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Everything posted by tim2u

  1. Are there any door locks available that integrate with the ISY either natively, such as morningLinc, or Via polyglot? I don’t have the Z wave module yet, nor am I looking to get it anytime soon. I do have a door lock from morning industries that uses morninglinc, but it appears Insteon no longer makes that product. It wasn’t that great to begin with, but it did work for what I needed it to. I looked at all the polyglot add-ons, and did not see any that integrates with door locks. However I could’ve easily overlooked one.
  2. Is this post still the best method for Alexa to be able to read out variables from our ISY? Basically, I'd like Alexa to be able to read out some values of variables. I will give this method a shot, but wanted to know if a new option was available. For example, can we create our own Alexa skill that can access items/variables directly via the ISY portal?
  3. Thanks for the quick replay and the explanation. One quick follow up: is it possible to enable and link both the V1 skill (that contains the possibility to ask IZZY for the status of ...) and keep the V3 enabled at the same time? Seems like that could be problematic, but i am not sure.
  4. I'm using v3 of your skill. Is it possible to get status of a device (such as brightness level)? I'm even more interested in a variable setting, but can work around that if necessary. My problem, though is when asking 'izzy' for the status, it tries to enable v1 of your skill, then says account linking required. In order to 'Ask Izzy' something, do i need V1 ('ISY skill') enabled alongside the 'ISY optimized for smarthome v3" skill? I assumed the 'ask IZZY' would be included in the v3 version. Basically, i'm only trying to ask the status off (brightness) of a device (or even better), a program variable value. I was thinking this was the best way, but would love to hear better options (preferably not involving using a network resource to write the state to another service/db/ect.)
  5. I’ve got several certificate questions that I’ve tried to research in the forums and wikis, but still find confusing. With the following background info, could someone help me with a few questions: I have an obscure port on my router opened and forwarded to my isy’s internal ip address (and port 443). I have not imported/created any type of certificates. I also have followed portal install instructions as I recently started using the portal (love it!!!) My basic client/server certificate settings are shown as attached. 1) When I connect to my isy via mobilinc on my phone’s cellular network using the routers port forwarded to my isy, is my connection secure (username password encrypted)? I have always assumed so due to using the 443 port of the isy. If not, do I need to set up certificates in this case? If so, what are basic steps (details not needed, but assuming it would be server certificate) 2) I would like to connect tasker directly to my isy (via router port forwarding) or the isy portal. I’ve seen the wiki on doing so, but you have to pass username/pwd in query string to either. Is either secure without messing with certificates? Again, both would be making connections via https, so I would think so. If not secure, how could I make my tasker to portal connection more secure? 3) If I need to set up a server certificate on my isy, I would prefer to use a self-signed one (no $$$). Once doing so, I am assuming any pc on my network will still connect except I will then get cert errors (until I import cert into trusted root certificate authorites). Is this the case? My concern is screwing up the certificate process and ultimately nothing be able to connect to my isy (via admin console/dashboard/etc.) The reasons for these questions, is that ultimately, I’d like to close the port on my router going to my isy, and use tasker/agave to control my isy using the isy portal (when outside my home network). But I’m not thrilled about passing username/password in query string to portal with the tasker integration. But if secure, I’m ok with it. Thanks in advance. Apologies if these are simple/basic questions, but my certificate knowledge has always been cloudy.
  6. Michel, I am running 4.2.3. I am able to use the admin console, but that is a lot of steps just to turn off a light (the web interface was much faster). Also, I am able to use another browser, so this is not a critical issue, but it would still be nice to use it in edge (yes, believe it or not I actually use edge as my default browser!) Anyway, I noticed the site stopped working when I installed the creators update on one of my PCs. So the next pc I did that on, I first tested the udajax site on edge (and it worked fine) before I installed the creators update. After creators update installed, the first thing I did was to try the website in edge. It did not work. So my guess is that it is related to the update, I am hoping it is just a simple setting that was changed, but at the moment I cant find anything. Here is an article with the security changes in edge, but nothing stands out to me: http://www.techradar.com/news/windows-10-creators-update-will-see-a-far-more-secure-edge-browser BTW, the same error that shows on the page load in Edge, is the same error that is shown if the user cancels the username/password prompt on a working browser. Basically, it looks like edge is unable to open the prompt for credentials.
