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About joembz

  • Birthday March 31

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    Nampa Idaho
  • Interests
    Cycling, Fishing and Grandkids
  • Occupation
    Retired German Automotive Specialist

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  1. Johnnyt, I’m sure if you add it with UDMobile and the QR code it adds it with S2 Auth security and the device pin anyway. Mine are for garage door position and activation so the s2 security is fine with me, not sure if there’s any delay or lag in performance caused by S2 auth or additional packets needed for comms to device. But they are working well Josef
  2. Johnnyt, I believe the Zen17’s have to be included with S2 security and device pin to get the nodes to work properly, update with interview after a power cycle will not add the nodes if they were not included with s2. They would have to be excluded and reincluded with s2 after the parameters are set properly. The Zen17 relays also need to be v1.2 firmware or higher for nodes to add I feel your pain, I excluded / included the relay so many times I went from ZY 035 to ZY065 so after I was able to get the relays to add reliably and consistently I removed all zwave devices from my ISY and reset the ZMatter board to restart the device numbering to ZW 02 and then re added all of my Zwave devices. Very obsessive compulsive I know but the high numbers bothered me and I wanted all my z wave devices added with S2 if they were compatible Josef
  3. Hello ISY4Me, I’m using the ZEN17 with my polisy and delayed Zwave migration because the relay wouldn’t add the binary sensor nodes that I needed to monitor Garage doors. So I used it with the ZMatter board installed but no migration/no security. Recently, after 5.6.0 update I decided to migrate to Zwave again and try it but still had issues getting the binary nodes added. I found through posts and Chris Jahn that other people had no problem adding it with working nodes. This is what lead me to push through this and get it working I’m glad that my effort to make it work helped Josef
  4. Hello ISY4Me, This has been an on going issue for me for sure. I did figure out why I couldn’t get the nodes to add using the AC. First of all the nodes are only added to ISY when the relays are included with s2 security. My relays were migrated from a back up so they were not included with s2 security and doing an update with interview will never add the nodes to the ISY. When I tried to add them or reincluded them with the AC and s2 security I failed to enter the pin properly because it had a window with up/down flags/buttons to increase or decrease the value in the window and that confused me somehow, I did not realize I needed to enter the 5 digit pin listed on the back of the relay so I pressed the button up once to”1” and pressed continue. Very humbling oversight on my part brought to light by the fact that when adding the relay with the QR code it enters this pin for you automatically and accurately. Now when adding the ZEN17 relay w/ firmware v1.2 or higher, setting the parameters 2/3 to 11, excluding and re including it, entering the pin properly and then verifying the authorization screen all nodes are added and working as expected Josef
  5. Hello Brian I dont know why I have these issues when others have added the ZEN 17 with the Nodes working. After Excluding/Including, Updating w/int, replacing w/int and changing Parameters in every possible way. I went from ZY035 to ZY065 BTW. I finally found that adding the relay with the UD Mobile using smart add and the QR code I did get working inputs that show ON/OFF status on the polisy. >>> Yeah!!!!
  6. Hello Brian I followed your post in 5.5.5 support, I've tried everything you listed already, including excluding and including it with s2 with P2 and P3 on 7, on 10, on 11 and i never see the additional nodes for s1 and s2 sensors. My ZEN 17 has the latest v1.30 firmware but it did the same thing with v1.20. I also have 2 ZEN 17 relays that do exactly the same thing Strange World
  7. I never get open/closed nodes that work, I get s2 v1 alarm that does not work but no s1 ever, excluded included updated with interview replaced with interview Never I did get them before migration and on 5.5.6
  8. It show something like that with my zmatter board before the migration and in HomeSeer door state and open closed. Now it has a node for channel.2 v1 alarm that never changes status and no channel .1 is ever created.
  9. With s2, without s2, with no security
  10. Did do Update with interview, Replace with interview, and excluded and reincluded All after setting 2&3 to 7 and 11 and setting 10&11 to 0. Nothing I do creates usable nodes to detect s1 and S2 door position
  11. Thank Brians Even with the latest firmware 1.30 and par. 2 and 3 set to 11 it does not create the needed nodes to monitor open close status on both s1 and s2 inputs BTW with v1.30 on the ZEN 17 the only way to get a momentary relays is to run par. 2 and 3 on 11 because of a glitch in the new firmware that will not work properly when the parameters are set as I described earlier ( Zooz is working on a fix for this) Par. 2 and 3 to 7 Par. 6 and 8 to 1 Par. 10 and 11 to 0 Par. 15 and 17 to 1 The ZEN 17 does work properly with homeseer and with the Zmatter board before the zwave was migrated.
  12. Hello All, Regarding ZEN17 support Has anyone been able to get the ZEN 17 relay to show open / close nodes that work when setting parameters as follows Par. 2 and 3 to 7 or 11 Par. 6 and 8 to 1 Par. 10 and 11 to 0 Par. 15 and 17 to 1 I have always kept the ISY/Polisy updated and am currently running v5.6.0. I have excluded/included with s2 /without s2, replaced with interview, updated with interview, updated firmware, set compatibility on/off, increased interview time to 3 minutes, I have opened multiple tickets with no progress. I've had very limited response from UD on this ticket or an indication that they are working on a solution. Am i the only one having this issue with the ZEN17 relay BTW all nodes and functions worked with Zmatter board installed and prior migrating to Zmatter. Any help is appreciated Josef
  13. Will this procedure work to recreate the existing channels/nodes in the current version or will it install channels/nodes that it thinks should be installed? Then I would be stuck again with no sensor input channels
  14. I knew this might be a glitch that was in the works. It makes it hard to exclude a device permanently.
  15. Hello Brians I agree with your assessment 100 %. When you removed and added the relay back in did you also find parameter 2 and 3 when queried are back to 2 the default setting ? I think zmatter is not reading parameters right when adding these relays back in. Also when removing the ZEN 17 or z wave devices it always try’s to add devices again automatically without using the add function again. I restored my ISY back up of 4.4.5 and now see the migrate button for zmatter, all Z-wave devices add and function properly with the nodes for sensors added. I realize they are not s2 and there may be other limitations but they do work through zmatter not the zooz dongle. I’m not keen on pressing the migration button because the last time I pressed it, I lost all z wave devices and had to remove and add them all back in and they never worked right again
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