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Everything posted by mfthorpe

  1. Hello: I am so glad you are doing this. The only words I have got to work so far are -- Kitchen Porch Dining room Family room (I note you say the single word "kitchen" did not work for you.) I would like to add quite a few single words if this is possible as they arfe easier to remember and good for some scenes - although could always append the word "light". Upstairs Downstairs Mister Hallway Arriving BBQ Fans Evening as well as Spa light Pool light Outside lights Garden lights Garage lights Bedroom Angela's study Mike's study Curtains Drapes Xmas lights Emergency lights Red light Piano light Breakfast light Globe light Table light Perhaps if you have a limited number of words - then names like "Mike" could be omitted. Good luck and look forward to hearing when this is done. Mike
  2. I have just hooked up the Amazon echo to the isy994i with much help from the youtube video by Steve. See http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17733-isy-994i-amazon-echo-integration-video/ It is possible to turn on and off devices and scenes and is really nice. The problem is the sntax of words that are recognized for devices and scenes is very limited - I have found the following to work - after trying very many that do not ; dining room porch kitchen family room It would be good if there was a "master list" of acceptable words and/or a method of training that would introduce a new word like "garden lights" which presently does not work. I used "porch" instead but that is harder to remember and it took me a long time to find it. Mike
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