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Morris Hansen

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Everything posted by Morris Hansen

  1. If you do a Help/About you will get a screen popup that has the version information, etc. On the My Url line, you will see a 5 digit number after your IP address. This is the port number that would need forwarded.
  2. I did a factory reset on the ISY to get back to a known state. I noticed that after the reset, there were no programs. Once I get my devices added and the ISY working reliably, I will start looking at this default program as well as others. You mentioned that when I add the device back into ISY using the first option, it clears the database in the device. Does that mean it deletes any links that are in the device as well as what the ISY may have known about this device (if the ISY previously was configured with this device)? As for the Elk, I have added the Elk configuration 2 different times. The first time was when I originally received the ISY and the second time after I factory reset it. Both times I have had to reboot the ISY for the GUI to show the Elk buttons on top. I saw this in another forum as well that someone suggested rebooting to complete the change. If this is not how it is suppose to work, then I think it is a bug. If you want me to do further testing, let me know what you would like me to try. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the tip. I have factory reset the ISY and noticed there are no programs by default. I am adding 1 device at a time instead of having it discover the entire network. I have used Power-Home alot in the past to manage my links. Would you recommend I factory reset every device? I have 36 devices so I was hoping not to have to do this. FYI. When adding back in my Elk configuration, the ISY required a reboot before it would show up. Is this how it is support to work or a bug?
  4. That is what I thought as well so I deleted all the lighting in the Elk and I also removed the PLC that was connected to the Elk. It still turned on lights this morning. I would be nice if the log was more specific in what triggered a specific action. ie. Elk triggered action vs. program vs web/user, etc. I will research Cocoontech.
  5. I have just started setting up the ISY and only had one program in there just to test the programming. The program was triggered by a Fast On and it would turn on 2 lights. The only other program was the default one that does the status query at 3am. Since hooking up the ISY, I have consistently had random lights come on a different times of the day. I have an ELK M1G also so I left the ISY off for several days and I did not have any random lights coming on. So last night I deleted all the lights in the ELK to see if it was part of the problem. This morning I had random lights on again so it pointed back to the ISY. I have factory reset the ISY and will start over. It seems odd that it would do this but this is not the first odd behavior I have seen with the ISY/99i.
  6. I have noticed that whenever the ISY is powered on or rebooted, it turns all the lights off. I am tyring to troubleshoot a networking issue so I am changing the IP address and rebooting it. Every time it comes up, all the lights turn off. This is a nusance especially when working at night. Is the ISY suppose to do this? If so, is there a way to disable this feature.
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