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  1. Steigs

    PLM going bad?

    Of course, sorry... ISY994 on 5.3.4 Button is definitely the scene controller. It's the table and the downlights in this scene that I'm trying to set new values for. If I fire from the KP button it goes to previous settings: If I fire from the admin console it goes to the proper settings:
  2. I'm trying to edit some scenes in the admin console. Everything looks good in the UI, it shows writing to devices, but when I fire the scene from an Insteon keypad it still brings up the unedited scene. It's as if the devices aren't getting the updated scene info. I've not run into this before, but I'm aware failing PLMs do odd things. I'm wondering if this could be the PLM or if I'm missing something when it comes to editing a scene beyond level change -> update. Thanks for any info.
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