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Everything posted by ddejager

  1. I have a 2441V TA v.92. I note that there is an option to "Report Humidity". I did not find any documentation for this option when searching this forum or on the Wiki. (Perhaps I missed it?). What does the option do? If uncheck will a query still show the correct humidity? Does the option simply reduce the Insteon traffic for humidity variations?
  2. Problem: t1900 stat setpoints set to 255 heat and 0 cool on Group 0 ON Product: t1900 with V2.2 Thermostat adapter Label: 4010 Rev 2.2 No Date Label When Insteon Broadcast Group 0 all on is sent, the thermostat is set to OFF, the heat point is set to 255 (displayed in the thermostat as 0D), the cool point is set to 0. Attempts to set the heating and cooling to a rational value from the thermostat itself fail in strange ways until the thermostat is reset to factory defaults.
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