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  1. The Firmware line and UI line are both 3.1.17, I then upgraded my Java to the current version. I also unplugged and plugged back in my isy99i. Things are working now. Thank you for your help.
  2. Hi, Have a dumb question, with probably an easy answer. I am trying to adjust the on level and ramp rate on my Switchlinc via my isy99i. I just downloaded the latest version of the firmware for the isy, and all of my scenes are running fine. I also have "automatic writes to devices" on. When I click on a device - lets say kitchen can lights, which is a Switchlinc 2476D dimmer, I can turn it on and off via Universal Devices Administrative Console. But when I click on the "On level [applied locally]" and click it to lets say 50%, nothing happens, it doesn't write anything to the dimmer. I have even tried right clicking on the device and click on the "Write updates to device" and it does nothing. If I navigate to another device and then come back, the level is where it was at before, and has not changed to the 50%. Now I have used this isy99 for about 1 1/2 years and have not had a problem with it (as far as I know), so do I need to just unplug it and plug it back in, or am I doing something wrong here. Before, I would make this adjustment, the isy would write the changes to the switch, I would power off and on the switch, and the changes would take effect. Now, the isy does not even write the changes to the switch, and I have tried multiple switches just to be sure. Thanks, CT
  3. Ok, got it working. Two things. You are right, the switch was bad. I changed it out, and it now works. The second thing, I was doing it wrong. I was clicking on the scene in the left tree, and adjusting the values in the right. I figured out that I need to click not on the scene, but on the controller (the MS in this case), and adjust the values in the right window. I see this now, but you think that if you click on the scene, and the things under the "scene tree," then they should change. I know now. Once again, not very intuitive. Thanks for your help. CT
  4. Ok, I linked another switch in another room and set it to 40% with ramp rate at 19 seconds. I also adjusted the switch settings outside of the scene to the same. I power cycled the switch anyways just in case. Same thing happens when the motion sensor goes off. The bathroom light as well as the other light both go to 100% instantly. [As an aside, when the scene is running, the current state of the bathroom light says 40% even though it is at 100% showing me the ISY does not really know the actual level of the light.] But when I use the paddle on either light, the light goes to 40% in 19seconds. Another new interesting phenomena is that the paddle makes the other light go to 40% in 19seconds, but the on button (not instant on) in the ISY takes it to 40% instantly (not in 19 seconds), even though it says 19 seconds on screen. This just gets worse and worse. I don't understand what is happening. Do I need to do anything to the motion sensor? Do I need to create a program? If so, then what is the purpose of a scene... I have unplugged my ISY and let it sit for a bit, and still no change. Is my ISY bad????? This is more complicated than it needs to be. Should I return my ISY for an exchange? Help please. Thanks...
  5. Ok, I tried what you said about cycling the switchlinc devices and it worked. Wish the instructions would just say that. I still can't seem to get the motion detector issue working. I cycled the switchlinc that the motion detector controls and it still turns up to full. It turns up to 40% in 2 seconds (which is what i want), and then goes up to 100% instantly. It seems that the light is doing what I want it to do, then it is overridden by something. Manually, the light goes to 40% in 2 seconds. Do I need to cycle the motinon detector as well? I selected the scene and changed the light level and ramp rate both under the scene with the motion detector and also at the device itself. still not working. Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by creating a scene with the switch and call it on or off... Can you be more specific please. I have a scene that contains only the motion detector and the 1 switch. It is pretty basic. What else do I need to do? It seems again, that by creating a scene with the swithclinc in it at the proper rate and level should be enough. But I guess it is more complicated than that.... Thank you, CT
  6. Hi, I had X-10in my old house, and have Insteon in part of my new house. I am new to the Isy99 IR/pro - just bought it about 1 month ago. BTW, I am running firmware version 2.7.15, and have 2 lamplinc modules as access points if that makes a difference. I am having two issues so far, and feel that they may be related. I called tech support at Smarthome about the motion detector issue and they didn't know what was going on - not a good sign. Anyways, any help would be appreciated. The first problem seems to me to be a simple problem that for some reason I can't figure out. When I go to the main menu and click on a specific switchlinc dimmer - lets call it kitchen, I get a window on the right that says ramp rate [applied locally] and on level [applied locally]. Now when I adjust the on level on the computer, the light I am adjusting turns on to that level - good. But when I adjust the ramp rate, the light turns on and off instantly, even though the window on the right says different. Now if I turn the device on with the "on button" at the bottom of the page, the light turns on instantly, even though the ramp rate is set to 19 seconds lets say. However, it turns on to the specified level - lets say 40%. Now this does not make sense to me. I have the Automatically Write Changes to Devices button on, and it is obviously writing changes as the on level is being accepted. Now if I go to the wall switch and turn it on manually, it goes to 100% instantly. None of this makes any sense to me. This kitchen light is not part of a program, nor is it part of a scene. I was just testing it and don't understand why the program shows one thing, but the light does something completely different. I should be able to program a ramp rate and an on level with this thing I would hope. Am I missing something. And yes, the light switch's ramp rate can be programmed. I tried this manually after becoming frustrated with the ISY 99 and it works. Second problem, is that I have a scene where a motion detector turns on a switchlinc to 40% in 19 seconds. Now this didn't work for a while, and then for some reason, it started working. Then I went to the scene and turned the light to 50%, and now when it senses motion, it turns to 100% instantly. Then it turns off ok after it times out. Once again, the problem is the ramp rate and the light level not turning on to the level that I want them to. When i look at the ramp rate and the on level under the scene, they are set to what I want them to be. Do I have to use a program for this and not a scene? Third question, not a problem yet. How do I program a device (once again a switch linc) to turn on to 40% in 10 seconds from the ISY so that when I actually push the paddle, it does it. I know that I can program the switch manually, but this defeats the purpose of buying the ISY. By the way, when I make an adjustment it says "Writing" in a green arrow, which is new to this firmware upgrade. Am I doing something wrong, do I have to reset something or update something every time I make a change, or is my ISY messed up, or what. It shouldn't be this hard to just program simple devices with the ISY. Sorry for the frustrated rambling, but I can't even get the simple stuff to work. Thank you.....
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