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  1. Exactly, I placed the old 2413S daughter board into the 2413U. No problems (that I have detected) so far, and everything just works again. I don't have a huge amount of devices, so I don't think there is any issue with PLM ID. I'm not too concerned about speed, as it mainly acts as a conduit between Alexa, Home Assistant, and Insteon.
  2. Here's a spin on this. I was thinking of shifting away from the ISY994i to a PC running Ubuntu with Home Assistant on it, so I ordered the 2413U USB version, couldn't make it work, then opened it up, swapped in my old PLM from the one I was using (failed on Friday night), put it back together, plugged it in and right back in business. I'll recap the old one, and another dead one that's been here on my desk for a while, but just letting people know it's an option...
  3. Woke up to no response to any devices. Found this thread and ordered enough to repair the PLM I have installed, plus the old V1.4 2413S that I didn't toss out when it failed. I ordered extras, because they were cheap. Here's a link to a Digi-Key cart with the parts for convenience: http://www.digikey.com/short/t919z2 Nice, just found a third PLM, V1.0 2413S while searching my bins for capacitors because I'm impatient. No wonder this is such an expensive undertaking!
  4. I never got this working previously, but started to look at it again after another project needed some graphing. I have a guy at my office who knows Cacti stuff, so he put me onto it. I also have more experience with Linux now. I figured out that in the Data Input Method for the Insteon device, I had the incorrect command "/home/jake/cacti/cacti.py ". I changed it to read "python /home/jake/cacti/cacti.py " and now everything works. getting older would suck if I wasn't obviously becoming a genius.
  5. JSP0511, That is exactly what this does on the most basic level. I now use my ISY to turn on my AVR-1912 as port of my morning program that starts my coffee pot. If you do a little exploration, nearly every command for the AVR is available. I kept it simple, turn it on or off with my alarm being set, shut down when going to bed, lower the volume when my slug is announcing the weather forecast in the morning. it's a very simple thing, but it makes a huge difference.
  6. Okay, I got this working now, but not in Windows. As I have Google, it was probably easier for me to load Ubuntu onto the computer in the kitchen that I never use to look up recipes while cooking, yada yada... Now I can get the data and started making data sources and graphs, when I noticed my thermostat - main was giving me a reading of '158', which didn't seem right to me. 14 27 30 1 Thermostat - Main 31835 true 14 27 30 1 C04 I see in the response to the REST/Devices command for the thermostat that the formatted data is there, just like I want it. I decide to copy the cacti.py script and modify the copy to ask for 'formatted' where it references 'value' in the original. I test it from my command line, and it appears to work like I want, see the attachment photo: I added another data input method with the new script, and modified the data source for the thermostat-main to use that new method. No luck, it still shows up as '158'. Any ideas what I am missing here? BTW, thanks for all your help so far on this. I figured out the %20 instead of spaces myself, but windows just doesn't want to play with this. I think it's permissions related, which are actually easier to find solutions for on Ubuntu.
  7. Hi Physpher, I finally remembered to get back to this - it really hasn't been keeping me up at night. I did a lot of playing with this yesterday and if I run the script from a command prompt, I get the full list of devices and states if I don't specify a single device. If I specify a single device, I get the level from that device. I felt like I was making progress and managed to even get a couple of graphs, although blank, from a couple of data sources. It definitely looks like the data is not being brought into Cacti, even though the script is clearly working by itself. I can see my devices in the poller cache and even cleared it at least once when I realized I had a duplicate item. I get a whole log full of these: and I even went so far as to switch the poller to spike, which gives a similar message about no results. Any suggestions on which direction to look? Thanks
  8. Thanks for figuring this out! This has been one of my greatest wishes but I didn't have the ability to figure it out on my own.
  9. I have gone through this guide several times and it doesn't work for me. I was able to go through all the setup steps but when I look at the graphs, all I see is a broken image icon. I also don't know how to interpret the debug to tell if I should be seeing anything. Any advice?
  10. Hi Chad, I didn't realize it had been so long since I tried messing with this. I have just come back from being gone for a month, so that accounts for some of the time... I downloaded wireshark and tried to see the command for turning the receiver on, since that is really all I need to do but I can't figure out where the command is. This is what I get when I place it in standby mode VIA the web interface: "GX`rE~n@geP%QPPOST /MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 65 Origin: X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.30 Safari/536.5 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: */* Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 Cookie: ZoneName=MAIN%20ZONE cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FON&cmd1=aspMainZone_WebUpdateStatus%2F I have tried building a network resource but have had no luck yet. Any ideas? Jake
  11. ...Say you're not quite up to speed on how to reverse engineer something like this. I just got a Denon AVR-1912 that has a web gui interface to control it. By using Chrome's 'inspect element' I believe that the links to the controls call the scripts in a separate javascript folder, like so But when I look at the index.js and jquery.pack.js files, it is all gibberish to me. I have some experience with HTML and PHP, so I had imagined that it might not be too hard to extract what is being sent when you click on an individual control, but I am having no success in mimicking the format you use. Any advice on how to do this? I'd love to be able to have my ISY fire up internet radio when, or as my alarm clock.
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