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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Scott

    Dead PLM

    My PLM died on me and I need a replacement. I got mine through UD with my ISY-26 order, but I don't see any info on the site for a specific contact or procedure. -Scott
  2. Ok that's pretty useless. It's like voluntarily taking buttons off of your keypad. Anyways, part of the reason I didn't get it figured out on my own is that the click and drag functionality doesn't work unless the button you're trying to drag is already highlighted. You have to click, then click and drag.
  3. How exactly do you set up the synchronized buttons? I select a keypad button on the left, click the synchronized buttons button and I get a second window that allows me to choose one other button or a scene (synchronized buttons 1 or 2) and hit OK. It seems to be doing something, but when I go to the keypad and press the button I selected, no buttons respond to it. There's no info about it in the manual, can we get a simple how-to?
  4. Excellent. Thanks for the quick response. I'm very much looking forward to using the ISY, will be ordering it in a matter of minutes.
  5. I have spent the last hour plus reading about the ISY at techmall and here and it would probably be worthwhile to get just as a way to set up all of the scenes here more easily than HouseLinc and to be able to do it via any PC on the network. But I'm hoping that I can replace HLD completely, I just need to know what limitations there are on scheduled events. I have 100+ Insteon devices and they are currently turned on/off via daily events at 20+ times during the day. Does the ISY meet this need and have room for expansion? I read about the triggers and was wondering if those are separate from the timers as well?
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