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Everything posted by ih574

  1. Thank you. In my search for a solution, I was coming to that conclusion. Thank you for confirming. It also appears that the Eisy and Polisy devices will also replace my existing ISY994. If that's the case, I would only need one device to run both my ISY automation devices (Insteon, Network Resources, Email notifications) and my Polyglot node servers. Is that true? If so, I will do more research on those and find a place to purchase the device that does not require me to use cloud services (except for the weather feeds). Thanks again for the confirmation. r- Tom C.
  2. Hi all. Its been a long time since I last posted. Was a ISY 4.x user until weather module deprecated. Went to 5.x upgrade and then Polyglot v2 on a Rasberry Pi. Then put on WeatherflowPGC. Worked well (except for having to manually restart the Polyglot Weatherflow node at least weekly. But now, the Weatherflow node server no longer connects to a station - any station. It just stopped working. I didn't change a thing. I looked around to see if I could see anything that indicates that version is no longer supported, but couldn't find anything. Another v2 node server (AVR Remote) is working fine. I'm happy to update to v3 if that what it takes, but I can't find clear instructions on upgrading or installing v3 on a Rasberry pi. Current version is: Version 2.2.11 Status: Connected Frontend Version: 2.2.9-5 ISY Version: 5.0.16C Uptime: 1 Day(s) 19 Hour(s) 6 Minute(s) 14 Second(s) (c) 2023 UDI Any help or advice appreciated. Tom C.
  3. I had the same problem after going to Version 7 Build 51 today (Jan 18,2014). Error had something to do with security permissions. I went to the Control Panel | Java settings, then to Security tab. Then I added my ISY's IP Address and port number (e.g., to the exception list and that fixed the issue. r- Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  4. Teken, Thanks for the shout out. Didn't think anyone ever saw that stuff. Thanks for noticing. r- Tom C.
  5. That's interesting. I made my own water leak detectors back in 2010 using what were called "TriggerLincs" and the $11 water sensors (http://www.smarthome.com/79633/United-S ... sor/p.aspx). I wired the sensors to the little I/O port inside the Trigger Link. It worked well, except had exactly the same behavior as the OP mentioned above. For the TriggerLinc (now called a "Wireless Open/Close Sensor"), the ISY defined the states as Open and Closed. Out of water, it showed as Closed. In water, it would momentarily go to Open and then back to Closed. So I watched for the change and took action on that. Here is a picture: http://www.outcropacres.net/images/ha-watersensor.jpg. r- Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.net/pasttimes/homeauto.htm
  6. I use the ISY network resources to force a PC running EventGhost to ping my phone every few minutes. Eventghost executes a REST command based on the ping result (runThen if ping was successful and runElse if not) which sets an ISY state program (or variable) true. I then compare that with other program states (or variables)to determine whether the device is gone, just got here, or has been here longer than 20 minutes. I take action on any one of these states, usually generating a greeting. This is only useful for taking global actions since the ping is not sensitive to different rooms or floors. But its fun to have the house greet me when I arrive. r- Tom C.
  7. I have about 350 programs. The way I count them is to go into the console under Programs | Summary. I sort the list the way it is most useful to me (usually by path). Then I select the first line, hold down shift and select the last line. Then press CTRL + C to copy. Then I go into Excel and paste the lines in, followed by a tiny bit of formatting to add a header row and get column widths correct. Then I can set Excel's Autofilter and sort and search to my heart's content. The 350 programs breakdown as follows: General Controls 14 Timers 35 Occupancy Check 21 Voice Announcements 69 Garage 17 Weather 51 Building Status 46 Web Control 68 Archive 28 The Programs tab loads in 35 seconds, on a very slow client computer. I have 191 Network Resources, more than half of which are commands to the voice server. While most programs act on Insteon events, many are simple event processors that act on dates, times, PC or network events. r- Tom C.
