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  1. firstone's post in Some Polisy Plugins refuse to start. was marked as the answer   
    Try to log out and login again? 
  2. firstone's post in How does this work? was marked as the answer   
    Holidays either come from python lib, which has a lot defined. https://pypi.org/project/holidays/. Or you can set up your own by date. 

    With that in mind, above use case is not something this was written for. It's more like day based. Something like if Today is a holiday, do not lower thermostat. Or if tomorrow is a holiday, keep outside lights longer. 
    The more important part is its dynamic. You can turn it on of off. For example, you can set up WFH for Mon and Fri. But I can say "Alexa, turn tomorrow on" and tomorrow will become WFH, running all WFH schedules. Something like that.

    For above use case I'd just use regular schedule as others have said. 
  3. firstone's post in Unable to compile firmware for ESP8266 was marked as the answer   
    Latest code is here https://github.com/firstone/av-remote-poly/tree/dev/esp8266/RESTRemote
  4. firstone's post in Input for streamer not available? was marked as the answer   
    @GQuackI've published version 2.0.7 with update input list per above. Although I've had a report of 2.0.6 not working from one person but no logs so far. If it happens to you, PM log package to me.
  5. firstone's post in Trial subscription expired. was marked as the answer   
    There is an option to purchase available now in Production store. Through I'm still working with UDI on automating setup and not requiring ssh manual steps.
  6. firstone's post in Nvidia Shield help - AVRemote was marked as the answer   
    I've uploaded new version into Beta store - 2.0.3. It doesn't need adb anymore. Feel free to test if you want. It can also fetch a list of installed apps from Shield so that you can use them in your programs.
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