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Everything posted by creeble

  1. Thank you @oberkc ! Unfortunately it doesn't explain why the programs didn't run when I first updated them. When I ran the programs from the "Summary" page, they worked, and seem to be working now. I have no red exclamation point for the new lamp dimmer that is used in these programs. The mini controller works with these fine, and now the ISY seems to control these fine, but my problem was that when I first updated the programs with the new device, the programs did not run, even though I could control them manually from the Admin Console. It was like the updated programs were just not recognized by the ISY. I do have two devices that have exclamation points on the Devices page, and I have replacement switches for them that need to be installed. Curiously, these lights always seem to turn on, but can't be turned off by any controller or the ISY.
  2. Picking this back up -- I replaced the lamp dimmer, and tried reprogramming. The mini controller works fine (all programming done through the Administration Console). Controls the new dimmer perfectly (2457D2). But when I went to change the programs that do timed on/off of that dimmer, it failed to work. When I added the device, I used a new name, and deleted the old lamp dimmer. Then I had to add the new dimmer to all the scenes, and as I said, the mini controller and other controllers worked fine, but the programs for timed dimming no longer worked. Then I noticed that the programs had a little red bar on the left side of the little icon before the name, instead of a green bar. I don't have a secret decoder ring, so I have no idea what that meant, but presumably it was a bad thing (and no, the programs were not disabled; that gives some other indication). So I went to the "Summary" page, and tried running the "Run Then" condition on each of the programs -- which worked. And voila, when I went back to the "Details" page, the little red bar was gone. Huh? And then, in the morning, the program ran fine. But just now I opened the admin console and... the red markings are back on the two programs that control that dimmer. Who knows whether the programs will work in the morning or not. Anybody have a secret decoder ring, or can otherwise tell me what might be going on?
  3. Don't RF-capable devices forward messages over powerline? I'm able to control one 2856D from my mini remote with no problems. It's the same scene that has the other 2856D with the ❗ I haven't tried factory reset yet, but will this weekend.
  4. Yes, tried "restore device" on them. It seemed like it was communicating with them, but it didn't remove the "!" and didn't make them respond to controllers. I suppose I can try "Restore Devices" for the whole network this weekend and cross my fingers.
  5. Thanks Guy. I do not believe I set up the links to these devices with anything but the ISY console. I also believe that the links were lost when we had a power outage and the house went to standby generator; we weren't home when this happened but it seems like it's been broken since we got back. What does the exclamation point on these devices mean? Again, I can control them directly via on/off in the ISY controller, but not through any of the scenes in the controller.
  6. I have four Insteon switches (one 2856D2, one 2477D, two 2476D) that seem to be controllable from the Admin Console and go on/off from Programs, but don't respond to Insteon controllers. They all show up in the Admin Console with exclamation points. Is there a way (through the Console?) to reset the "Membership" of these devices individually, or do I have to try a "Restore Devices" for the whole network of devices? I have about 15 devices total, and the last time I remember doing that, it never completed. But that was a long time ago.
  7. Awesome, thanks much. My UI and Firmware are now in sync; there was a problem when I first upgraded, but all in sync now.
  8. I have been having quite a few problems since upgrading to 5.3.0 with seeing programs. About half the time I run the console, only about 5 of my 25 or so programs show up in My Programs. I'll clear Java cache, re-download and re-run the start.jnlp, and then it's 50/50 whether I see the other programs. They all seem to be running, but they don't always appear in the console. I'm living in fear of actually losing them at some point, and would like to find a way to save them as source so that if I have to rebuild the whole set of programs at some point, I can do it. Yes, of course I back up the ISY on a regular basis, but this whole thing started with the 5.3.0 upgrade, and now my confidence is broken. I feel it's likely I'll have to recreate everything from scratch at some point. There doesn't seem to be a way to copy the text out of a Java app, so that's out. There's no "export program listing" function I can find. Other than doing 25 screen shots, does anyone know of a way to save the source of programs? One last question: Is there a place to find what the different icons for each program mean? There are three different icons on that (partial) listing, and no secret decoder ring that I can find. Edit: Found this link: But it is missing at least two of the icons on my listing.