  8. I use a program called "http-ping.exe." It lets me send http commands from a command line. For example, this one executes the "runThen" of program 0115: http-ping.exe -n 1 http://userid:password@ In this case, fill in userid and password with your own and put in the right IP address and TCP port. The -n 1 causes it to run once. Full set of commands are shown with an "http-ping /?" command. I got http-ping from here: http://www.coretechnologies.com/products/http-ping/ r- Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  9. ih574

    Administrators Console

    Michel, I did some traces on a successful and a failed Admin Console session, where failed means everything in the console comes up except for the device status and the latest version notification. I see the behavior you mentioned above, though it looks like the Console PC closes the session intended for reuse. I've sent a summary of what I saw to the support email below. r- Tom C.
  10. ih574

    Administrators Console

    I have always had the same problem. I agree that it is a firewall issue. Here are my experiences: My Configuration: I use a separate hardware based firewall between the home automation network and my general purpose network. I keep it pretty restrictive. On the machine I use for the console, I have Java caching turned off. Java version is V6 Update 33 and my ISY firmware is 3.1.17. Windows XP, SP3. All wired ethernet (no wireless). My Symptoms: This issue has occurred since I've had the ISY (almost two years). I do not have the problem when I load the console from a machine on the same IP subnet as the ISY. Interestingly, I never have an issue when I log into the ISY web services (HTML files stored on the ISY) or use any REST commands from any machine regardless of firewall type or whether it is inside or outside the ISY subnet, indicating the base IP communications and TCP ports are sound. Both the java ISY admin interface and the web services are configured for the same TCP port which is open in the firewall. The java ISY Admin console authentication is always successful indicating reliable communications with the ISY through the firewall. When the console loads, it always shows all my devices. However, when it fails (about 80% of the time), it loads the devices but will not show current status of the devices (i.e., on, off, %). Additionally, when it fails, it will not show the notification in the top right that there is a newer version available. Nothing changes if I query devices or let the console sit for 30 minutes. When it loads successfully, it will show device status and the notification for the later version. My Attempted Solutions: At first, I thought maybe the ISY admin console (using something in the Java implementation) was trying to get an ICMP response (ping, traceroute, etc.) or something similar from the originating address which I may be blocking. Maybe the ISY tries to originate a separate connection to the console machine, which I block. I've tried lots of firewall changes (one at a time) such as opening up ICMP, not NATing, creating a reverse proxy rule, and skipping forward proxying. I also tried pinging the ISY through the firewall before I start the console (always successful since I pass pings) so the ISY would already have ARPed the correct MAC address for the return conversation. Nothing has proven to be predictably effective. The only thing that works is to try a few more times. The next thing I'll do (and I haven't yet cause I'm lazy) is to look at some wireshark traces. I had hoped I would stumble on the solution by randomly guessing like I described above. So if anyone has any more ideas about what we could do to correct this, I'll give them a try. r- Tom C.
  11. My area shows current light and light rate. Current light is never more than about 11% and that seems to be around 1:00pm if its very sunny. Its 0% up to about 9:00am in the morning and after about 5:00pm (in May). If its cloudy or raining, it shows 0%. I expect these readings are specific to my location's sensor or the location's station has the sensor inside or without a broad sky view. I don't think there are many applications for which this is a useful trigger. I agree with iostream that a motion sensor dusk trigger could be more useful and possibly more reliable. r- Tom C.
  12. Ok. I think I get it. Time based conditions are deterministic and device status/control are events. Any time based "If" condition will show up in the program summary as a "next scheduled run." For some reason, I was mistakenly thinking it would act like a nested condition. Thanks. r- Tom C.
