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  1. When I view the log exported from my isy99i, one of the columns of data is "User" where the value is either System or Web. What are examples of activity that would be generated from User=Web? Also, if you query the isy99i via the rest interface, would it record a log entry for User=Web? I ask because I'm seeing some inconsistencies in my access to the isy99i and what are recorded in the log file...so I might followup with additional questions once I understand this first set of questions. Thanks, -c
  2. Bummer. This would be a nice capability to have. I currently have devices located under folders and this helps. However, it is a challenge when 2 or more insteon devices control the same light and even moreso when the devices are located in different rooms (and folders). I had started a naming convention @InsteonLocation, and that worked OK until I moved to Mobilinc to help drive the ISY. Mobilinc keys the label off the Name field leading to really long names (and not real Wife friendly). Being able to add the Location or Notes field data to the table would be a nice addition for day to day management of the devices. Perhaps this is something that could be considered for a future release? Also, are there any posts that show recommended naming conventions. A couple easy to find best practices or examples would be great for those starting to use the ISY. Thanks, --C
  3. Is there a way to add a column of data to tables views? For example, if I click "My Lighting", showing more than the 4 default columns of data? I'd like to show the "Location" or "Notes" data for each device in the table is possible. This will make it easier to pinpoint the exact device I'm looking for. Thanks.
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