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  1. It's been a couple of years, and aside from manual remote activation, climate module:condition: snow, alert messages and IP cameras, I am no closer to finding a solution to automating my snow-melt system than when I installed it ! I do have a wonderful track record with the system I designed & built completely clearing all snow on both driveways and walkways.
  2. I am trying to figure out the new Climate's module light level, as I copied the 4 program light-level programs from Wiki, where it looks at light-level and set turns lights on when it gets dark from a storm. I cannot quite figure out what is happening, seems to be backwards, 0% =bright daylight, and 100%=dark. Today Partly Cloudy - Currently 35-58% Yesterday Stormy - Was at 69-80% Not sure what is happening here, all stations are around me are within 1-2% of the same. Station: MID_E1689 I have now changed the "Clear Day" program light level to <= 70 and the "Stormy day" to > 70 My understanding that because the polling for weather is now every 5 minutes, the "Wait to change lights" program set at 5 minutes, could not change lighting for 10 minutes, depending on when the station was last polled. Would you suggest a change ? So I am hoping that I have it right, now.
  3. Good Morning, I see that most of you are using the climate system to set lighting levels or to water your lawns/crops. I have a different need.... I know it's August, and no one really wants to think about snow right now, but I figured I would get a head start on this project to get those whom work on these kinds of issues to include it for this winter ! I just upgraded my 99i to 994i and installed the new climate module, and have some questions about how to program for upcoming weather events. I have a snow-melt system in my driveway, and heater tape around a pipe that extends 100' underground to defrost through-out the cold seasons. This pipe must be defrosted as it is part of a back-washing filtration system, as well as our laundry, For the pipe, we have been simply running a pipe-heater Insteon scene based upon local temperature and also whether the snow-melt system is on. But for the snow-melt in my driveway, I would like to create a more sophisticated program as it takes 2-3 hours prior to a snow-fall to heat up the driveway and walkways sufficiently, depending on how cold it is outside. Typical criteria: Temperature between 10 and 35 degrees Fahrenheit (below 10, and it's too cold for the system to work, and usually too cold for snow). What I don't see anywhere is an actual snow-falling/precipitation event, so possibly I could use the "previous 24hour snow-fall total" stored into a variable (i.e. if the snow was predicted to be greater than 0.1"). I was also hoping to see a climate field that indicates actual precipitation. Its been a long time since I was in science class, and not being a meteorologist, I could use some assistance in understand if the barometric "pressure" field could also be used as a predictor of a snow event. There are many fields in the climate app, but very few indicate a change, just true/false or fixed numbers ! It appears I have to write programs to store and refresh the numbers, and calculate whether they are going up or down. Any ideas you may have, as to what combinations of fields you think would be a good place to start. Is there support from HamWeather anywhere ? What we did last season was manually (from cell phones) turn on system based upon weather predictions, and IP cameras visual confirmation, but that was not always sufficient (usually resulting in starting the system too soon or more often, too late). Thank you for any help you can offer. Sincerely, John Fox Lake, IL
  4. I am running FPROT on my XP Laptop and Avast on my Windows 7 desktop, and I get very different results in running the ISY Admin console on both computers. I notice on my XP Laptop, I get popup boxes that show a script running whenever I make changes, and this does not happen on my Windows 7 desktop. I also disabled Malwarebytes, and it seems to work better. I suspect that something is being blocked, but haven't figured out what and from what. I am getting intermittent results when opening the Admin console, sometimes it performs a query correctly, sometimes not. Is there particular ports that need to be forwarded to the ISY99 ? I have forwarded Port 80 on my router to my ISY99 for outside web access (public to private changed to lessen hacking). I can access the ISY99 from my smartphone or external browsers as well. What needs to be set as an exception to let the ISY99 console run unobstructed ? Thank you for letting me know to setup devices I had as Responders as Controllers, to let them act like 3 way lights ! I could not figure out how to make them work like they did when manually linked before.
  5. I am relatively new to ISY99 usage and have several questions. I originally had HouseLinc 1.1 and found it great but a little glitchy, and when I started buying new modules, it wouldn't recognize them correctly, so I purchased the ISY99 kit (with PLM & Power Supply) to get around those limitations and to be able to access via Internet-Phone. My network consists of 3-2330 Controllers, 2-2420 Motion Sensors, 18 Lamp/Appliance/SwitchLinc responders, and 1 Keypadlinc. and 1 RemoteLinc controller. I have completely re-built my Insteon network using the ISY99 removing all links, and building them with 13 scenes that often repeat across a devices. I have written 10 programs to control everything from outside motion sensors with strict criteria as to when lights activate, or can be bypassed, to seasonal display rules, to pairing multiple responders when one device is turned on, so I am fairly adept at understanding overall network function (and I am a Smarthome dealer, so I am quite familiar with many of their products). I updated my ISY99i (1020) to version 3.1.10. I have also configured it for access from outside my network using a browser or smart-phone. But there are a few things I cannot figure out: When I open my ISY99 Admin Console, and sign in, why does every single device default to a ramp rate of 9 minutes and all my devices have a 0(zero) ON Level (Applied Locally), and I cannot change/save that ? When I open Config, Email Notifications, I cannot get the controller to recognize my Email Server (my server does not respond to EHLO commands, only HELO). It is an older EMWAC IMS Mail System (generic POP3/SMTP server). Is there a way to bypass this protocol ? I was finally able to send messages through smtp.comcast.net, so I can get notifications of low-battery on my motion detectors. Why does the ISY99 Admin Console try to constantly write to battery controlled devices (2420M & 2440) that have to be put in "communication mode" to be able to be conversed with ? Once I have linked two responders (Switchlink 2476D's) to a scene, and I want to make them paired controllers, is this not allowed ? Is there a way to make a responder also a controller (I am currently doing this with two programs but that seems a bit tedious, and I cannot adjust brightness levels from the wall-switch and have it update the other switch either). When I highlight Network or the Main Folder and ISY lists all the devices, why does nothing happen when I hit the "Query" button ? I cannot get an updated state of devices. I look forward to hearing comments on how to get some of these things I am doing working correctly !
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