  13. I have a bunch of programs that check the status of various devices and, depending on status, make voice announcements about their state. I want these programs to run only during specified time frames, which I have in the IF statement. I also use "Last Run Time" parameters instead of "Wait" statements so that I don't have all these programs running in the background for several hours. If From 9:00:00PM For 2 hours And Status 'GR - GrgBay1 - Sensor' is On And Time is Last Run Time for 'Check - Garage Bay1' + 10 minutes Then Resource 'Voice-Announce-CheckBay1' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Use of the "Last Run Time" causes the program IF to run every ten minutes, even when the time is outside the 9:00pm to 11:00pm window. I see this in the Program Summary tab where these programs' Next Scheduled Run time is always in the next few minutes. I would prefer if these programs were only executed in the time window specified. I recognize there is no issue with these running every 10 minutes, cause they will always fail the IF until the time window is true. However, I would like to have these programs active only during the specified time window to keep the history stats consistent (and to soothe my OCD characteristics). I'd also like to do this without Wait statements. Any ideas about how I can force these programs to run only within the specified windows while not using Waits? It seems like Last Run Time trumps the other schedule parameters. I expect I could put them in a folder that was only active during the window, except that I have different time frames for the checks. r- Tom C.
  14. Paauto, I could have led with this, but the network stuff is more fun to troubleshoot. I have an old IBM PC in the garage that is configured to Power On after Power Loss in the BIOS. The BIOS option is under Power and under the "After Power Loss" setting. It is set to Power On. I then have that PC along with a couple of AV Receivers powered by an Insteon ApplianceLinc. When the ApplianceLinc turns on (by a program or a few KeyPadLincs around the house), the PC starts up and starts playing music. I think that's what you are after. r- Tom C.
  15. I wanted to clarify some ideas from my post above. When I said "If you have a router between the LAN of the target and the LAN of the originator," I meant a device which routes packets from one Layer 3 (IP) network to another. In other words, I consider a router a device that connects two or more IP subnets (e.g., to or Typically, folks have only one true router in their home networks and that is the one that connects the ISP provided network (on the Internet or WAN side of a home router) to your home network (typically 192.168.x.0). The rest of the Cat 5 ports (and all wireless "ports") on a home router are typically switch ports, which should act as the Layer 2 (ethernet) network. There is no "routing" going on between the switch ports - those ports are "switching." Additionally, all switch ports should be in the same broadcast domain, meaning that if any broadcast packet is sent from one port, it will be repeated on all switch ports, including wireless ports. If you connect one home router to another by its switch ports and they are all part of one IP subnet, then the WOL packets should be broadcast on all ports. Where I have had issues with low cost home routers is with their ability to actually broadcast packets on all switch ports. For example, DHCP requests that come from wireless devices are either not forwarded to other switch ports (where the DHCP server is) or the reply from the DHCP server is not forwarded to the wireless ports. The same thing may be happening with WOL broadcast packets. A Wireshark sniff will let you know. r- Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  16. As I understand, WOL is strictly a Layer 2 (ethernet) function. Layer 3 (IP) should not matter. The Layer 2 (ethernet) packet simply needs to contain the MAC address somewhere in the packet (so it can be constructed as an IP/UDP packet, but doesn't have to). Also, since the OS is not running when the computer is off, there is no Layer 3 portion of the stack even available. The only intelligence the NIC card has is knowledge of its own MAC address. So the NIC can only look for a Layer 2 packet that includes its MAC address. All that said, I would return all my IP and firewall settings to normal. Also, make sure the target machine is on the same LAN (broadcast domain) as the ISY. If you have a router between the LAN of the target and the LAN of the originator, WOL will not work without special provisions for forwarding the WOL packet, which I have not seen in simple Linksys or inexpensive routers. Another possibility is the inability of some router models to forward special broadcast packets on their Layer 2 switch ports, especially if the originator is wireless. I have a few cheap Monoprice wireless routers which I turn on for various uses. Some of these do a poor job of forwarding wireless DHCP broadcast packets through their switched ports, even though the DHCP server is on the same Layer 3 (IP) subnet. WOL appears to be a similar type of broadcast, so it could be a limitation of the router. So, I might recommend 1) using a conventional switch versus a router to see if that worked and 2) don't use wireless for originator or target until you figure it out on a wired network. Its likely you know all this, but just in case . . . Regards, Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  17. I have upgraded to the official 3.1.17 release from 2.8.15. Everything went perfect. I've tested many of my programs that use Network Resources - so far so good. And, the alphabetic listing of the resources when selecting in the programming screens is fantastic. Thanks. Now, I just need to figure out how I can improve my programs with variables and not break anything. r- Tom C.
