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  1. Thanks Jon, I eventually got there. Fortunately, I don't tinker with my system enough to continue to be familiar with the tools. I have had it working for eight years now and only occasionally have to tweak it. Thanks for the reply. Terry
  2. I had some very short, rapid fire power outages last week and lost my Programs. My backups were old, so I rebuilt from scratch. I have everything back to normal and working again (AND backed up). However one device (LR Table Lamps) no longer appears in my Program folder. It appears (and functions) in My Lighting and in a scene I've named Evening, but no longer appears in the Program tree under Home Daily. It has always been there before so I know I moved this device into the Program before. I've searched the manual and the wiki and can't find it. How do I copy or move this device from either the My Lighting tree or the Evening tree and into the Program called Home Daily? All Devices in my My Lighting folder are repeated in the Evening scene and (previously) in the Home Daily Program. So my system is pretty simple, but I can't get the LR Table Lamps device back into the Program. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Will deleting it and then adding it back change all my other devices to responders only? Getting rid of the Controller status they all show now?
  4. It has been in place as a Responder for years. No problem. See attachments:
  5. Techman, The 2427D was added as a responder controlled by a program. I guess I had it highlighted and somehow changed it to a controller. Now it, and every other device in my system, shows membership to both Controller and Responder. I want to remove Controller from all 21 devices.
  6. Not sure how, but I inadvertently added "Is Controller For" to a 2427D Dual Band OutletLinc Dimmer (via the Admin Console) which had worked flawlessly for many years. It controls a Kitchen Desk Lamp. That move "automatically" wrote "Controller" to every other device in my system. All were previously "Responder For" only. Now when I turn on that device (Kitchen Desk) every lamp in the house comes on. The program that runs all the devices nightly still functions but the Kitchen Desk light never comes on as scheduled. How do I remove my Kitchen Desk Lamp's "Is Controller For" from Membership in my devices? Am I correct in assuming that I don't necessarily need a "Controller" among a bunch of lamp dimmers and wall toggle switches? Does the ISY994 not write the program functions to the responders? I have no RemoteLinc or Keypads. Attached is the ISY link diagnostic for the Kitchen Desk Lamp. It should only do ON, DIM and OFF (probably the first three lines). I suspect the remaining 19 "62" codes are turning all the other lamps on when the Kitchen Desk lamp is turned on. At the same time I also lost total control from the MobiLinc Pro app on my iPhone. It will not sync with the 994 anymore.
  7. Thank you Brian. Guess that has been asked about a lot.
  8. I currently run an old ISY 99i?IR PRO with about 20 dual band dimmer and switch modules. I typically only use one program daily. I have a new ISY994i that I'd like to install in place of the old '99i. Where can I find a step-by-step (I am no computer genius) instruction on how to make this upgrade? Current ISY99i is FW 3.3.10. Current Admin console is 4.3.26. I assume I'll need to make a backup file, pull the old ISY, install the new ISY, then restore the file? Must be more to it than that. Thanks in advance. Terry
  9. Thanks Rand. I really appreciate your patience and your guidance. Take care. Terry
  10. Thanks to the help from folks on this forum and the hard-working team at UDI, after just more than one month for first hooking up my ISY-99, my entire residence is now totally X-10 FREE! I replaced my final two X-10 devices today. My appreciation to all. Terry
  11. Perfect. Thanks again, Rand. Terry
  12. I read somewhere that I can simply "append" my IP log-in address (with /admin) to expedidte logging in and opening the Admin Console. Just where in the ISY99 software would I "append" this so that it is saved as such? Thanks, Terry
  13. Thanks again, Rand. I'll give that a shot today. Terry
  14. I have wrestled with this all day and have just now created a program that will ramp up a desk lamp at 20 minutes before sunset (to 85%) and turn it off at 6:30 the following morning. What I can't figure out is how to dim the same lamp to 35% at 9:56 the same evening and leave it there until the OFF commant the following moring. 1. Turn on 20 minutes before sunset set to 85% 2. At 9:56 PM dim to 35% 3. Turn off at 6:30 AM following day. How do I insert the 9:56 command to dim to 35%??? Once I understand how to accomplish this, I can do my whole house in 30 minutes. ;o) Thanks, Terry
  15. Hi Michel, Just wanted to say thanks for the great support. Rand called me today and we tracked down some unexpected issues (including that someone had changed my router IP. THAT had you scratching your head, didn't it?). I am up and running with working modules installed. Had to leave the ISY and PLM in the basement office, it still doesn't like the switch up here in the kitchen. Will tackle programming a room at a time now. Again, the customer service at UDI is second to none. You guys can be very proud. Regards, Terry
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