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Everything posted by jjsmd

  1. I have a program to turn on/off lights at sunrise and sunset that do not seem to be working. The sunrise/sunset times are displaying properly in the configuration page but do not seem to set off the commands
  2. How do i go about running a python program and storing the data in a variable and the having eisy use that data in an event?
  3. Thank you for the information. I will try it out.
  4. Hi: I am still using the isy994i and have been using it for several years. Last few months I have started experiencing sudden and random times all of my insteon light switches being turned on. It happens randomly about once a week or two, never at the same time or day but when it happens in middle of the night and everything turns on it is quite annoying. I have disabled any battery powered devices in the isy (although I have not actually removed them) I am using the isy in conjunction with Homeseer but nothing in the homeseer log shows up. I have about 75 insteon light switches and some are quite old. Is this a problem in isy994i? What would be the best way to troubleshoot the problem?
  5. Is there any way I can use one command( example “turn on lights”) in bedroom where I have an echo spot and it would turn on only bedroom lights but when I use same command in kitchen where I have an echo show it would turn on kitchen lights?
  6. Hi: I have been using the Isy 994i for a while with my fairly large insteon setup. Recently I had a contractor do some work on my house, and without my knowledge he replaced about 10 insteon switches with standard light switches ( and tossed the insteon switches) I have now replaced the insteon switches , but I have 3 questions 1) what is the best way to delete all of themissing switches? 2) is there a way to do a multiple delete of a number switches? In the past when I deleted a switch , each one would take about 5-10 minutes to complete the deletion. 3) finally , is there a way to just restore an old switch with a new one without the obligatory delete and replace? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Joe
  7. jjsmd

    Corrupt XML?

    Thanks Sorry if I posted in wrong forum
  8. jjsmd

    Corrupt XML?

    I am getting the following in my Homeseer log ISYInsteon RESTQueryVariableNames : --> Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. Jun-12 7:52:26 AM ISYInsteon RESTQueryVariableNames : REST variable query failed. Corrupteded XML? Can someone please tell me what is wrong and how do I go about fixing it? Thanks
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