  18. Ohhhhhh . . . upgrade? Gee, that's pretty scary. Generally, I am slow to upgrade and only when there is a pressing issue that the upgrade corrects or feature that I need. I do have frequent and reliable (I think) backups, however, I won't know if my backups are truly reliable until I restore over my current configuration. I have been tempted to introduce variables at some point, except that the current version is working so amazingly reliable. That's why I was waiting for the official 3.x release. Let me consider it, ok? If I were to have get another ISY-99i (and the same PLM), would I be able to backup my 2.8.15 config to the second ISY (a "development" ISY) and put it in place of my "production" ISY temporarily? Then, could I mess around with the second device, working out program code with variables, testing the parallel resource queue and timing, etc.and then put the production unit back in place? Assumption for this process is that I would only make changes (development) on programs and resources - no changes to devices or scenes so that there were no changes to the link tables. But it gives me the chance to work out and test alternate program techniques over a period of time. While expensive, it gives me assurance that I have a fully operational, known good production unit which I would only update once my development configuration was fully tested. It also lets me always have a backup and a development unit. Thoughts? r- Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  19. Thank you Michel. On a separate question, have the 3.x versions been released as non-beta versions yet? I am still on the 2.8.15 version as it has been rock solid for everything I do. I was waiting for the official 3.x release before I updated. Thanks for this phenomenal product and your on-going support! Regards, Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  20. I use a lot of network resources. I use a naming standard for the network resources that I keep sorted alphabetically (and saved) in the Network Resources screen. Then, when I am in the Programming Details tab and am selecting a Network Resource from the pull down, the list is in near random order. This makes it very difficult to find the resource. Is there a way to have the Network Resources show up in alphabetic order in the pulldown? I have tried clearing the Java cache. r- Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  21. dp, I use HTTP and its fine. I am sending very simple HTTP payloads from the ISY to EventGhost webserver, i.e., single keywords per event. The webserver is built into EventGhost making this really easy. I don't have to establish a separate UDP listener on the EventGhost host. Regarding IP addressing, I assign static addresses to any listener/server devices (e.g., ISY, EventGhost, web servers, etc.) and use DHCP for client only devices. I expect you are know how simple it is to assign a static address to ISY, perhaps well outside of your DHCP scope range to eliminate duplicate address problems. Also, if you really want to use UDP broadcasts to eliminate the need for static addresses, seems you could use the subnet broadcast address (e.g., for a Class C) as the target address in the ISY resource. I can see that a UDP broadcast method is pretty clever if you want multiple machines to act on an event. r- Tom C.
  22. dpower, I use the ISY network module to send http commands to EventGhost to control several PC functions. EventGhost provides a web add-in which I run on the PC to act on the commands. I use it for announcing events, warnings, and reminders as well as to control garage and outdoor audio played from a PC. For example, when the garage door opens, the ISY registers the event (based on the garage door sensor) and then sends an HTTP get command (using a Network Resource with ipaddress/index.htm?GarageOpen) to the EventGhost PC. The add-in web server running on the PC receives the http request and sends the event "HTTP.GarageOpen" to the EventGhost process (running on the same PC). The PC then plays the sound "The Garage Door is now open" through the PC speakers. I have separate Network Resources for each voice announcement. My next task for the voice announcements is to have the PC speak the announcement through the intercom (which I have working but is proving to be a bit rube goldbergian) or to play it through a 70v distributed audio system (which doesn't yet exist). For the outside audio, ISY sends similar EventGhost web commands (for volume up/down, mute, playlist, start/stop) to another PC which plays garage and outside music. Again, separate Network Resources for each command. I trigger these commands from an ISY served web page with buttons linked to REST commands that call ISY programs. Those programs invoke the Network Resources. Very handy to control those actions from the Patio with the iPhone/iPad. While this seems busy, it all works amazingly reliably, enough so that my wife and kid use it without even thinking about it. If our best automation investment was the ISY-99, the ISY Network Module is the second best. It allows reasonably simple, extremely reliable, and imaginative integration with ip based systems. r- Tom C.
