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    Austin, Texas

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  1. I’m having a similar issue except that it happens randomly. It seems to be related to timed events in programs. Everything just turns on. Quite annoying when it’s 7 in the morning and I planned to sleep in. There’s no one program that triggers it. Any program that uses a timed event including sunrise and sunset can trigger everything on. Any suggestions?
  2. I got the 99 from Smarthome in 2013. Just got the Dot. I have about 80 Insteon devices and I'm a programmer. So I've always appreciated the programming aspect of my ISY.
  3. I wish I had known that the 99i was not supported. This is starting to get expensive just for the privilege of talking to my house. Are their any upgrade deals for the ISY 994 that you know of?
  4. I just purchased an Amazon Dot and followed exactly (I hope) the Amazon Echo Step by Step instructions on the forum. I purchased the portal and have it running just fine. I enabled the skill "ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2" in the Alexa app. I can see the Echo listed under "connectivity" in the ISY portal and can see all of my devices, scenes and programs there and I've created a couple of spoken nodes. When I instruct Alexa to discover new devices nothing is found! I just got off the phone with Amazon Echo support and they told me that the echo does not work with Ethernet connected devices--only wireless devices. That seems very strange. Could the problem be that I have the old ISY 99! ? Will the 99i work with Echo? Thanks!
  5. That would be great. It's a logical next step for iRule to include home automation via ISY. Please keep us informed!
  6. I've looked for these answers in previous posts but haven't found them. Maybe I'm not searching correctly so forgive me if this is a repeat. I have 2 dimmer switches (2476D) installed. One is the load for 5 can lights in the kitchen. The other has no load. I'm setting them up in a scene to act as 3-way dimmers. I want the ON level to be 50%. I created a scene [Kitchen Cans] and added both dimmers as controllers and set the ON LEVEL to be 50% and the RAMP RATE to be 2.0 in the scene and on each node within the scene (not sure why this appears in both the scene and the nodes). The primary (LOAD) dimmer works as expected. Tap the top button and the lights brighten to 50%. Tap the top button again and the lights go to 100%. Double tap the top button and the lights go FAST ON. The LED's of both the primary and secondary dimmers report the status of the lights correctly. Life is good. When I tap the top button of the secondary (NO LOAD) dimmer the lights brighten to 50% and the LED's on both dimmers show 50%. So far so good. If I tap the top button of the secondary again the LED's show FULL ON but the lights stay at 50%. The primary dimmer's LEDs stay at 50%. How can I make the secondary dimmer act just like the primary? Thanks for your assistance!
  7. I just tried the setup suggested by kevkmartin. Everything worked fine except the secure connection method. By changing https://User:password@ to http://User:password@ it started working. Is there an important reason to be using https? In either case, you still have to provide a user name and password.
  8. It may be that the iRule is what I'm looking for, too. I want to create my own iPad and iPhone app to control my Insteon Devices thru the ISY99i. The "builder" portion seems to be missing in every other app I've seen like the MobiLinc and it's expensive iPad cousin. How far have you taken this? Can you, for instance, program icons to control a thermostat, enable or disable a program? What I'm guessing will be missing is the status of devices. So you can turn on or off a light but can't see what it's status is. Please keep us informed of your progress. Thanks!
  9. oberkc, After considering the ultimate purpose of this program -to provide an after hours option to turn on the lights - I think your solution actually is best. I thought I wanted the lights to turn off after 20 minutes but sometimes I might want them on longer; or shorter. Yes, I have to manually turn them off but that's part of my good night routine, anyway. It helped that I thought of this as "manual mode" rather than "override". Thanks for your suggestion.
  10. Apostolakisl, I had already thought of that scenario! My solution was to program a lamp to flicker at 10:40 at which time I would inform my guests that they had to either leave immediately or wait until after 11 pm. OK, not very elegant. My first plan would have the control toggle ON then after 20 minutes of light I would tell it to go OFF. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to make the control go OFF. That's why I have it in Non-Toggle (OFF) mode--it just sends a command then goes back to sleep. Use variables? Hey, that's for rock stars. I'm not that advanced --yet-- but I've embraced my geekness enough to know that day will come. If fact, I'm geek enough to have read all of LeeG's program trace. That's serious. I knew I was bad off when I announced to my wife that with merely $450 of equipment I was able to turn on the rope lights. A task previously available only to a $25 timer or (shiver) a manual light switch. I love playing with this stuff. As far as how capable the ISY is, I'm not convinced yet. It seemed like making a control go OFF would be a simple task but I haven't found a way. Any thoughts?
  11. Thanks so much, guys. This has been very helpful in understanding the concept under it all. Now I'm free to try more challenging programs!
  12. LeeG and apostolakisl, Thanks! Works perfectly. I'm a programmer by day but new to this ISY thing. I'm having to twist my head a bit to grasp the --not always-- logic of this device. It's essential that people like you help us newbies. Much appreciated! One clarification, please. LeeG said But apostolakisl said I'm still having trouble grasping the concept here. If there's another discussion on this forum about this, feel free to redirect me. Thanks, again.
  13. Thanks for the replies. The suggestion for an override doesn't really address the issue. Someone may be leaving the house long after the lights have gone off and if I have to monitor the status of the lights myself what's the purpose of having it automated? I'm just looking for a "turn the lights on for 20 minutes then turn them off but only if they aren't already on" program. Here's my code: If Control 'LightsOnDemand' is switched Off And Status 'Rope Lights (Main)' is Off Then Set 'Rope Lights (Main)' Fast On Wait 20 minutes Set 'Rope Lights (Main)' Fast Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I'm a bit bewildered that "wait" triggers an action. Very counter intuitive. There's some smart people here and it just doesn't seem like it should be very complicated.
  14. I have a ISY-99, KeyPadLinc and deck lights plugged into a 2456S3E (ApplianceLinc). I have a program that turns on the lights at sunset and off at 11 pm--the light looks good as well as it provides safety for my guests coming up and down the steps to my front door. This all works great. Sometimes folks stay past 11 so I wrote a program so that when a buttonon the KeyPadLinc is pressed it turns on the lights for 20 minutes then turns them off. This works great if the lights are not already on. If I tap the button and it happens to be early it turns off the lights in 20 minutes--not what I want. So I added the line in the IF section that adds the condition 'Porch lights are off'--but then the time parts doesn't ever work. The lights just stay on. Any idea what gives? Thanks!
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