in the PLM link table. Can anyone tell me how to fix this so that I can get the switch back in the eISY?
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