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Everything posted by kupermanp

  1. Is that because PLM's fail or there have been improvements? I've had this PLM for several years K
  2. Thanks. The upgrade looks like the way to go. I assume I can use the same PLM from my old one correct? K
  3. I hear what your saying but if it will work without the expense and time of upgrading I'd like to try that first K
  4. Hi, I have an older ISY-99IR pro which has worked well for me. I recently purchased an amazon Echo which I find to have a lot of potential. I would like to use voice commands for insteon devices, and I see there are two separate attempts being made to do just that. Before I embark I would like to make sure that my current hardware will work. I posted originally in one of the Echo threads and was told I need the REST interface. Also, since it is that time of year what advantages to the 994 would make me want to upgrade (and is their an upgrade price?). I do need the IR portion as I'm using a remote to control some lighting in a home theater environment Thanks K
  5. I know I can directly log into the ISY using a browser and the IP address. From there I can run commands etc. How could I check r test for a REST interface Thanks K
  6. Its helpful but I'd need to know what the REST interface refers to in order to comment on its availability Is that the java interface that runs the administrator console? I have a couple of raspberryPI lying around so that shouldn't be a big problem. I know I can run my solar stuff through a raspberryPi so I can likely consolidate into that as well Thanks K
  7. Hi, I'm getting into this a little late. i would love to get this working. Will this work with the older isy99IR pro? If not what do I need to get and what if any modules do I need to activate. Whatever replacement i get would need IR as I use this to control some lights in the home theater. I also have a microcomputer running linux for my electricity monitor (it basically just runs a small python program to pass the polled info to a internet server). I assume I can use this computer to run the server for the alexa commands Thanks K
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