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  1. Huddadudda - let's start here. I opened this thread because I was having trouble implementing the ISY Portal Services. This is even before I can consider enabling the Amazon Echo integration. The thread I started was an attempt to find any anomalies or something I didn't already do as part of my setup. If you read back to the beginning of the thread and response to most all of the suggestions, I had already followed and completed the steps that were provided by UDI. I saw those one I first started. The end solution is not known to me. It all suddenly started to work. In the meantime, I created a support ticket to UDI. I received a prompt response from Michel and began feeding logs and other information to him. I am still working with him today to help identify what might have gone wrong. I read many other threads already on the forum. Did I read them all? Probably not. Regardless, I'm not aware of the concerns you and others have raised previously. This is not to say they are or are not valid concerns. However, you redirected this thread I initiated to make a statement about something you didn't feel was being handled properly by UDI. This was not the right place to do it. If it were me and had the information from prior discussions, I might have started a separate thread, engaged Michel, summarized findings and worked with him to update or provide a pinned post where necessary if Michel felt it was appropriate. I do see that he and Steve have been posts in various forums. My point is, you started banging your drums in a thread that wasn't for this purpose. Even though you think I may have benefited from your prior concerns, it wasn't the place to do this and you did it in such a way that if I were Michel, I would have ignored you as well. My point to you still stands. Consider how you engage people with intention of having a meaningful dialog that derives positive results. Don't rant every chance you get, in every thread and forum possible, in a derogatory way. It will never get you a positive outcome. To your point, I am aware of the steps provided to setup the ISY Portal. I followed those steps before I came to the forum. I still had issues. I'm working with Michel to help identify those. The outcome may be a bug, it may be additional documentation that is needed, it may be user error. Regardless, it is working for me now but not from lack or knowledge of existing information.
  2. Sorry huddadudda - that does sound better . It isn't what you say but how you say it. If you want to make some suggestions and offer content to help others, do that. But much of what you said was quite condensending. I'm not replying to this anymore. The thread I started looking for help (and appreciate everyone's suggestions and direction) is now derailed. Michel and his team have always been very helpful over the years I've owned their products. I've had calls from steve in Saturdays, Michel responding quickly. They don't need my defending them. Your suggestions were good. Approach was bad.
  3. Dude - don't you think you could have a respectful conversation and provide constructive suggestions rather than taking the approach you are? Nothing positive will come out of it.
  4. Why don't you guys summarize your tips and tricks, ask Michel to pin it to the top along with a link to the wiki Michel just pointed me to. Make it easy to find. I'm happy to add a few notes to it from my process.
  5. I read many of the other threads. I didn't see anything specific to my list of issues tonight that I hadn't already tried. It seemed to suddenly work with nothing done that I hadn't already tried. Unless Michel says otherwise, I think it's a matter of giving the communication between the cloud service and our ISYs time to occur.
  6. Thanks. It is already linked to the ISY. I unlinked and relinked, etc. Again, all the devices are appearing in the Portal. However, when clicking on Amazon Echo in the portal it first prompts and tells me the skill isn't enabled and linked to my profile. I did rescan after providing spoken words to my test devices. It did pick them up. Thanks for that heads up. AH, that also made Echo work much better with commands! Thank you! I thought Izzy needed to be invoked for everything. UPDATE - the skill message in the ISY Portal eventually stopped appearing. Thanks Stu for your tips, the interaction with Echo is now great. I've sent Michel more error logs and provided him additional details. Though everything eventually worked, it was a bit painful and would be good to know in the end what 'clicked'. It could be that we need to wait quite a bit longer between the cloud service and our devices to communicated and I was being VERY impatient.
  7. Call it luck, impatience, Michel doing something in the back end. After leaving it alone for awhile and reading all the forum messages I could, I looked at the ISY Portal again and it pending my authorization. I restarted my ISY Console and wouldn't you know it, it was waiting for me to authorize. Now it appears to be online. So, onto the next challenge ... I've enabled the skill in my Echo app on my iPhone. I have linked my ISY Portal and ISY to my Amazon Echo account in the ISY Portal. I have confirmed the skill is enabled on my Echo by verbally asking Alexa to turn on izzy. I received the proper set of instructions and prompt for me to interact. HOWEVER, when I run discover from settings in the Echo app on my iPhone, it does not return any results. When I select Amazon Echo from my ISY in the ISY Portal, it tells me, " The ISY skill is not linked to your portal user profile. Please go to your echo app, enable the ISY skill, and link the skill with this user profile.". But, all my devices and scenes are in the list and i have add spoken words via the ISY Portal. It all seems to work in spite of the errors I see above.
  8. I did that actually a couple of times. I noticed after accepting the install of the service and the ISY reported it was going to reboot, I was not able to find the ISY. So I did do a hard reboot after that without any better results.
  9. I did, thanks. I'm working with Michel back and forth through email. Of an interesting note. I just cleared the cache from the java console on my iMac. I then removed and re-added my isy to the ISY Portal. I then restarted the ISY Console, changed to the configuration / portal tab. I clicked 'refresh' and immediate received this error, “Socket Open failed java.net.SocketException: Host is down”. ​This actually now looks like it is related to my ISY. I have to unplug it and re-start it. I'm stopping until I hear back from Michel.
  10. In the ISY Portal? I did. Twice. I've deleted cache on my Mac through the Java Console (twice). I'm out of ideas.
  11. Thanks, Stu. I do realize UDI's focus on security. I've been a customer for a number of years. I was just grasping at straws and providing more details. I have doubled checked and can confirm the UUID and MAC addresses are the same. The UUID was entered as all lower case in the ISY Portal.
  12. It seems the ISY Portal cloud service cannot connect to my ISY through my home network. Do I need to expose any firewall ports on my router? For reference, I my internet to my intranet configuration is a cable modem (Arris) -> router (Netgear N900) -> ISY (994i).
  13. Nothing to uncheck as it won't enable. In the ISY Portal it shows that my ISY has never connected. Shows it is offline. That's the problem I'm attempting to solve.
  14. A couple other pieces of possibly useless info ... I have had random problems with Mobilinc connecting to the ISY. I realize this is via my intranet but, one day my mobillinc app on my iPhone will connect to the isy and another day it won't but at the same time it may be fine from my iPad. I have also confirmed that I *did* enter my UUID correctly in the ISY Portal. I retrieved my UUID from help/about. I also confirmed in help/about that the internet access is disabled. Also, I am managing my ISY from an iMac (intel based, 2015 model) running El Capitain. However, I have Firefox installed and use it to manage the ISY. I have version 44 (current) installed along with the current version of Java.
  15. It doesn't show any services. It just shows a heading that says, 'Portal Integration UDI' and then what looks like a legend just below it for offline and registered. There aren't any services listed. I did install the ISY Portal and it did show success in doing so. It took a bit of time for it to do the install. When attempting the enable internet access, it immediately comes back with an error message, 'failed enabling internet access'.
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