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Everything posted by cul8rv8
I'm not sure what could be causing this, but ever since I moved into my new home, my automation items have not been working as I would like. It is a rental home, so I don't have a lot of my stuff installed, but the few things I do have, I have found programs haven't been turning things on and off as I would like. I've put it off for a while, just dealt with it, but I would like to have some of these things working now. So in my troubleshooting and what have you, I've found that my ISY loses connectivity. Even using http://universal-devices.com/99i does not find it. I just rebooted it last night and was able to access it both from my MobiLinc app as well as my laptop, but today it's not available. Even pinging the static IP times out. Any thoughts or suggestions what may be causing it? My home network topology has never changed, and I don't have IP issues with other gear on the network, including my NAS server. The ISY99i does have a static IP address, and if I remember correctly it is on the last available update (I've been lazy and haven't walked upstairs to pull the power and reboot it again today). Thanks! Jeff
Took me a couple days, but I finally see my own problem. I feel like an idiot, but I guess this just means I'm learning the programming. If you want it to not set it to 80* when it's between 80 and 88, it helps to not call the THEN statement...
I think I figured out where I screwed up, and the inherent mistake in my thinking of how to program the ISY. I believed that when the "If" field was empty, this would cause the program to always be TRUE. My mind says if there are no limitations to check, then the conditions are true. But after looking at the program summary screen and trying a couple things, I believe that an empty "If" field does not cause it to be TRUE, but rather running the "Then" field sets it to TRUE, and running the "Else" field sets the program to FALSE. This seems to be the key to the whole thing for me. Now that I grasp this concept, it all makes a helluva lot more sense. My problem on the above setup I described was I had not set nightoff0body to run on startup, and it was thus set to false. Since that was never true, nightoff1cond never met the criteria to be true, and thus never ran. I certainly like your single program using variables better. This setup I built was more than just to turn all the lights off in the house, but to also verify my grasp of the programming. Since I'm at work as I realized my mistake in understanding, I will have to see if she will try it again today. My gut says it's actually going to work now as I have it. Then I'll probably clean it up and change it to something more simple.
Well, tested it when I got home last night, didn't work. Guess I don't have as good of a grasp on how the ISY programming works as I thought. Back to the drawing board, time to read through stuff again.
OK, I've posted a couple times the last couple days about trying to get the programming down for the ISY. One of the programs that I thought was pretty straight forward is not working as expected. Perhaps someone can help me with it. I work Mon-Thurs, and my electricity rates are high during the middle of the day in the heat of the summer. Thus, I have programs set to raise the Cool Setpoint on my thermostats during the day. These appear to be working normally. I also have created a set of programs that will revert back to the desired Cool Setpoint after 5 minutes when changed during the high rate period. This is what isn't working correctly. The desired Cool Setpoint is 88* Mon-Thurs, then 80* on Friday. All 3 of these programs are within a folder set as follows: Folder Conditions for 'afternoon no changes' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 12:55:00PM For 6 hours and 10 minutes Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. no changes If Status 'Upstairs Thermostat Main' < 88° (Cool Setpoint) Then Run Program 'no changes fri' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') no changes fri If Program 'no changes' is True And Status 'Upstairs Thermostat Main' < 80° (Cool Setpoint) Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'Upstairs Thermostat Main' 80° (Cool Setpoint) Else Run Program 'no changes work' (If) no changes work If Program 'no changes' is True And Program 'no changes fri' is False Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'Upstairs Thermostat Main' 88° (Cool Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') My thought process, then writing out the plan by hand, came up with this setup. During the designated window Mon-Fri, if the Cool Setpoint dropped below 88*, it would trigger. Next it would check if it was below 80*. If it was below 80*, wait for 5 minutes to allow the person who was hot and adjusted to cool off a bit, then set back to 80*. Then it would wait another 5 minutes, and set back to 88*. Now, this isn't perfect to what I want, but it was a start. I likely would add a Time block on Mon - Thurs for changing back to 88*, that way on Fridays it only goes back to 80*. But for now I'm sticking with what I have here to make sure it works before the summer gets here. At any rate, I have tested by changing the Cool Setpoint to 87*. Once I do that, I see in the Summary page that "no changes fri" is true, when in fact it should be false. It runs the 'Then,' changes the Cool Setpoint to 80*, then just shows "no changes" and "no changes fri" both as true, so it never runs the 3rd leg, "no changes both." In the grand scheme of it all, the failure seems to be just one thing. "no changes fri" evaluates as TRUE, even though I believe it should evaluate FALSE. Am I doing something wrong, or looking at this incorrectly? As a test I added a time schedule to "no changes fri," and shortened the wait to 1 minute for testing. Now built as follows, and still evaluates TRUE as I test today (Tues). If On Fri From 12:55:00PM For 6 hours and 10 minutes And Program 'no changes' is True And Status 'Upstairs Thermostat Main' < 80° (Cool Setpoint) Then Wait 1 minute Set 'Upstairs Thermostat Main' 80° (Cool Setpoint) Else Run Program 'no changes work' (If)
No worries, I laughed. Besides, she's not my wife. She's more like a friend with benefits that's usually at my house 3 or 4 nights a week. I just figure significant other sounds nicer.
