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  1. Hi, I am finally upgrading from my old ISY-99i/IR Pro which has mostly died to a new ISY-994 IR PRO. Should arrive next week. The old unit was backed up and I have the files. What do I need to do to get the new unit set up? Is it as simple as connecting and restoring from my backup or is the new device sufficiently different that I need to start from scratch. It's been years but I seem to recall that some of the programming or logic gets pushed down to the Insteon devices themselves. Any concerns there? Thanks!
  2. So I have the same problem, and Michel's will allow me to launch the console. But going the "normal" way still says there is a revoked certificate. What is "special" about this admin.jnlp file? Is is some older version of Java?
  3. Thanks. I went back and looked at the Link Tables for the dead device, and here's what I found: In the ISY, the first byte is 22 (not A2 or E2); In the devices, the first byte is also 22; But in the PLM, the first byte is A2. When looking at the device Link Table, I clicked "Compare" and it came back with [identical/Ignore] beside the MAC address for the dead device. I guess I was expecting the device to simply be "gone" when I looked at these tables, but from what you say, it sounds like old, removed devices stay, and are simply flagged as inactive. Is this correct? Also, is it an issue that the old device seems to still be showing as "active" in the PLM (A2 in the first byte)? Mike
  4. Hi All, I had an 8-button KeypadLinc fail on me. After a power outage, it became completely unresponsive, won't reset to factory default and won't respond to any key presses, so I've ordered a replacement. Through the ISY interface, I removed each of the 8 buttons from the Scenes they were a part of, then deleted the KeypadLinc itself. So far, so good, but when I look up the links by various device, the ISY or the powerline interface, I still see the dead KeypadLinc's MAC address showing up in the tables. Have I done something wrong? I want to make sure the dead device is "gone" before I set up the replacement, because I've heard having missing devices can negatively affect performance when the system hunts for a device that isn't there. Thanks, Mike
  5. Thanks, Michel. I looked at that article quite a while ago, but will circle back to it to see if there are any programming tips that might help. My problem really seems to be in the actual "detection" of occupancy. People seated in the family room don't generate enough movement for the Insteon IR detector to pick up. I was kidding about the pressure switch on the sofa, but a quick Google search turned up all kinds of chair and bed pressure sensors aimed at the medical industry for monitoring patients who fall out of their seats, beds etc. One of these under the cushions might just be the ticket. If the couch is occupied, then the room is occupied, and if they're standing, the IR motion sensor is more likely to pick them up. Shouldn't be too hard to rig one of these up to an IOLinc module. Mike
  6. Hi, I have a Family Room with lights that were just operating on a timed schedule. While this worked well, the problem was that if the room was occupied at "lights out" time, we would find ourselves sitting in the dark reaching for a controller. I have added two devices to try and deduce occupancy: a SyncroLinc on the TV (which is usually on when the room is occupied) and a Motion Detector. The SyncroLinc works great. If the TV is on at "lights out" time, the lights stay on, then go out after the TV is turned off and the motion detector times out and sends its OFF command. The Motion Detector also works great *as long as it's seeing motion*. I have it set up to send an ON when it sees motion and an OFF after 10 minutes (unless it sees motion again where it re-sets the countdown timer). The problem occurs when the TV is off and the room is occupied, but people are sitting relatively still and the motion detector can't see any movement. My program only turns the lights off when the conditions are met because I don't want them coming on again that evening (based on motion) after the final "lights out". What other ideas have people come up with to determine if a room is occupied? The room has two entrances and is "sunken" off the kitchen and so is open along that wall too. I've thought of some sort of counter at the entrances, but you'd have to know the direction of motion to make that work! Are there any other Insteon occupancy devices (or existing devices used in clever ways) that can help in this area? Maybe a pressure switch on the sofa tied to an IOLinc? Thanks, Mike
  7. AARtech are very good to deal with for RMA's. I had a DOA SwitchLinc which they handled for me very well... sent me a return mailing label and everything.
  8. Actually, I don't see why not. I used to have an RCS X10 thermostat, but I replaced it with an ecobee just prior to upgrading to Insteon. The ISY can send and receive X10 messages, and the RCS thermostats just uses one X10 House Code with each of the Unit Codes (1-16) activating two functions (one for an ON and one for an OFF) for a total of 32 discrete commands. You would just have to issue the appropriate X10 Ons and Offs to control the thermostat.
  9. Hi, My electric utility has two TOU periods (Summer and Winter), each with its own different Peak, Shoulder and Off-Peak times. One period runs from May 1 to October 31 and the other runs from November 1 to April 30. I thought I would set up two folders (Winter TOU and Summer TOU) and then throw the programs I want to run in each folder. Problem is, I can't figure out how to set up a condition for May 1 to October 31 and November 1 to April 30 without the year. The year doesn't matter because it's a recurring cycle, but the ISY will only seem to let me enter dates with the full D/M/Y. Have I missed something obvious? Is this possible? Thanks!
  10. mmknox