  9. Well, after a bunch of machinations, most of my programs are back and I was able to replace my one broken Insteon switch. Which was all I really wanted to do. I still have to fix some programs, unfortunately. And somehow my UI and ISY versions now match as well. But as for this "ISY Launcher" thing, when I try these steps: 1. Clear your Java Cache 2. Go to https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp 3. Click on the desired ISY row and, from the menu, choose the Admin Console or the Dashboard The 2nd step offers to download a file. It's been a long time since I've been able to launch a Java app from the browser, and I have no idea why.
  10. Wow. So much for upward compatibility. Guess I have a job ahead of me. Are there, like, benefits to this upgrade I wonder?
  11. Well, after the third time reloading the backup, I see my old programs! But they all still look like this: and the files that I say "Not Saved" have code like: with commented-out sections that used to be the actual actions. And they're un-savable. What is going on here I wonder!?
  12. Here's how I run the thing: Hit http://my_ISY_IP/admin.jnlp Save the file, as my browser doesn't seem to know what to do with it. Run "javaws admin.jnlp". The Admin Console comes up, after 5-10 popups about "not communicating with...xxx" and other noise. I see all my scenes and devices (now), but programs are all gone. My UI is now reporting 5.3.0. I was able to once again restore the 5.3.0 backup I made, and run the Admin Console again after clearing the Java cache (apparently). I see several .PGM file names go by during the restoration, but no programs appear still.
  13. And what's the "New Launcher"?
  14. Okay, I went to the Java Control Panel in Windows and deleted all "Internet Temporary Files" with Settings... Delete Files, selected all. Ran it again, and I get exactly the same results -- different UI and ISY versions, rejects Restoring the recently-made backup.
  15. How does one clear one's Java cache? Seems like only command-line works for me.
  16. Upgraded again, this is what it shows: And it does the same thing when I try to Restore the file it saved before it all disappeared. FWIW, I can't seem to run the Admin Console from a browser; it keeps saying something about "Java 2+ Required" and doesn't go any further. I can launch the Admin Console from "javaws admin.jnlp" fine.
  17. I upgraded my ISY-994i to 5.3.0 successfully (although "UI" still says 4.6.2 -- how does that get upgraded?), but now none of my programs run. Under Programs -> Summary, all the programs say "Not loaded" under Activity, and "Out of memory" under Status. I only have about a dozen programs, all very simple. Everything worked before I upgraded. I have rebooted the ISY-994i several times. I then did a "Backup ISY", which it happily did, saving a file that said 5.3.0 on it. Then I rebooted the ISY, and tried a Restore, and it comes back with "Upgrade Failed: Invalid system configuration file". And now it shows no programming at all. I'm rather stuck. I can post whatever might be useful, the Admin Console still appears to run. But it won't restore from the backup it just made and is otherwise completely devoid of any settings, devices, or programs.
  18. Purchased and on the way!
  19. Okay, thanks very much. I'll look around for the upgrade offer.
  20. Ugh, well, thanks very much for the help. Got it working. Java is the most user-unfriendly environment I've ever encountered. I'm happy with what my 99i does, but I am looking at buying some new Insteon modules. What modules aren't supported by the 99i?
  21. I just got a new Win8 computer, and I can't get the admin console to run (ISY99i, version 3.1.17). When I click on the admin console and accept / run Java (after a fresh Java install, verified and tested), I get an "error - click for details" message in the Java box. Clicking on it gives me a SecurityException box, with the text "Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar:". Help! I'd like to upgrade, but can't do anything until the admin console runs!
  22. Thanks, Tim! Got it.
  23. This has probably been asked a dozen times, but I don't seem to find the concise answer here. If I want a light or scene to come on between two times, and otherwise be turned off, is it simple and correct enough to write a program: If time is From xxxx to yyyyy Then Scene on Else Scene off or is this incorrect? Also, does this work equally well for x10 on and off commands (even without the x10 plugin)? If this works, how is this if/then/else actually evaluated? I.e., although the "then" clause is true between the two times (and false outside them), is each clause run only ONCE? Eric.
  24. Okay thanks Lee, I think I get it now. Must have imagined seeing blue LampLincs before. I get how they're assigned as one or the other in a scene now. Moving forward, slowly forward, thanks again. Eric.
  25. Yikes, I'm afraid I'm more confused: My LampLincs are shown as RED in My Lighting, but BLUE in Scenes -- (Family Room 1 & 2 in the pic). Also, do the italics mean anything? I note that if I click on items in My Lighting they turn italic, and double-clicking turns off italics. It must mean something, but it's sure opaque what it is...
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