  23. I spent hours trying the methods suggested above. But it was not working for my BL-C210A and BL-C140 Panasonic cameras. I figured there may be some updates in these cameras. So I found the following CGI reference from January 2010 for C2xx series cameras (though it works on the C140 as well). http://csj.psn-web.net/netwkcam_net/download/us/document/NEW_Camera_CGI_Interface_v4.30.pdf This manual describes the "/Set" command for doing the trigger set versus the "/CgiImageTransfer" method recommended above. The command set in the PDF is very rich and allowed me to make several simple resources to validate its content. So I rebuilt the triggers for these C210A and C140A cameras as follows: Choose the following for each area in the Resource Editor: 1. Under Protocol Information, choose http, POST, enter the IP address and port, and use "/Set" for path. Do not check Encode URL. I left the timeout at 500ms. Mode is Raw Text. 2. Under Headers, add an "Authorization" using your camera's administrator userID and password. 3. In Body, enter the code below. This is for the Activate Resource. I ended up without any CR/LF (enter or hard returns) characters separating lines. I had originally put them in to make the parameters more readable, but I spent hours trying to get the resource to work. Without the CR/LF characters, my cameras work, though it creates one long, hard-to-read line for the body. (Note: This approach uses SMTP transfer with no SMTP authentication. Change the "mail.domain.com" host name, and "cam03@domain.com" and "myaddress@work.com" addresses appropriately.) Func=ImageTransfer&Kind=5&TaskEnable=1&TCondition=4&Week=127&Start=0000&Stop=2359&OutFormat=1&Position=8&PResolution=1&PQuality=4&PostEnable=1&PostIntervalPer=60000&PostIntervalNum=1&PostNum=1&PreEnable=0&PreIntervalPer=60000&PreIntervalNum=1&PreNum=1&TMode=48&TMailServer=mail.domain.com&TCertification=0&TMailFrom=cam03@domain.com&TMailTo1=myaddress@work.com&TMailSubject=Cam03 Motion&TMailText=Cam03 Motion Detected - ISY Activated&MMode=0 Press update on the bottom so the line shows up in the right hand "Actual" pane. Save the resource which exits the editor. Then press "Save" on the Resources screen. You can then test that line. If you get a screwy response (like an ISY TCP error or an empty screen with an N/A on it), don't worry. Check the trigger page on the camera and see if the trigger changes. 4. Make another resource just like the one above to Deactivate the camera. For this one, change the "TaskEnable=1" to "TaskEnable=0" to force the deactivation of trigger. 5. Now, go make a program that calls these Networking Resources. When called by a program, I do not get any of the screwy error screens and the triggers work like a champ. Thanks to burakk, aLF, sk8er02, and Michel for your contributions. We all stand on the shoulders of you giants. While my wife wonders how I can spend so long doing so little, I am having a great time. By the way, I'm running 2.8.15 on an ISY-99. r- Tom C. http://www.outcropacres.com
  24. I have a pc in a high, closed cabinet in a garage. I use an ApplianceLinc with the pc and an audio amp plugged in. The pc BIOS is set to power on when power is restored. So, when the ApplianceLinc is powered on by any KPL button or web contoller, the pc starts, the amp comes on, and internet radio starts from a shortcut in the "Startup" folder. I can push a KPL button in the house and by the time i walk to the garage, music is playing and Google is available to fix whatever i'm there for. I power the pc down manually, though one day i'll put a shutdown utility on the pc and control the total shutdown (pc and ApplianceLinc) from the isy-99. Tom C.
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