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About chadodes

  • Birthday 01/21/1983

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    Winnipeg, MB
  • Occupation
    Network Engineer

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  1. No problem Russ, I don't always have time to browse forums, but when I do I love to help. and while I'm here anyone else just getting into wireshark and packet analyzing here is a tip: Filter out all of the noise and try to filter just things coming from your PC: ip.src == or just things going to you device: ip.dst == Place this in the filter box. Also make sure you are expending the data by hitting the plus sign(s) in the non hex looking results.. This is where you will find a lot of the data you are looking for and will allow you to copy it in the ISY. -Chad
  2. Hey Jake, and other readers. Looks like cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FON&cmd1=aspMainZone_WebUpdateStatus%2F is where the magic is. You may also want to also add a header for your cookie. Click Add under headers when editing the program, beside the "enter name" type in "Cookie" in the right ajacent box type in "ZoneName=MAIN%20ZONE" You can use this to turn the device off, as for on, you can brute force attack it with some possibilities or you can take a look at the source code of [iP-of-Amp/MainZone/index.put.asp], and look for the text "PutSystem_OnStandby" if you get the system to turn off, then try this (only a guess..): cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FOFF&cmd1=aspMainZone_WebUpdateStatus%2F to turn it on. I'm sure it's something not containing the word standby though.. by the way, in this system your not doing a "GET" it looks like you doing a POST. so this is what your program would look like: http POST Host: Post 80 Path /MainZone/index.put.asp [encode URL unchecked] Timeout: 500 Mode: Raw Text Body: cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FON&cmd1=aspMainZone_WebUpdateStatus%2F So If Everything is done Correctly, you should see this in the "Actual Box" POST /MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Connection: Close Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 65 Cookie: ZoneName=MAIN%20ZONE cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FON&cmd1=aspMainZone_WebUpdateStatus%2F Let me know if that works our for you guys. -Chad
  3. Glad, I'm not the only one. Let me know if you make headway, I'm too lazy at the moment to diagnose.
  4. Hi jakekooser, I could help you figure this out. what timezone are you? would you be cool with sharing your screen with me and I could walk you through how to do it remotely? If the java-script looks all crazy we could try to use a packet capturing program and analyze the data. -Chad
  5. Hi Michel, That's exactly what I did. Did I not attach the zip file properly? it shows up for me..
  6. Hello! and welcome to another How-To. In this How to I go over how to Arm and disarm your DSC Alarm System. There are two ways this can be done: 1.) Via an Insteon IOlinc 2450 2.) Programmaticly communicating over the network with a DSC TL150 or TL-250. Method 1.) IOLinc If you have a IOlinc, you can set it up as a "Keyed switch" on your DSC. under normal circumstances the DSC Alarms use this option for use with littery just that.. a "Keyed switch" however with the fun power of insteon we can trick the panel into believing we are arming or disarming the system via one of these switches. to do so, run some station wire from one of the zones in your panel to an IOlinc. For this example we will use green for common on the alarm panel and yellow for say.. z8 (pick the common next to the zone in the panel). on the IOlinc, connect the green wire to the terminal labeled Com and the yellow wire to the terminal labeled NC (Standing for normally closed). Programming the DSC Alarm Panel: You will need to set the zone you picked to a option 23 (Maintained Keyswitch Arm) as this is an ISY forum and not a DSC forum I am not going to get into too much detail about this programming method. (and DSC frowns upon Putting links to programming manuals or detailed instructions) Some systems may also need a 5600 ohm resistor for end of line, if you have that in place. Method 2.) Programmaticly. This is the most fun and secure way of doing things. Secure depending on how you look at it at least.. you are hard-coding your alarm code in and all... but on the other hand you don't have two wires that can be joined together to arm/disarm your system. For this you must have two things: The network module for the ISY (Help->Purchase Modules) A DSC TL-150 or TL-250 network interface. (might work on others.. not sure..) Let's get started: Create a new network Resource: In ISY, go to: Configuration->Networking->Network resources. For this example, lets name it: DSC.Arm Use these settings: http GET host tl-150 Port 80 Path /2?A=3&p=1&X=1234 Replace the host with the hostname or IP of the DSC network interface (the TL-150 or tl- 250) Replace the 1234 with whatever your alarm code is you wish the ISY to use to arm / disarm (The cool part about this is different alarm codes can be set for different partitions thus different KPL buttons.) In the header section, be sure to add "Authentication" and put in your username and password for the TL-150/250 (in my example I used admin/admin and it automatically gets encoded. When all finished, it should look something like this: Save and Save and Test! if it works, you should hear some beeping from your DSC Keypads. Now go run and disarm your system. Speaking of disarming, lets cover how to disarm if you should so desire to have that as a program.. Use the copy button to copy the DSC.Arm Network resource. Lets name the copy DSC.Disarm. Edit the body and change only the following.. the Path.. that's IT! Change it to this: /2?A=4&p=1&X=1234 Replace the 1234 with the code you wish to give the ISY to disarm your alarm panel. Save and Test, and Voila! all Done! isn't that awesome! I hope your proud of yourself, I know I am. As usual with my How-To's feel free to ask questions as I will try to monitor and reply to this post for at least a couple of months.
