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Everything posted by stre1026

  1. @SSchmidt - I have 2 ISY 994s I'm no longer using because I migrated to Polisy. One has the old 300 series Z-wave module in it and the other has the 500 series module which is the latest version for the ISY. I'd let them go cheap or could trade if you have something I might be interested in. Let me know.
  2. Just a shot in the dark, but are you having DNS issues with the ISY reaching out to DNS servers?
  3. Has anything changed drastically in 5.3.3 from 5.3.0? This program has been working perfectly fine as is for years.
  4. I upgraded to 5.3.3 and had an issue with my Z-wave door locks. For some reason, they stopped reporting user numbers so the programs that I had fire based on the user number unlocking the door didn't work anymore. I downgraded back to 5.3.0 and the problem went away so I imagine it might be a bug in 5.3.3? The program looks like this: Side Door - Alarm Disarm - [ID 0005][Parent 0003] If 'Locks / ZW Side Door Lock' User Number is 1 Or 'Locks / ZW Side Door Lock' User Number is 2 And 'Locks / ZW Side Door Lock' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad Then Set Elk Area 'House' Disarm Set 'Kitchen / Kitchen Recessed' On Set 'Thermostats-Home' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. I had a lot of issues with my BE469 locks initially. Which firmware are you running on the locks? I have locks with 5.6 and 5.8 versions of the firmware and they work much better. As for range extenders, I've had very good luck with the latest Aeotec range extenders. They are version 5 or something. My ISY is in the basement and I have one BE469 lock on my front door that's about 40 feet away from the ISY with a range extender in the middle and it works 100% of the time. I'm also running the latest 500 Z-wave module in my ISY. Hope this info helps.
  6. stre1026

    Motion timer

    The ELK sends every motion. I have the variable updating quite quickly.
  7. stre1026

    Motion timer

    So I have a situation that I'm sure many of you have... I have kids that like to leave lights on all around the house. What I would like to do is start a timer based on the motion sensor tied to my ELK security system in the kids playroom. So when the turn the lights on, it will start a timer for say 5 minutes and if there is motion detected, it will extend that another 5 minutes. I'm trying to wrap my head around the best way to do this. I have state variables setup and a program that updates the motion state variable to 1 if it detects motion and 0 when the motion stops. However, I'm not sure of the best way to implement the timer. I'm stuck on how to best implement the rest. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Just an update to my reply above. I was able to get this working on my ISY/Polisy as well! Thank you gentlemen for your great work on this. Saved me a ton of time!
  9. I'm very glad I found this post about your efforts with WeeWx because I was just about to go down that rabit hole with my system. I have WeeWx running with a DIY weather station and I'm currently uploading to PWSweather and Wunderground. However, with the climate module being discontinued, I am looking for alternatives. I was going to have WeeWx output JSON via the method I found here: https://hoke.org/john/2018/05/using-weewx-for-home-automation/ and try to write a node server to parse it, but it seems like you gentlemen found a solution that works. I will see if I can follow your progress posts and replicate what you have done on my system. Thanks! Steve
  10. Indeed. This is interesting. I didn't know that about the 500 series. The Z-wave module I replaced was actually one of the beta modules and it had an external antenna. The new one does not. I will try and buy a few new repeaters and see if that helps!
  11. The test device will stay near the ISY for testing which is why I did the network heal after I moved it. I think I will try and purchase a few new repeaters to see if that helps. They did support beaming at the time but maybe one of them went bad. Who knows. They are cheap enough to replace to see if that solves my issue.
  12. I'm aware of the ramifications of moving a device and healing the network. I was still talking about the test lock that I have. All of these devices and repeaters have been installed in my house for over 7 years at this point and all has been working perfectly fine until I upgraded to 5.x. This is why I was thinking this may be software related and not hardware. The only thing I have done hardware related is replaced the z-wave dongle in my ISY which required a rebuild of the network. This could of course caused issues in itself.
  13. Are there different revisions of Z-wave repeaters? I'm just thinking, the ones I have are pretty old. I'm wondering if I should swap them out with newer ones if this is a signal issue?
  14. The batteries are brand new and are at 100%. I will put the lock near the ISY itself and do a network heal to see if that helps.
  15. It's not but, I have plenty of repeaters and the lock will unlock/lock every time so I'm pretty sure signal is fine. The one installed in the door is acting the same exact way so I don't think it's related to the Z-wave network.
  16. I've been playing with this for a better portion of the day. I actually configured a spare lock on my ISY so I can play with this on a bench. What I'm finding is that the user number is not always recognized by the ISY. This is most likely the cause of my issue. I'm assuming this may be a version 5.x bug because I was able to consistently read the user number on the 4.x release.
  17. I can confirm the latest beta fixed the issue with my Z-wave dongle.
  18. Sorry for the confusion. The system is not always armed if I'm home. The system is only armed when I'm away. I'll try separating the programs as you've mentioned to see if that solves the issue.
  19. Hi Larry, Thanks for your feedback. The reason I care if the system is armed or not in the program is because I don't want to be turning the lights on and changing the thermostats if I have already been home and I am just coming back inside. The doors stay locked all the time. I am also trusting that a user 2 is in my lock in order to disarm the system. I know there is a small security risk here.
  20. I'm having an issue with a program. I'm sure it's something simple with the logic but I've tried many different variations and I still can't get it to work right. What I'd like the program to do is if someone enters user code 1 or 2 into my door keypad, the program will disarm the alarm system as well as turn on the lights, etc. What happens occasionally is the alarm system will not arm when I arm it. It will arm, then immediately disarm a few seconds later.. I've traced the issue down to this program and I'm not sure why it's happening. My thought is that the user number last used to unlock the door stays in memory and so this program will always be true. Any ideas? If ( Elk Area 'House' 'Armed State' is Armed Away Or Elk Area 'House' 'Armed State' is Armed Stay ) And ( 'Locks / ZW Side Door Lock' User Number is 1 Or 'Locks / ZW Side Door Lock' User Number is 2 ) Then Set Elk Area 'House' Disarm Set 'Kitchen / Kitchen Recessed' On Set 'Thermostats-Home' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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