Well, I just wrote it, but won't be home from work for another 6 or 7 hours. I guess I'm just looking for confirmation that I'm understanding how to program on the ISY. Yes, it turns the light off, then back on. I've had it this way for some time with HouseLinc. The problem is my significant other, she likes to huff and puff and get pissy with me because she can't make it work. She doesn't do the fast off double tap quick enough, then stands there and gets frustrated, then eventually gets pissed off and makes me get up out of bed to do it for her. Also, this was just the closest program setup to what was in the thread I linked above. The thread just never wrote out what was in each program and traced it back, so that was my hope with this one. Basically I haven't written "code" since I was in college, where I determined that I hated coding and never wanted to do it for a living. So I got away from code and went into telecom/networking. When I coded in college, I was never very good at it, either, so I just feel better when someone better than me just says, "yes, that will do what you want it to do." lol
I am trying to do a similar task, and as a newb I'm looking for someone to just confirm that I programmed this correctly. I read the primer in the How-To section (Triggers and conditions and IFs, oh my!), and it mostly made sense, so I think I have it right. I have read it 2 or 3 times so far, need to just keep going through it while I build my programs until it is crystal clear. The idea being doing a double tap on my main SwitchLinc in my bedroom will set that room to 30%, turn off all the other lights in the house, then 30 seconds later turn off the bedroom light. Currently it is set up in my HouseLinc as follows. ___________________ Trigger: Master BR dimmer Off double-tapped Actions: Master BR dimmer set level 30% Pause for 30 seconds Master BR dimmer set level off ___________________ Here is what I have programmed in the ISY nightoff0body If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'nightoff1body' (Else Path) Run Program 'nightoff2body' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') nightoff1body If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'nightoff0body' (Else Path) Run Program 'nightoff2body' (Else Path) Wait 2 seconds Run Program 'nightoff0body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') nightoff1cond If Program 'nightoff0body' is True And Control 'Master Bedroom Main' is switched Off Then Run Program 'nightoff1body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') nightoff2body If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'nightoff0body' (Else Path) Run Program 'nightoff1body' (Else Path) Run Program 'nightoff results' (Then Path) Wait 5 seconds Run Program 'nightoff0body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') nightoff2cond If Program 'nightoff1body' is True And Status 'Master Bedroom Main' is Off Then Run Program 'nightoff2body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') nightoff results If Program 'nightoff2body' is True Then Set 'Master Bedroom Main' 30% Set 'Back Porch Light' Off ... Set 'Upstairs Hallway Main' Off Wait 30 seconds Set 'Master Bedroom Main' Off Run Program 'nightoff0body' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I plan to change "nightoff results" to use a scene that contains all of the devices rather than individually turning off each device, but right now I'm using both the ISY and my HouseLinc software, so when I added all devices and kept current links, it created a bunch of scenes that I know can be cleaned up. So I plan to clean those up one at a time as I work through moving over control slowly. I just need to go through 30 or 40 scenes and determine which ones are duplicates, which can be deleted, and renaming them all. Who knew as I kept adding devices over the last 3 or 4 years that I just made links without really thinking about scenes or what I was dupliating.