  7. I am going directly to my ISY url (192.168...). Also , I don't have a portal account.
  8. After updating my win10 to the creators update version (4/13/17), i cant get the Web Interface (udajax) to work in Micrsoft Edge. It appears as if the credential window will not pop up anymore, causing the page to say 'error, Loading: /config/'. It will work in Firefox, but i'd prefer to get it working in Edge (especially on a smaller Win10 tablet) Any ideas?
  9. While this thread has had some recent activity, I've been meaning to ask a question about the HA_bridge. I've been running this (don't remember version) for quite a while on a raspberry pi with no issues and love it. At some point i will switch to the UDI portal, but still love the local aspect as has recently been mentioned. Does any version of the HA bridge allow me to control the fan level of a FanLinc (without using a program)? I'd love to be able to say "Alexa, set bedroom fan speed to 50%", much like i can to a LampLinc for the lighting level. I've been wanting to acquire a few of these for a while but waiting to finish some other home projects. Thanks in advance!
  10. Pretty excited to see all the work with Amazon Echo. I just bought one and am already enjoying it a lot. This type of device is a huge addition to home automation. I've got autovoice allowing voice control of lighting via ISY but think an always on device in the kitchen (i.e. echo) will be better suited for voice control. Ive seen the current solutions you've mentioned for integrating Echo, but this is first I've seen about ISY's official integration. The other solutions are awesome, but I definitely prefer to not depend on another local computer and don't mind dependency on cloud for echo integration as it is not critical. Anyway, with that said, from what I understand, UDI's official implementation will require ISY portal ($50 for 2 years). Is this correct? Also, does ISY's Portal implementation mean that items such as IFTTT integration will also follow? I guess what I am asking is, other than network access without Port forwarding, what does Portal offer (currently and going forward)?
  11. http://www.insteon.com/microsoft-windows-app.html If you haven't seen this announcement, I personally think it is a big deal for Insteon products. Basically Microsoft (and Microsoft stores) will be promoting Insteon as their home automation solution. Anyway, the link announces a really nice looking app for Windows tablets and windows phones. I am assuming this is meant to work with the Insteon Hub. Any chance you guys (ISY) are working with them to enable them to use the App as a front end to ISY Insteon hosted devices? I think I would be safe to bet that the vast majority of insteon users have an ISY, as opposed to an Insteon Hub. I could be wrong. IMHO, Moblilinc makes the best front end apps for ISy and Insteon for Android and iOS, but I don't think they have any plans (currently) for a windows product. BTW, I emailed Insteon support and asked same question. Will post reply if I get one.
  12. Awesome. Thanks! That is the documentation I could not find earlier. Thanks very much!!!
  13. also tried ${sys.node.14.3A.CB 1.status} with no luck either
  14. Thanks for quick reply. Still having no luck. Below is the body of my message. The device only has 1 node. ${sys.node.14 3A CB.status} also tried ${sys.node.143ACB.status} and ${sys.node.14.3A.CB.status} None appear to return status
  15. I cant find any forum posts, or figure out how to (or if possible) to do the following: I would like to show the status of certain nodes (on/off/etc) in a custom email notification. 1) is this possible? 2) is the format something like {sys.node.#.status}? 3) if so, where do I get the node #? Thanks in advance.
  16. Is it possible to have a single custom notification that can email/sms the last run time of several programs at once? I currently don't see how you could do this, except maybe for the 'program details' option in the custom notification section. However, this only applies to the program sending the notification. If possible, I am trying to create a notification or program that can notifiy me of the last run time of several programs.
  17. Lee, Thanks!!!! Restoring the PLM did the trick. Now all devices (including motion sensors) are reporting status live. Thanks again!
  18. Lee, I do have the LED turned off on the sensors. The PLM is definitely not reporting status, even after a power cycle. I try the restore PLM
  19. I will try the unplug idea. However, I don't think it is an IR thing. I've also noticed that the status of devices are reporting unless I query them. For example, when I turn a light on by its light switch to turn it on, the status of it does not change in ISY like it use too unless I query it. I've also seen this behavior in the past, but usually an ISY reboot fixes it. Not this time As far as the timeout of the motion sensors, they all have had plenty of time to timeout. I also pulled the back off one and clicked the set button which will trigger it on/off. This did not cause the status to change in ISY. Also, the red lights on the motion sensors are not blinking. I believe that means they can't communicate to another device. I've seen that before too, but not the case this time. Also, other RF devices are working: tstat, remotelinc, remotelinc2, its the status in ISY that is not. Any ideas?
