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Everything posted by jodok

  1. jodok

    Remotelinc 2

    Same here! I actually planned to order two of the RemoteLinc 2 immediately, now I will wait. Question is just - how long? The answer to this would actually also give an indication to when the module for ELK will be available - another "sure buy" for me! Jodok
  2. jodok


    Lee, Thank you for the quick answer! The alternative, as far as I can tell, would be to use the Network Module and send the control strings to a IP->serial converter, right? Could you give me any information on which Ethernet-RS485 converter you would recommend? And where would I find the information to program the Network Module for this task? Best regards Jodok
  3. jodok


    I am also looking for serial connectivity. What I would need to do is send specific serial command to other devices, in my case Somfy shades that can understand serial communication. Is there any way to use the SmartHome SerialLinc 2410S for this puprpose? Jodok
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