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  1. This worked great! Problem solved, Routine now does all desired actions. Thank you.
  2. But I continue to appreciate everyone's effort to try and find a solution. Hopefully the answer will help others and not just me!
  3. Unfortunately this string is getting drawn out long enough that information in earlier post is being overlooked. My Kitchen Night Scene has worked flawlessly from the Admin Console, Keypad Buttons, Mobilinc for several years. My Alexa voice command has worked flawlessly since the ISY Portal has gone live. There is just not enough background about the Alexa Routine to explain what limitations it may have when dealing with Devices and Scenes.
  4. My Kitchen Night Scene in the ISY Admin Console controls the settings of 31 different devices. Turning this sceon ON, regardless of whatever the current state of those devices are, the scene results in all main lights being turned off and certain above/in/under cabinet lights to be set at a 25% brightness level and also sets the keypad button states to match. Turning this scene OFF, will set every device in the scene to OFF. In theory, I could try and recreate this complicated scene by attempting to add each device separately in the Routine, but that defeats the purpose of having a scene.
  5. I simply want the Routine to activate an existing ISY Scene that I have set for my Kitchen lights. I can't use an Alex group because different lights in the kitchen are set to various on/off/brightness levels. The Alexa Group appears to be an all on/off only option.
  6. The Routine runs either by voice or via manually activating it in the app. However, the command that the Routine will “Turn On Kitchen Night Lights to 100%( or whatever) Brightness” doesn’t result in any changes to my Lights. The commands to Lock my Locks do do work, so I know the Routine runs. Do I need a Routine? No, but I think all of us here enjoy trying to maximize the utility of our home automation systems. Perhaps I’m highlighting a bug that needs to be addressed. I’ll continue to use my separate voice commands for locks and lights until I figure out what is causing the failure of the Routine to work. I have a gut feeling it is an Alexa software issue and not related to the ISY portal, but I’m not a developer with access to the Amazon folks.
  7. Yes. All my ISY (and Harmony Hub) scenes (and Devices) show up properly in the Smart Home section of the app. What is driving me crazy is that when editing a Routine, selecting Add Action, selecting Smart Home, the list of items under the Control Device and Control Scene pages do not match what is listed under the "root" Smart Home section of the app. Under Routine, the Control Scene only list "scenes" controlled via the Harmony Hub (activities and assigned channels) and the Control Device list doesn't include any of my Insteon devices. Only zwave door locks, thermostats, Sonos devices, and my Rainmaker irrigation zones are included. I have also tried going into the ISY Portal and changing my Scene Kitchen Night Lights to a Light. After rediscovery, Kitchen Night Lights is listed under Routine as a Device and I can add it to the routine. However, when running the Routine, the Kitchen Nights Lights are never activated. My Door Locks activate just fine. But no matter what brightness level is chosen for "Turn On Kitchen Night Lights", none of the Kitchen Lights ever change. Hopefully I have explained this issue thoroughly enough that someone can point out what I am doing/setting wrong.
  8. Does anyone else notice the list of scenes when creating a Routine doesn’t match the scenes in the basic section of the Alexa app?
  9. I'm not stuck. My scene isn't working with a routine. See post #1 and #14 for full details.
  10. Has anyone successfully added a ISY Scene (that sets the on/off/brightness of several devices) to an Echo Routine? If so, how did you do it? How do you have it configured in the ISY Portal? Where does it show up to in the Alexa app to when adding it to a routine?
  11. Michel, This is a Kitchen Night Scene I have used for years activated by Insteon keypad buttons. It works flawlessly from the admin console, MobiLinc, etc. It has also worked flawlessly when added to the ISY Portal and activated via voice with the Echo. In the Alexa app, the only Scenes that appear on the Routine setup "Control Scene" page are those associated with the Harmony Hub. None of the ISY Portal Scenes are listed here. Instead all of the ISY Portal Scenes are listed on the Control Device page. Using the Alexa app to add it to the Good Night night routine results in no action. However, the activation of my zwave locks work just fine. I tried changing the Kitchen Night Scene in the Portal to a Device but it too did not activate when added to a Routine.
  12. That's been done with no effect. Sorry, should have listed that as part of my troubleshooting.
  13. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone. Trying to configure my Good Night Routine. I am running V3 of the skill and use the ISY Portal. I have a Scene that sets certain lights in the kitchen to low level and turns others off. The scene is controlled via several keypad buttons. The Portal was originally set up with the Kitchen Night Light as a scene and using voice control has worked without error. Tried to set the Good Night Routine with the same scene and nothing is activated. Tried changing the Scene in the Portal to a Light. It is properly reflected as a light in the Alexa app and responds to both the app and voice control without error. However, the Good Night Routine still will not activate the Kitchen Night Lights (regardless of brightness selected). Anxious to get this figured out as there are several routines I would like to implement. Thanks in advance for any help.
  14. Just recieved a new Beta signup from Sonos yesterday. Survey included questions regarding Echo/Dot ownership and a list of Home Automation protocols (including Insteon) that are being used in the home. I expect this round of Beta software to include this much desired integration with Sonos. Last round of Beta lasted 3-4 months if that is any precursor to when it might go live to the public.
  15. @blueman2 I understand you may be using macros assigned to buttons via the configuration app. Can you detail how you have set up and used it? Thanks.
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