  20. My power flashed off a time or two this morning. Afterwards, I noticed that none of my motion sensing programs were reporting. I logged on to ISY and none of the status for the motion sensors are showing up. They are blank. I've sense rebooted the ISY a few times and the status still does not appear. I've also cycled the power on the isy with the same result. I believe this has happened before but was usually fixed with an ISY reboot. Any suggestions? The ISY is discoverable via IP address so it isn't an issue with the router. Also, my other wireless devices (remote controls), programs, etc. are still working fine.
  21. Yes that was describing the use of the low voltage probe. I could not get any change in continuity between the two plug connections when the alarm was on and off. The low voltage probe appears to be a voltage reducer, so that the voltage input into the IOLINC is below the 5v max. In my case, it is converting 9v, down to 0.4v. The 1/8 plug is used to connect the probe into the IOLinc.
  22. When i disconnect the low voltage proble (it is connected via the 1/8 jack), and connect a wire as you mentioned between the sense and ground terminals of the IOLINC, the green sensor status LED turns on and stays on and the ISY IOLINC sensor status says on. When I disconnect, the LED goes off and the ISY status changes to off. I believe the sensor was not activated when I connected it. Does that matter? Wouldn't I see a change either way on the ISY IOLINC sensor when the low voltage sensor had a change? If it does matter, how do I 'activate' sensor when I connect it (see paragraph below also) I think my problem or my set up issue is that when the fire alarm sounds, the LED sensor status blinks on and off once and does not stay on. When the alarm turns off, the light blinks on and off once again. Should the LED status remain on when the alarm is sounding? BTW, I measured voltage on the end of the 1/8 jack of the low voltage probe when the alarm is sounding. When sounding V=0.39 V DC, when off V=O VDC.
  23. I am having trouble getting my ISY to sense a change in my IOLinc sensor, when voltage is turned on to my low voltage input probe. I've tried a variety of settings and am beginning to wonder if it is a faulty IOLINc. My end goal is signal my ISY when a hard-wired smoke detector goes off. I have a wired smoke detector that has a third 'signal' wire that carries 9V when the alarm is going off. I have verified this with a multimeter, even when fire alarm is in test mode. The wire carries 9V the whole time the alarm is sounding. It then hits 0V, when alarm is off. I have the low voltage IOLinc probe kit connected to the neautral wire (of power source for detector) and the signal wire. These were the two wires I measured with the multimeter. The probe kit is then plugged into my IOlinc. I also have my IOLinc linked into my ISY. Other information: The ISY receives a sensor on/off status when I click the set button located on the IOLinc box (this tells me ISY is receiving signals OK?) When the fire alarm first goes off, the sensor status (on my IOLinc) LED blinks on and off once. When the alarm stops going off, the sensor status LED blinks on and off once more. Does this tell me the probe is working OK? The smarthome guy told me it did. My problem is that I can't get the ISY to know when the low voltage probe kit on the IOLinc senses a change. Its almost like there is a disconnect between the probe sensor and IOLinc. As a side test, I did connect two wires to the IOlinc sensor (S-sense, and gnd-ground terminals). I would then connect them together to close the circuit and still nothing happened. However, I found I needed to check the 'relay follows input' check in the ISY settings. Now, when I close the test circuit, my ISY did register the Sensor 'on' for the IOLINC. When I opened the circuit, the sensor registered as off in my ISY. Unfortuneately, this did not fix my problem with my detector. It looks like the probe kit does not follow this behavior and only 'blinks' on/off with voltage on, the on/off with voltage off. How do I get my ISY to read this behavior as a sensor on/off? My current checked settins are (LED on TX, Relay Follow Input, Momentary C (trigger based on sensor input) and 20 momentary hold time. However, Ived tried all 4 momentary settings with each at both 200 and 5 hold times. No combinations worked for me. For you IOLINC experts, does this sound like a faulty device, or just a bad setup on my part?
  24. Excellent. I didn't know you could do that, but I didn't look either. It is just like some of my programs I set to run at startup when I set them to enabled. Thanks a ton!
  25. What happens to variable values when a power loss occurs? It appears as if the variables reset to their initial value. Is this the case? If so, is there a way to persist them across a power loss? I thought I read about this a while ago, and now I can't find it anywhere.
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