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Everything posted by vandede

  1. And if your backup copy was messed up already?
  2. Somehow I messed up the PLM and ISY links tables. I did a "restore modem (PLM)" and it didn't fix it this time. So I did a "delete modem (PLM)". Now everything seems messed up and current states aren't updated automatically. I'm running 2.8.6. Isn't there an easy way to keep or get them in synch? Do I have to start from scratch by deleting all the devices? I'm new to the ISY world but the instability of the system is frustrating me.
  3. You're brilliant! The PLM restore fixed all my problems. Thank you, God bless.
  4. I upgraded to 2.8.4 and relinked the EZIO6I (adding the EZIO6I under the Link Management - New Insteon Device and selected device type "07.07 Compacta EZIO6I) but it still has the same problem. The EZIO6I shows in the Device Links Table and the ISY Links Table but NOT in the PLM Links Table. Under My Lighting main screen it shows it as "Compact IZIO6Iv00". To get the status in the admin console you still need to query. I don't understand. Look forward to your thoughts!
  5. I'm running 2.8.2 but will upgrade as I think there is now a 2.8.4. Then I will remove the EZIO6I and then link it again. The "me" is just a program that says if door closure is on send notification to my email. I'm off to church but will get back to you later morning.
  6. I changed my previous post slightly (you're fast with your replies) to discuss the links table). I'm trying to use ISY to send me a message when the status changes for my door sensor. The status only changes in ISY when I do a query. I'm trying to stay simple but don't know how to get the status updated in ISY real time vs. always querying it. In the end, I'd like to know via email when the EZIO6I door status changes.
  7. So I'm sensing some hope here. And I appreciate your thorough knowledge which I don't have. Can you point me in the right direction of how I use the link records and Group commands? I'm a DIYer but just need some direction or hints where to start. In the PLM Links Table all my devices show but the EZIO6I. The EZIO6I shows up in both the ISY Links Table and the Device Links Table (although for some strange reason the Device Link Table has 7 links with the last OFC8 showing all 0s). How do I get to the link records? Using a new program? What all gets grouped? It seems inefficient to always be querying the device but thats what seems to work to show the status change.
  8. So even if I change the ezio6i to broadcast the isy99 won't detect it? That's disappointing. But then so is the difficulty in trying to use the outdated SHN utility. So I need to write a program to look at the changes in the link records if I want to get the on / off changes? Is Simplehomenet a player in home automation?
  9. My EZIO6I doesn't broadcast changes so I need to change its settings. I'm trying to figure out how to use Simplehomenets Utility Suite v2.01 to do so. I have my Smarthome PowerLinc Modem (#2413S) connected to the ISY99. How do I use the Utility Suite to change my EZIO6I settings since I don't have the EZBridge or PLC or PLM with USB (I don't have a COM port)? Appreciate any insights!
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