Basically I added just the thermostats first, and they weren't showing as my 2 devices on there, which was odd to me. I posted on the MobiLinc forum, thermostats aren't included in the current Lite version. Of course, I still haven't read the description in iTunes, so it probably said that on there. They said they plan to add thermostat functionality to the new Lite version to hopefully be released after the first of the year. MobiLinc certainly isn't critical to me, but thermostat control is the main thing I want out of the app. The other functionality is nice, but none of it is really needed currently, so I'd rather try the free version with my thermostats to decide if it's worth buying the full version. My biggest question is how much will I really use it, and does that warrant spending the money on the app.
Thanks for the help, Lee. My apologies for the newb-ish question. I have several of them in my head, but I'm trying to search for the answer or figure them out on my own. It's just taking some getting used to how the ISY works, as well as the programming. I'm finding that what I come up with in my head that I want to happen can be difficult to put down in a program. I'm sure it will come with time.
OK, I'm starting to figure this stuff out. I closed out and went back in, and the GUI is a little different. When I look at the add device page, the all-in-one thermostat is now listed, whereas it wasn't before. I think when I looked before, I had gone in using http://www.universal-devices.com/99i, and this time I used my local IP address.
I am new to the ISY, it was delivered Friday while I was out of town. So last night when I got home, I started playing with it, had a few issues here and there, but finally figured out those were created by my anti-virus. Today, I've got all my INSTEON devices added, but had some troubles with my 2 thermostats. When I first was trying to add them, they came up as unsupported devices. Did a search, found that I needed to update. Updated to 3.1.14. These were the first devices I was trying to add, so it was no big deal doing a factory reset and re-enter. I re-added the thermostats, and I swear that I saw them show up correctly, but when I went to create a program based on a thermostat, I could not select a temperature as a condition. Went back to the main tab, and to one of the thermostats, and it still shows as "Unsupported Device." Not sure if this is because I have the integrated Venstars (2491T1E) or not, but I assume so. My work-around was to delete the thermostat I'm trying to work with, then re-add it without the Auto Discover Device Type, but rather setting it to the 2441V. Now when I go to the program tab, I can select the setpoint as a condition on a program. Is this the best way to do this, or is there something I'm missing? Also, will this work-around cause any issues. On a side note, I still cannot get the thermostats to show up in MobiLinc. I only have the Lite version currently, as I want to make sure I can get it to do what I want before I purchase the iPhone app.
No worries, Michel. No, I see no sequence whatsoever. The blue power light comes on and that's it. I have gone ahead and filled out the RMA paperwork for Smarthome, boxed it up, and now I'm waiting for the postal service to pick it up. While disappointed I don't get to play with my new "toy" right out of the box, I'm glad I found that it was a problem before really getting into setting it up. That would have been way more frustrating. I just wish I would have bought one a couple years ago when I started down the automation path, rather than going with the HouseLinc software. HL2 has done fine for me, but I'm really looking forward to a much more robust experience both in control and programming.
Absolutely. I unplugged my ATA, link light on the switch went out. Plugged it into the 99i, link light did not come back on. Unplugged from the 99i and back into the ATA, link light on the switch lit up. So I know the port on the switch is good, as well as the cat5 cable is good. I then tried directly to my router as well, still no link lights anywhere.
Hi all, lurked around here for quite a while, finally bought my 99i. It arrived from Smarthome yesterday. When I got home I went to set it up, but couldn't get to the interface from my laptop. When I went into my wiring closet, I notice there is no link light on my network switch where I connected the 99i. I then swapped to a known-good cat-5 cable (currently in use for one of my VoIP ATA's), same thing. Basically I believe the device was DOA, but I'm not sure what I should expect to see at start-up, as this is my first experience with the 99i. I see the blue power light come on when I plug it in, but no other lights ever come on. No Tx or Rx, no link lights on the Network port, no error light, nothing. Is it safe to assume it's dead? I just want to make sure before I do a return to Smarthome.