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  1. Thanks for the ideas. I switched out the PLM and the issue has gone away. Soooo.... could be the PLM failed (caps were replaced not that long ago but who knows) or perhaps that one was more susceptible to power line noise. I will have to experiment to see if any recent holiday plug-ins are causing an issue. Thanks for the tips to help track it down. Erik N
  2. Hi I am running current releases of IoP with just Insteon (no PG2 or 3 modules etc.) I am looking at the event viewer and ever second to two it says it is receiving a status message, reads as follows over and over non-stop: Wed 12/14/2022 09:50:39 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 FF 80 Wed 12/14/2022 09:50:39 PM : [ X10] J/Status = off (2) Wed 12/14/2022 09:50:40 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 FF 80 Wed 12/14/2022 09:50:40 PM : [ X10] J/Status = off (2) Wed 12/14/2022 09:50:42 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 FF 80 Wed 12/14/2022 09:50:42 PM : [ X10] J/Status = off (2) Wed 12/14/2022 09:50:43 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 FF 80 I don't seem to have any devices with ID 02 52 FF 80 so not sure where this could be coming from unless it's a failed device. If I understand correctly, this is X10 traffic but I have no X10 devices plugged in (I have 2 but unplugged them to eliminate them as source if this). Anyone have any thoughts on this? If it's a failed device and suggestions on how to track down which device? Thanks ErikN
  3. @Michel Kohanim thanks for posting a quick summary of the current priorities. For the record I never complained about lack of information but it is helpful to have a peek at the big picture, and I think we all recognize that priorities can change and evolve as can timelines. One thing regarding the focus on having the future configuration interface being via the App, my only concern with that is whether there will continue to be a desktop web interface option, as having to type everything out via an app on my ipad can be a bit of a pain at times. I know, it seems like one can't win for trying since I get that the current desktop interface relies on Java and that has its own challenges etc. But thanks for listening. New eisy loos nice (although I loved the blue Polisy colour too) and will probably migrate to that sometime next year (that FOMO thing I previously mentioned). Personally I would probably go with a short USB extension to plug in the ZMatter/ Zwave card/box so I can mount it separately and less risk of being bumped and wrecking a the port. Erik
  4. Thank you Techman. I was a little slow to migrate to Polisy (which I did earlier this year) because for a while I didn't really understand what it was all about in comparison to ISY, and I also didn't want to jump on the bleeding edge right away either. That said I do tend to like to have latest(ish) and greatest(ish) when it makes sense so I am interesting in learning more about eisy and will probably jump on board at some point.
  5. For the record, I am NOT bitter at all and I can see how not wanting to say much about future plans helps to avoid people being upset if those plans don't work out. I love the ISY platform and believe Polisy was move in right direction to provide support for other protocols and broader devices. I find some of the implementation slightly confusing but I think that's just 'cause it's relatively new to me. Was just surprised because it was not that long ago that I migrated from ISY994 to Polisy but I can understand if there were challenges getting stock for the platform (too bad since it looks really nice). I have no concerns as long as Polisy platform will continue to be well supported and I don't have to move to yet another platform in the short term (or medium term for that matter, since return on investment is a consideration). I'll have to read more to understand what specific improvements it will have over Polisy -- see how much FOMO may set in
  6. Sorry, joining this discussion very late. I am confused as I thought Polisy was the future. So what is the purpose of EISY? Why would one chose one over the other? (apologies if this has been answered already and I didn't see it when I scanned through this thread)
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