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Everything posted by marklinn

  1. Thank you everybody for your help. Time and distance have kept me from trying to solve my problem, along with some bad internet connections! I appreciate your help, and I will respond with some feedback when I have some. I just wanted to hop on real quick and thank you for your help! Mark
  2. Thanks for the response,Lee. I may still be in luck... I can remotely log into my PC in Calif. I do have the 2412-U or whatever that controller is, that I can have a friend connect to a USB port on the remote PC. If I install the Simplenet remotely on the PC with the PLM connected,and I know the address of the EZRain device, can I set it up with the pump code, and then control the EZRain from my ISY? Meaning remove the PLM from the setup, once the device is set to use #8 as a pump relay? I tried to program the ISY with the commands like:"When #1 or #2 or #3, turn #8 ON, else off". It seems it wont allow two valves at once. I also found some goofy command like: 000xE7 or something. I wrote whatever it was down on a piece of paper and ate it with a bowl of milk...that didn't seem to help, but it was filling and had lots of fiber. I have a Vera2 also. I bought it to mainly control my Z-wave Kwikset lock. It claims to also handle Insteon, but not easily I suppose. I'm in Baghdad working 12x7, and I don't have a whole lot of time to peruse the forums ! Sorry for the ramble...long day. So I guess the main question is: Will the 2412-U interfere with my ISY, or can they run concurrently; and can I use only the ISY once the pump adjustment is made? Thanks again for your time! Mark Now I have to remote into my Vera,then my ISY, then my CCTV, and also my PC! I want a all-in-one GUI!
  3. marklinn


    Hi all, I just registered, but have had my ISY-26 for years. I hooked up an EZRain that I just bought, but I could not get it to use #8 as my pump control with the 'tapping' instructions. I ran out of time, and am now in Baghdad. I figure everything will be dead by the time I return. If there was some way to find instructions on how to program it using my ISY,I have not found it. I can control my other devices from here, remotely. I guess on a positive note I can view all my lawns and landscaping die from here,using my cameras. I tried to tell #8 to turn on when the other controls turn on,otherwise remain off. All that happens is everything turnds on for a few milli-seconds,then turns off. I can turn on each vave as expected, as long as #8 (pump) is off. I can turn on the pump, as long as the valves are off. Does anyone want to buy thousands of dollars of plants in California, cuz they will all be dead when I return. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Mark
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