  7. Do you have a budget? I could build you a system. if you are handy with electronics and programming you could attempt to build it yourself, this is how I would: The device would be based off an Arduino Uno with a network shield. It would have a webpage you would set settings on. when the temperature met what you wanted.. it would send commands to the ISY via the ISY's REST interface. Temperature probes are under $30 each. The device could also be called remotely and return back values. Optional items it could have is level of light / UV and contact closure (float switch?).
  8. Hi Guys, this is my first post and first HOW TO in ONE!, so enjoy this momentous occasion I would love to put this in the WIKI if any mods out there want to give me some perms. This should get you started on getting your ISY to control your Pioneer Amplifier or Receiver. What I will Cover: Power ON Power OFF Volume Up Volume Down Mute Un Mute Edit and switch to an internet radio station. This Code should be Compatible with the following AV receiver models: Europe: SC-LX83, SC-LX73, VSX-LX53, VSX-2020, VSX-1025-K, VSX-1020-K, VSX-920-K USA/Canada: SC-37, SC-35, SC-1525-K, VSX-33, VSX-1325-K, VSX-32, VSX-1125-K,VSX-1120-K, VSX-31, VSX-1025-K, VSX-30, Other Countries: SC-LX83, SC-35, SC-LX73, VSX-LX53, VSX-31, VSX-1020-K, VSX-920-K I tested this personally with a Pioneer Elite VSX-32. but I would LOVE feedback if it did or did not work out for you below. YOU MUST HAVE THE NETWORK RESOURCE MODULE, so if you don't have that yet, go buy it form the help menu in your ISY. (Purchase Modules) First thing first: Figure out the amp's IP; This can be done via the settings page on the amp's OSD or if you are lazy and don't want to step away form your PC, go find something pioneer related in your DHCP Lease table. Pioneer owns this MAC address Range: 00:E0:36, so look for any MAC's that start with that. In ISY, go to: Configuration->Networking->Network resources. I have attached a file called PioneerAV, import it to get yourself rolling the fastest! just replace my ip with the IP of your receiver and your good to go! MAKE SURE YOU DO AN EXPORT AND BACKUP FIRST OF YOUR ISY BEFORE IMPORTING! I don't want to be responsible for breaking something if your firmware doesn't match my firmware. Creating from Scratch: Create a new Program. for Organization sake I separate my programs functions with a period. so lets create a new program for turning up the volume.. Name it: PioneerAV.VolumeUP Next Click the Edit button next to it's name. Set the settings as follows: http GET Host Port 80 Path /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=VU Hopefully it should look something like this: Replace the "" with whatever your IP of your receiver happens to be. Save and Save and Save and TEST! AWESOME isn't it? I made a button on my KPL that actually turns up the volume 5 decibels each time it's pressed by creating a program that calls the network resource Pioneer.VolumeUP ten times! (half a db each call). Now to call other functions.. use the "Copy" button to copy this one and then change the Path / to match one of these in the list for each additional function you wish to call: Function Path Volume UP /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=VU Volume Down /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=VD Volume MUTE /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=MO Volume UnMute /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=MF Power On (zone1) /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=PO Power Off (zone1) /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=PF Hopefully that should be enough to really impress yourself and get you started. if you want to attempt to reverse engineer the receiver's webpage yourself.. all of the functions can be found at: and about 3 quarters of the way down. Now for some advanced stuff! Try this code out to set and switch to an internet streaming station. This example sets the text: "SKY.FM - Spanish Guitr" and edits the 24th Internet Radio Preset with the station: "" and then switches to that station if in internet radio mode. Create a fresh new network resource; For this Example we can call it: Pioneer.RadioStation.ClassicalGuitar Use these settings, remembering to swap out your IP: http POST Host Port 80 Path /InternetRadioSettingUpdateHandler.asp Timeout 500 Mode Raw Text in the Body paste this in: Channel=24&Title=SKY.FM%20-%20Spanish%20Guitr&URL= Edit the Content-Type to match this: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n When all is ready.. you should have this: Save and Test and Viola! Some advanced Internet Radio Station switching!, no longer limited to just 24 stations I hope you enjoyed this how to and stay tuned for other how-to's on items like Sony / Pioneer BluRay players (track switching), and how to ARM / Disarm DSC Alarm Systems with more on the way. Feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to monitor this post for at least a couple months. PioneerAV.zip
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