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  1. @SSchmidt - I have 2 ISY 994s I'm no longer using because I migrated to Polisy. One has the old 300 series Z-wave module in it and the other has the 500 series module which is the latest version for the ISY. I'd let them go cheap or could trade if you have something I might be interested in. Let me know.
  2. Just an update to my reply above. I was able to get this working on my ISY/Polisy as well! Thank you gentlemen for your great work on this. Saved me a ton of time!
  3. I'm very glad I found this post about your efforts with WeeWx because I was just about to go down that rabit hole with my system. I have WeeWx running with a DIY weather station and I'm currently uploading to PWSweather and Wunderground. However, with the climate module being discontinued, I am looking for alternatives. I was going to have WeeWx output JSON via the method I found here: https://hoke.org/john/2018/05/using-weewx-for-home-automation/ and try to write a node server to parse it, but it seems like you gentlemen found a solution that works. I will see if I can follow your progress posts and replicate what you have done on my system. Thanks! Steve
  4. I can confirm the latest beta fixed the issue with my Z-wave dongle.
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