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  1. While I tend to agree, without some logging there is little way of checking. Basically, I was trying to find a way of proving that the signal was sent (or at least being sure about it). Since the log file did not have any indication of it at all. This sort of feature becomes more critical as the complexity of systems increases! Dan
  2. on the folder: Folder Conditions for 'Pool' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. On the Program itself: If Time is 12:01:00PM Then Set 'Devices - Outside / Pool-Pump' Fast On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The program is enabled and saved, and the time is correct. Sometimes (most of the time) it does work... however sometimes it just doesn't seem to kick off. (hence the intermittent title of the thread ) I had thought about making another program that would just do something loggable every minute, or every 5 minutes or whatever, just to see if there were any holes in the pattern and to see if they coincided with the missed program times. This might tell me if the system was hanging up during this time, or if it was something specific to the program... but I can't figure out what to do that would always generate a log entry that I could check on. (hint: this is where the log action would be great! ) More thoughts? Dan
  3. OK, it looks like it did not run, however the question is why? was the system locked up? or did it skip that program for some reason? (the program simply says when it is 8:30pm, turn on this switch, nothing complex and no other clauses to get caught in). Thoughts? Dan
  4. I have two programs, one is intended to turn on a device at a time, and the other turn it off. For some reason these do not seem to be working -sometimes-, I am not sure if they are not running, or are running and not communicating. I have checked the logs and there is nothing in them when they don't work (they do log the state change when they are working). since these are intermittant, I am not sure exactly where to check to see what the problem was. one of the things I wanted to try was to have it write a log entry when the program ran. this didn't need to be complex, simply something in the action that would allow me to dump a string into the log file. Worst case, something that just put an entry in the log file without the string that it ran program "x" would be helpfull. Since that doesn't seem to exist (though please put it on the wishlist!) are there any other ideas, debug log levels or hidden log files that I can look at? Thanks! Dan
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