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  1. Hmm, not sure I follow. What I want is to activate a program for a specified date range that say I will be out of town. If Date from is 07/01/2023 through 07/05/2023 then run Living Room program which has on/off times based upon specific times. I assume from 07/01/2023 12:00:01 AM to 07/06/2023 12:00:01 AM then... would do the trick?
  2. Man oh man I feel like a dummy - guess I need new glasses. This makes it so much easier!
  3. Thanks so much for the help!
  4. Hi all, I apologize for not asking the question in a clear manner, but here goes... I have found the following program here but cannot for the life of me figure out how to add it to the ISY. I assume that it has to be manually written int TextEdit and then imported? I tried that but it doesn't show up in the ISY. If From 1:00:00AM on 2013/11/15 To 1:00:00AM on 2014/01/01 Then Else Thanks for any help... Ed
  5. Hi all, Given the current situation of Insteon, I am considering switching from Insteon with my ISY. The question is to what would be the best to switch to that would be compatible with the ISY. Open to suggestions and recommendations. Thanks, Ed
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