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Everything posted by marklin77

  1. Thank you for getting back on this so quickly. Currently only keypad_button_b is the controller of InlineLinc within the scene. And as expect the LED on the keypad is representative of InlineLinc's status. But what happens if I turn on InlineLinc from ISY directly. The relay goes on, but the keypad_button_b status does not follow. How do I make the keypad LED follow the status of the relay? I tried making a program and messing with the backlit option but that didn't work too well. Mark
  2. Hi Everyone, I got a KyepadLinc where one button is controlling another inlineLinc that turns on/off the porch light. Currently I have a scene with both keypad_button_b and the inlinelinc, so when I turn on porch light via keypad, its status led is correct. My question is, if another device turns on the porch light, how do I make the keypad_button_b led reflect the on/off status of the inlinelinc? And more importaintly how do I do this via isy? Thx in advance
  3. Battling a strange problem this morning. I would checking my ISY-99i from work via a desktop and all is well. Then I switch over to the IPHONE app mobilinc lite (for the 1st time), it reports connection time out. From this point on, ISY disappeared from the network. My route can no longer see its IP address and rebooting the router in hope it was a router issue did not fix the problem. Note, my isy is on static IP not DHCP. Has anyone experienced this? Whats the fix? Mark
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