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  1. Just updated my eisy using “Upgrade Packages”. Compared the sys config files and it changed from 5.9.1_7 to 5.9.1_13
  2. The only place I have found it is on the Settings page.
  3. IMO, after reading as many of the posts in this forum as possible, Matter has become more of a nightmare to the developers than they expected but they are hard at work to make it compatible with eisy/isy. I don’t mind the wait personally and I am confident they know of the issues. My 2c.
  4. Oh my. After reading your Inovelli post I am feeling wholly inadequate! Wow. Way out of my league and very impressive. I think I’ll just be content with my 25 Insteon devices and Nest thermostats LOL. Matter is so intriguing I’d love to tinker with it but beginning to wonder if it will all be way over my head. Great post, thank you!
  5. Tried connecting these today via UD Mobile 1.2.2 and eisy 5.9.1 using the scan barcode technique but got the attached error.
  6. Okay I went to that page using the IP address and got the "No packages need upgrading" return. App version is 1.2.2 All good here. Thanks for the response!
  7. I went ahead and did the “Update Packages” from within the Admin Console and it did update something, now all looks normal again and still on 5.9.1. I also did a sync in the UD Mobile after the update. It shows an error as in the attached pic but everything seems to work fine. I have no Matter devices yet.
  8. Makes sense. Thank you for the explanation. You guys rock!
  9. Yes, I am on 5.9.1 and it wants me to update to 5.8.4. I’m sure it’s just a simple bug, just struck me as humorous
  10. UD Mobile iOS update finally released, but, um, see pic. I’m hanging on for the ride! Wheeee!
  11. Thank you
  12. Does anyone have the updated iOS UD Mobile??? Seems to be taking Apple forever to release the update.
  13. Apple sure seems to be taking their sweet time releasing the update. I keep refreshing but still not available. Has anyone seen it and I’m just blind?
  14. Fantastic! Thank you for the heads up!!!! woo! James
  15. Thank you @Geddy! Exactly what I was looking for. James
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