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Community Answers

  1. @Javi Any recommendations or should I turn in a support ticket?
  2. @DennisC I'm on eisy running the current firmware version 5.8.0 I am on the latest UD Mobile I have rebooted the eisy via Configuration / eisy System Settings / Reboot
  3. I recently added notifications to the mobile app and PG3 and it seems to have corrupted the notification system. I’ve put this in the PG3 Notification section of the forum – hopefully this is the right place. Prior to making this update, my notifications did work properly. Once I made the update, all of my existing notification content (Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, etc.) were replaced by “Response Type2”. If I go to If/Then, I am not able to use the “Remove Line” button to delete “Response Type2” and make changes. If I go to “Customizations” to add new content, I am unable to add new content as clicking the box does not do anything. I’ve attached a copy of the error message that shows within the Mobile app if I try to add a notification there. I’ve also attached a screenshot of the PG3 notification installation. Is there a way to fix this? Or, will I need to go back to a backup to start over with this?
  4. @dbwarner5 Does the program operate something like this in terms of logic? 1. Tracking variable or armed status from Elk module indicates that system is armed. 2. Your random light program runs the "Then" part of the program (within the hours shown - I assume with the option to run it daily checked to keep the program running until you return). 3 Tracking variable or disarmed status from Elk Module indicates that system is disarmed. 4. Your random light program runs the "Else" part of the program and turns everything off.
  5. Thank you both @RPerrault and @dbwarner5 for the great suggestions!
  6. @Jimbo.Automates Time for your laugh of the day... As you wrote, my first example should have worked perfectly yet didn't. Your example showed a similar syntax to what I was using so I was puzzled. My next step was to go through every single program folder to check for anything related to arming / disarming. Here's the shocker and reason things weren't working, the top hierarchal folder "My Programs" had an IF: "Home Armed Staus is Disarmed" which only allowed any of my programs to run when disarmed. Oh my! I have no idea as to when that If statement was added. If the system was in "Armed Away" status, it meant I was gone away from home and therefore had no idea that my programs weren't running as intended. Somewhat obvious to me now is that we rarely armed our alarm system over the years since our kids were growing up and someone was always home. Now that we'll soon be empty nesters, we'll be arming our system regularly and it's good to know all my programs will run properly. Thank you very much for your reply as it prompted me to dig further!
  7. My simple goal is that while I’m on vacation or away from home, I’d like to have some lights turn on (in my case I’m trying to set lights to turn on at specified times each day while I’m gone). I thought this would be very easy to accomplish but having tried every approach I can think of, I can’t get anything to happen when the Elk’s Armed Status is “Armed Away”. Can anyone provide a way to accomplish this goal? None of these methods worked with screenshots below as I don't know how to insert them within the message: 1. My first try was what I thought would be the easiest simply using armed status as a trigger. 2. My second try was to set a rule within Elk to turn on output 80 to use to start a program. 3. My third try was trying to use a state variable to activate a program. I use the Elk to trigger a lot of activities such as turning on a light on/off when a door is opened/closed. I’m able to arm and disarm within the Elk Module using the ISY Admin Console to “Set Armed Status”. From my perspective, everything with the Elk Module is working properly. I've also attached a screenshot of my Elk status in armed mode: Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
  8. PM Sent with log package attached. Thank you.
  9. I’m having the same issue. I thought I was perhaps losing my connection with the Internet provider but it’s always one minute at random times.
  10. Thank you! I'll go ahead with your recommended solution.
  11. I recently started receiving notifications on my UDI Mobile App showing "ELK (1): Failed from PG3" followed (usually within a minute) by "ELK (1): Connected from PG3". These notifications are at least daily and sometimes multiple times per day. I turned off the sound for notifications due to the frequency of the notifications. I don't recall this happening in the past and it seems to have started within the past month I'm guessing. I just thought it was an aberration and would go away on its own. In terms of troubleshooting, I'm stumped. I have my cable modem, router and ISY on an uninterruptible power supply. There is no evidence of a bad internet connection at the failure times on either my cable modem or router logs. My Elk alarm panel gave a system battery error last week but I replaced the system 12V 8AH battery within a few days and continued to recieve these notifications both before and after the battery replacement. There are no other causal factors I can tie to this other than the notification behavior seems completely random. Any ideas?
  12. Just to follow up, I checked with Michel and, as @kzboray had mentioned, there was some type of corruption that followed from the old switch to the new switch. Given only a few scenes were involved, I removed that keypad from each scene, did a full factory reset and then re-added the keys back to the individual scenes. I had never had that happen previously. In hindsight, given the limited number of scenes involved, I should have simply followed that process earlier as part of my troubleshooting. Thank you all ( @kzboray @MrBill and @BamBamF16 for your assistance, It was incredibly kind of each of you to help and I learned some new things along the way!
  13. @BamBamF16 I don't know if this is what you're looking for but I attached a photo of a scene with button C (Rec Rm 4D.3D.6B.C) which controls all our basement lights. It is a multi-way setup as shown with the other controllers in red which all activate the main load (4D.3D.6B.1) from the dimmer keypad.
  14. @Techman The red wire is connected to the load which is 4 Halo Can Lights with Philips BR30 100W / 15W LED bulbs (which work flawlessly for dimming on all other bulbs in the area). The light / load does turn on and off directly from the keypad switch. Importantly, the scene using this switch's load properly activates turning on the 4 Halo Can lights from the other Keypads in the scene as well as the UD Mobile app. To me, the scene is correctly set-up which is why I don't understand why the lights / load from the scene won't activate from the "A" keypad button directly on the switch and only from other devices. I've attached relevant screenshots to help.
  15. @Techman The non-toggle position didn't seem to change anything. For the scene, clicking on the name of the scene to view each responder using "Light" as the name of the switch: Light.1 is 100% in .1 seconds (this is the load on the same keypad as button A) Light.A (the scene button) is "Insteon" (rather than command or default) and On Level is "On"
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