    Garage Door

    Everything working fine, and my I/O Linc does NOT lose settings when power is lost. Must have been older I/O Linc firmware that is referenced in the wiki.
  11. mmknox

    Garage Door

    It's true that it doesn't matter if the contacts are NO or NC, but the Wiki article suggests that the "Trigger Off" checkbox that you have to set with NO contacts gets re-set back off if the IOLinc loses power, and recommends NC contacts to get around this. I'll check mine with my multimeter this weekend, but I'm pretty sure mine are NO. I'll test it out, because the IOLinc manual says all the settings are saved in non-volitile memory, so I'm not sure why the Wiki author says otherwise. If it does re-set, I'll just replace the contacts with NC ones. Thanks for everyone's help!
  12. mmknox

    Garage Door

    That Wiki article is *exactly* what I'm trying to do... thanks. I have a dumb question about the door sensor. The Wiki article assumes the sensor is the one in the garage kit with wires for both NO and NC operation. I have an existing 2-wire sensor, but I'm not sure if NO or NC refers to its state when the magnet is engaged or when the magnet and sensor are apart! I've looked at numerous door/window sensors on-line and there is no straight answer. Some just say NO or NC, others say things like NO (NC with magnet engaged) and so forth. So in the context of the Wiki article and the Garage Door Kit sensor, are the NO and NC states with or without the magnet engaged?
  13. mmknox

    Garage Door

    Thanks... I'll check that out!
  14. mmknox

    Garage Door

    Hi, So I've replaced ALL of my old X10 gear with Insteon and am having a lot of fun (probably at my family's expense) learning about the Insteon gear and ISY controller. I'm left trying to noodle through what I need to do to get my garage door set up. Let me quickly explain what I had done in X10, because it is what I'm trying to replicate... I used a PowerFlash and Universal in the garage on a set of magnetic contacts and the door opener respectively. In the house I had a Leviton keypad (similar to the Insteon KPL) by the front door. The switches were on/off rocker toggles and had a red LED to indicate "On". My old Enerlogic controller used basic-like programming language, and with several X10 addresses, flags and ON or OFF or NEUTRAL states, I had what was likely horribly inefficient code that would: With an "ON" command: Open the door if closed; do nothing if door already open; With an "OFF" command: Close the door if open, do nothing if door already closed; Turn the keypad LED ON if door open, and OFF if door closed, regardless of keypress. (The LED would go On, then OFF then ON again opening a closed door and the reverse when closing an open door). The LED would respond accordingly even if the door was opened from the car's remote. I have (but have not yet installed) an I/OLinc to connect to the door contacts and opener in the garage, and I have two 8-buttom KPLs in the house each with a "Garage Door" label on one of the buttons. (In my old setup, I only had one kepad inside). I debated assigning two buttons (Door Open and Door Close) to be similar to my old Leviton's On/Off rocker, but decided on one button. I am assuming I will have to program the button to issue only ON commands when pressed (as opposed to the alternating ON/OFF as is the default) and then put some programming in the ISY to tie it all together. What I'm not sure of is whether or not to tie components together in "scenes" or treat each as discrete components. The concept of "scenes" didn't exist in my old X10 world. In the end, I would like the KPL lights to be on when the door is open and off when closed, and have the button activate the opener just like the button in the car. If anyone has done this (or similar), I would be very interested in knowing how. Mike
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