Have an ISY 99i/IR that's been running fine for a couple of years now. The current system on it is 3.2.6 and I wanted to upgrade it to the latest one since I just got a couple of the Insteon Leak Sensors and the system doesn't recognize them (read elsewhere in the forum that I needed a newer system upgrade). In the past I've used my wife's WinPC but have disabled Java on it due to security concerns and she uses it for her accounting Business. I'm trying to do the upgrade on my iMac OS 10.8.2. I've update my Java to version 7 update 11 (build 1.1.0_11-b21. I can download the upgrade file fine (insteon_3), but when I start the manual upgrade from the Admin panel, when I get to the finder window to select the file or folder in this case, it just opens the folder to the next sub level, code and web. I can select either of them which then opens them and am presented with all the files. I can select any of the files, but not surprisingly, the process fails with some error message like wrong file, can't open, etc. I don't remember this problem from doing it in Windows. Searched the forums and found nothing like this problem. What am I doing wrong? Thanks