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Everything posted by tdmarra

  1. Hi io_guy, Thanks for the feedback I had not heard of the Eyez-On device. I will check it out. Regarding receiving info from the alarm system, at least with the Autelis device, the documentation indicates that it is possible. But it does appear to be a little cumbersome: "Rules are applied to all incoming serial port data and allow you to match patterns and send the results to ISY variables" ( http://www.autelis.com/wiki/index.php?t ... ce_for_ISY ) This may be good enough for my application. Any idea of when the Honeywell TPI would be released by Eyez-On? Thanks, Tom
  2. Hi, I have an Ademco Vista-20P that I would like to interface to my ISY using the NuTech AD2SERIAL (this is the RS-232 version, not the USB version) ((http://www.nutech.com/online-store/1635.html)) I would like to use a serial to IP converter to allow access from the ISY. I have found the following three options: ELK IP232: http://www.elkproducts.com/product-cata ... -converter Global Cache iTach TCP/IP to Serial: http://www.globalcache.com/products/itach/ip2sl-pspecs/ Autelis: http://www.autelis.com/universal-rs232- ... e-isy.html Does anyone have experience with any of these three devices and can either recommend or advise avoiding? Or even better, does anyone have experience with my desired configuration: Ademco Vista <--> AD2SERIAL <--> (one of the above or other) <--> ISY I plan to use the network module on my ISY to communicate with ELK/iTach/Autelis/other device. Thanks, Tom
  3. Thanks Tim, that worked perfectly. I guess I did not realise that you could have multiple instances of the same program running at the same time. Thanks again, Tom
  4. I'm using an I/O Linc and an ELK-930 to detect when someone presses the doorbell. I have a program that runs when the button is pressed. I would like to only run the program once if someone presses the button 3 or 4 times in a row. Then after 5 minutes or so it would reset and recognize the next time someone presses the button. The simple program that I have now runs every time the button is pushed, even if the button is pushed several times back-to-back. I couldn't think of a way to use variables to solve this issue. Any ideas? Thanks.
  5. Thanks Lee. I was not aware of that option. I just want to make sure that I set the maximum run time correctly: In the admin console under one of the EZFlora zones, I click on "Set Options". I window pops up that says: "Timeout (minutes)". Is the the correct way to set the max run time? Thanks, Tom
  6. Hi Lee, The -100 errors are described as "[DHCP] state=RENEW" and "No network connection". I was more curious about why there are not included on the Wiki list of error messages since these are the most common listed in my error log. Getting back to my main question about triggering on communications errors, I am using an EZRain/EZFlora Irragation Controller. What is the best approach to ensure that if there is a communications error to turn off a sprinkler zone, that I can prevent the sprinkler from running for hours or days? Thanks, Tom
  7. Hi, Is there any way to have a program that responses when a particular error message is received? For example, if this system error occurs: -2 DEVICE COMMUNICATION ERROR timed out waiting for the device to respond or got a NACK then I could resend the command or send an e-mail message to notify me about the error. A related question is that I viewed my error log and some of the errors are lot listed here on the Wiki: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... e_Log_file Some of the numbers I see in my error log not listed are: -100 and -170001 Thanks, Tom
  8. Hi Lee, That did the trick. Thanks so much! Regards, Tom
  9. Yes, for both questions. I tried moving the RL2 closer to a dual band device but still no luck. ( I was previous ~ 30 feet away and now I tried about 2 feet away) It may be an issue with my previuosly linked original RemoteLinc. I get the error message about cannot communicate with the RemoteLinc while trying to link the new RL2. Also, the original RemoteLinc still works as usual, controlling the lights I originally programed it to control. Thanks, Tom
  10. I have upgraded my ISY-99i to firmware 3.1.10 and I'm having problems linking my RemoteLinc 2. I get the following error messages: Node not added - failed removing links (1C 22 61 1) [-200000/-9] Failed writing the high water mark [-200000/-1] I also have an original RemoteLinc and I now get a message: Cannot Communicate With RemoteLinc. Please check connections. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Tom
  11. I have brand new KPL's. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try them out soon and let you know how they worked. Thanks, Tom
  12. Hi Guys, Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the LED's, I would like the A button to be illuminated whenever the scene is on, regardless of the level (1% to 100%). And I would like the C button to be illuminated only when the scene is off. When the scene is off, the A button would not be illuminated. With this approach, the A and C buttons would mimic the behavior of the ON and OFF buttons of a KPL dimmer actually controlling the load of the scene. Thanks, Tom
  13. Hi, How do I get two buttons on a KPL to control a scene? I basically want the A button to act as a bright/on and the C button to act as the dim/off. It seems to make sense to use "grouping buttons" and make A and C mutally exclusive however there are warnings: "It is highly recommended that button groupings are migrated/accomplished through Scenes by adjusting respective On Levels" I'm not sure what this sentence means. I have a scene ... do I need two scenes, one for On and one for Off? Any help appreciated. Thanks, Tom
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