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About Physpher

  • Birthday 06/21/1988

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    Austin, TX
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  1. It doesn't matter in the end, just a nice thing to have in my opinion. I do have a good mixture of ON/OFF and dimming devices though which was my reasoning behind it. Now, just to get a thermostat so I can graph temperatures . Side note, I need to get rid of my HRULE as my graphs will never go over 100. Probably the same with the "Average" field.
  2. Thanks again! After playing around and looking at your screenshots, I noticed you are using the 0-255 range. If you set up CDEFs for your graph template you can get the human readable 0-100 range. Here is how mine is set up: Item Item Value Item #1 Special Data Source: CURRENT_DATA_SOURCE Item #2 Custom String: 2.55 Item #3 Operator: /
  3. I just threw your script on my server and after playing with it (I initially forgot to change the port number) got it working just peachy. In fact, I think I will start using your script so I don't have to pull up mobilinc or a browser to check device addresses. Thanks for sharing! It is a minor brain work out to get it going the first time... and the second. Glad you got it working. I do have one question though, how'd you get your 'host_description' working correctly? I leave mine as 'none', though I do have cacti pinging the ISY to check up/down status. I can work my way around cacti, but I am no pro with it. Thanks in advance!
  4. That has gotten me in the past. I just recently (last week) dove in and put Linux on my server and in turn decided to redo cacti. I found it fairly easy to set up templates for everything. Adding a new device is as simple as naming and inserting your address for the device. Then creating the graph which I would assume would be the same as your name you just used.
  5. Physpher


    I have a gesture on my phone, shake left and right! New Profile > Event > Sensor > Shake Axis: Left-Right Sensitivity: Medium Duration: Medium Set it to run your task that you have a widget for. Problem solved! No keypresses and you can do it from any app as long as your phone is unlocked and screen is on!
  6. Bringing this thread back from the dead. King, how do you dim individual devices to specified level (e.g. .../DON/128)? I have tried a few different ways of adding "/" but none work. To compensate, I have a few macros that are DON then 8*x (x=1,2, or 3) DIMs. The only downside to this is that it takes a little while to dim down (and I try to be a minimalist when it comes to this stuff, but that isn't a real issue). Thanks, Bryan
  7. Physpher


    Yes, this is only working locally and would not use this outside of my network (I know, I'm transmitting from my phone, but there are fewer hops as opposed to the public network and don't think people are sniffing wifi traffic around me). Once the certs are squared away, this should work nicely. My issue was two part, silent and then remote. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Physpher


    Alright. I think I found a way to do this locally and it works flawlessly (for me, at least). In Tasker, make a new task. Then new action using HTTP Get (Net -> HTTP Get) When the Action Edit screen comes up, fill out these two fields with the relevant information: Server:Port http://user:pass@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx Path: /rest/nodes/XX XX XX X/cmd/XXX In NFC Task Launcher, create a new task. Select NFC Change your tag name Add action, Tasker (it's at the bottom) You can then search for your new Tasker task. Select, then OK. Save and write. To make all of this transparent: In Tasker: Menu, preferences Uncheck run in foreground (Only if your device is newer, else just change the Tasker icon to blank) In NFC Task Launcher: Menu, settings Set Notifications to none Vibrate to never Tada! No new tabs/pages for every device. My phone just makes the NFC sound and that is it. Lights adjust automagically and all. Don't even need to leave some apps to do so.
  9. Sorry for the delayed response! Gotta love having sick babies and then getting side tracked. Unfortunately, I do not have the thermostat (yet), and scripting is not quite my thing, so coming up with a fix without screwing with it myself and through trial and error probably won't work too well. I would like to point out that I actually plan on keeping temps and humidity levels tracked in cacti once I get my thermostat. So once I get it, you can bet I will bust my rear trying to get it to work. I do have a very intelligent engineer at work that I will try to see if he can see what's up with it though! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Physpher


    Are you getting an error that looks like this: "Input/Output error for https://example.com/blah: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert. CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found..." If so then it's probably related to you using a self-signed SSL certificate. Here's a message I posted to the Tasker forum about it a little while back: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/taske ... discussion That is the error I am getting (based on my horrible memory at least) I will look into it while at work. Thanks for the information! EDIT: looks like I can't fix this myself. But it looks like mobilinc is looking into tasker integration so I may switch to them instead of conductor if/when they release that feature. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Physpher


    This is the first time using it for the isy. I have it do just normal phone stuff. It is actually very quick to react to the built in tasks (toggling wifi, sending texts and all the other stuff). Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Physpher


    Oh do tell.. the little 50 cent tags you can put your phone or tap against to get them to "activate"? Share more on your tasker set up and the challenge you speak of here please. I am guessing that tasker opens the browser to send the command and then that tab is left open and you have to come along and close it manually? You got it exactly. Url method works fine, the part that is hurting my brain is the http get (wget) function. When I am remote, I get a Java error that I do not understand. When I do it locally, just sits there. Somewhat frustrating. I couldn't find any of those tags for $.50, they were closer to a dollar. But you are correct on the sticky part I got a 10 pack to test the waters. I like them, I just don't like trying to do more complex things with them as I have been beating my head on the wall for the past few days I know I'll get it eventually, I always do, it's just a long painful road Haha. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Physpher


    That is the command I currently use and it works well every time as long as it is not tasker issuing commands. What I am trying to do is get my nfc tags to adjust lighting and TV without bringing up 17 browser windows. It currently works, just not gracefully. I think my weak point is not fully understanding the best named tasker. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Physpher


    Hi All, I am trying to figure out how to get Tasker to send REST commands to my ISY99i. I have tried using shell commands with WGET and using the HTTP Get command in Tasker to no avail. I have tried: https://user:pass@IP:Port/rest/nodes/ /cmd/DON wget --user=user --password='password' https://IP:Port/rest/nodes/ /cmd/DON As well as HTTP Get with the above added to the first field. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. So I think I found one possible cause for your errors in your logs. When I had a device that had a 0 as in '0A' in its address, I had to remove the leading 0. So 'AB CD 0E 1' should look like 'AB CD E 1'. Another issue I caused is make sure in graph management you create a graph item that has a color defined. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 2
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