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  1. Considering this lighting for my home... it's controllable via app/Google/Alexa... Just curious how I might integrate with EISY. Has anybody heard of or tried these lights? I'm not going to post a link but if you Google, you'll find them right away.
  2. same network... has been for years and the only changed thing is the IoX 5.7.0 update last night. cleared cache and download done after eisy IoX update. Still confused. Any more ideas?
  3. On eisy: I've managed to upgrade to IoX v5.7.0 and I had previously upgraded to Polygot v3.2.4. Didn't see some of the issues from above (e.g. all programs being disabled). I connect to the device via 2 machines inside my home network. On both, I've cleared the Java "temporary files" completely, which should include cache and applications. https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp using the above link, I grabbed a new (latest???) copy of the IoX Launcher app on both my machines. Interestingly, my desktop finds the eisy device and I can see that it's running IoX v5.7.0 but... the laptap IoX Launcher comes up empty with no eisy devices listed. The only difference I can see is one is on WiFi (laptop) and the other is on a hard LAN connection. Multiple restarts of everything. The eisy is on DHCP and can be pinged from both machines. I"m confused and would love some insight from someone more knowledgeable.
  4. @Michel Kohanim Any update? thanx!
  5. Alpha support still pending?
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