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Everything posted by detrotdr
I was on 2.7.15 and followed the instructions to upgrade to 2.8.13. All went fine and I'm back in the Console. Two things I've noticed so far: 1) all devices won't show status... it's blank. (I tried to query.. nothing) (I can turn things on and off with the console.. but the status doesn't change) 2) I've lost connection with the ELK. it no longer says Armed or disarmed status. Help please. Thank-you IGNORE.. i got it working... I downloaded and saved the old Java connection file.. redownloaded and resaved worked. Thx
Ahhh.. thank-you. I'm starting to really love this!
Tim, I agree..however I don't see how to change the status of a controLinc in the console... you can only see it under the IF.. but under the THEN.. there is nothing.
Ok I have 2 x 2430 ControLinc's on both units I want button #5 OFF to do goodnight mode. Lee suggested to take button 5 out of scene (i did). I made a program to test how they BOTH would react. Program: If Status 'ControlLincA-5' is OFF Or Status 'ControlLincB-5' is OFF Then set 'Master Light' OFF Else No Action Now if A presses 5 OFF.. then Master Light will go OFF if B presses ON then Master Light will go ON (with another rule) Later that day if A presses OFF.. nothing will happen as it's already OFF. So how do i change the status of a controLinc's button or how do I go about having two ControLinc's doing a good night mode if the other controler does the good morning mode (5 ON)? thank-you in advance.
Thank-you Lee. I understand now. (The force is with you!) :>
I want to do a Good Night Mode with my 2430 ControLinc. when pressing button #5 OFF, I want to run a scene that turns almost everything off (double check that most lights are off... certain appliance modules and I/O contact closures etc) -This is not a problem.. I have it running now. I don't want button #5 ON to take all those that I turned off (or double checked is off) and turn them all ON. -(Example.. #5 OFF turns fireplace off... or in the morning I don't want all the lights going on.. just a couple) So how do I make #5 ON do something different then reversing #5 OFF? ****If there is no way of doing this.. which I really hope there is... can I disable #5 ON so I don't have to worry about someone accidentally pressing it and turning everything on??**** Thank-you in advance.
Thank-you! I've been able to figure it out now with your help. Scenes are what I need to do for Insteon... whereas in X10.. and Hall2000.. it was much easier. But with your knowledge.. I'm on the right track now. FYI to link a controller in ISY you need to manually link it using the code on the back of the 2430 ControLink (incase anyone else needs that help) Thank-you again.
Thank-you for this help and information. Two follow up questions. 1) You said to link the ISY with the controLinc however the controLinc is a CONTROLLER and there is no way for it to link to "another controller" like the ISY??? -I press 'Start Linking' in the ISY and then press and held button 1 ON for 10 Seconds... all that happens is the 2430 controLinc goes into its own listen mode... there is no linking option. See the online manual here: http://www.aartech.ca/docs/2430.pdf 2) Even though the ISY doesn't know the controLinc... why wouldn't it know the light turned on when the actual switch turns on. I thought that the light switches (and all insteon devices send their status automatically when they change.... example... manually turning on the switch sends a command to the ISY that it's on and ISY updates.)... so why doesn't it update... i just want to understand the technology... Again it seems "weird" that touching a switch to 'on' sends a status to ISY vs not sending a satus because it received a command to turn on. thank-you again in advance.
Forgive my ignorance... (I am new to insteon... but know X10 well) I have no scenes. I linked everything in the software. -I wired the light switch -went to ISY console and clicked Start Linking -went to light switch and press light for 3 seconds as it beeped. -ISY saw the light switch Manually flip the light switch on... ISY registers it as on Manually flip the light switch off... ISY register is as off ..(without asking for query) -went to SmartHome ControLinc 2430 and press #5 ON for 10 seconds. -went to light switch and press light button for 3 seconds -Press #5 ON (on the ConroLinc) and the light switch turns ON HOWEVER the ISY Console doesn't update the light switch to ON (If I query in the console the light swtich.. it updates as on) -Press #5 OFF on controLinc and light turns off, HOWEVER the ISY console still shows ON (If I query in the console the light switch.. it updates to OFF) -IF i manually toggle the light switch ON then ISY updates automatically to ON (same with manual toggle OFF) There are no scenes.. only 1 switch and 1 appliance module. (The light swtich is NOT linked to the appliance module nor visa versa.. i simple added the appliance module to test this NO UPDATE status using the ControLinc 2430. WHY? I'm very frustrated. :<
I just used a Smarthome ControLinc 2430 and press Button #5 ON for 10 sec. It goes into "link mode". then I went to the switch and press the light in for 3 seconds until it beeped. the controller turns the light on and off by press ON / OFF I also did the same thing with an appliance module. Inside the software when press #5 on.. the light turns on, but sofware still says OFF. If I go over to the switch and press ON, the software says on. If I turn the switch off (manually) the software says off. the software does not change states if I use the 2430 controller to turn the light on or off.. unless I say QUERY. same example for the appliance module. :<
I'm fairly new to Insteon. When I manually turn a light switch on (from the switch itself) the software (Iniversal Devices Administrative Console) shows the state change from on to off.. or visa versa. (NO QUERY IS SET by me) When I use a controller that is linked to the light switch the software does not actively show the change. I need to requery. why? and how do I get the light switch to broadcast its new state... (I don't understand why it would just because a controller told it to change verses me touching it) I've tried light switches and appliance modules.. the software does the same thing to both. Thank-you in advance.