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Everything posted by Harry

  1. I will try controlling the load control button. I do not have the KeyPadLinc connected to any load. I put the load over to a SwitchLinc on the other wall. The 'Combo1' button is button E on the 8 button KeyPadLinc. Am I to understand that any button other than 'A' cannot be controlled by a program?
  2. It is a State Variable. I tried it with an Integer first and nothing worked. Then I read that a State Variable will trigger a program. It does that when I had it controlling a different set of light on a SwitchLinc Dimmer.
  3. I'd like to jump in on this thread and ask a question - since this is very close to the same problem I can't figure out... I have two switchlincs that each control a load. Lets call them SL1 and SL2. On the other side of the room, I have an 8 button keypadlinc (Called 'Kitchen KPL'). I have crosslinked one button to SL1 and another to SL2. I have a third button setup to control both SL1 and SL2. I call this Combo1. Combo 1 button works well. Press it once, both groups of lights come on. Press it again, both groups of lights go off. My problem is this: If I turn on SL1 and SL2, I want the Combo 1 button to light up so I can turn both groups off with the first press. Right now, I have to press Combo 1 to get it in sync, then press it again so it will send the OFF signal to the Switchlincs. I have a program to set a State Variable ($State_Combo1) based on the condition of SL1 and SL2, and the logic for this seems to works correctly based on what I see in the Admin Console. I wanted to use this to identify if the Combo1 button should be ON or OFF. $State_Combo1 = 1 only if both SL1 and SL2 are on, otherwise it = 0. But I can't get a program to change the state of the Combo1 button. I tried this: If $State_Combo1 is 1 Then Set 'Kitchen KPL - Combo1' On --- If $State_Combo1 is 0 Then Set 'Kitchen KPL - Combo1' Off I have tried all sorts of other combinations of code. I have been able to get this to work to control another group of lights. But I can't get it to control that KeyPadLinc button, Combo1. What am I doing wrong? Thanks...
  4. Thanks. It is good to know that I am not having a comm issue again. And the work-around does the job (for now). Steve
  5. Just so I understand terms better, when you say 'Direct Commands', you are talking about programming, right? For an InlineLinc Relay, linking it to a SwitchLinc or KeypadLnc, is creating a scene - and that is what is where the known issue is ...? I am slowly catching on, I think. Steve
  6. Thanks for the info. Is there a link with instructions on how to update the firmware for a device when it becomes available? Steve
  7. Yes, it is the new Dual Band one. It is shown as (2475SDB) Dual Band InlineLinc On/Off Switch v.3B. This device is the only one I have that shows as a responder only (in blue). The older InlineLincs that I have in the system have the Sense wire, so I guess they can also be a controller (and thus show in pink on the admin console). The IIL and KPL's are switches - not dimmers, so the admin console won't let me change the On Level to anything other than 0 or 100. I did come up with a work around using a program: If Control 'Breakfast KPL Driveway Flood ILL DBS' is switched On Then Set 'Outside Driveway Flood I'LL DBS' On Else - No Actions - Seems to solve the issue, but... Steve
  8. Actually, it is slightly different than I first described. The problem child is a Dual Band InLineLinc On/Off Relay that controls an outdoor floodlight. When I select this device from the admin console, I can correctly control it. When I put it in a scene that I call Driveway Flood, it doesn't work from the admin console or KPL. I have two KPL's in the scene as controllers (one is dual band), and the LED's for that button do light up. As a side note, I have 6 access points throughout the house plus a phase coupler in each of my breaker boxes. Suggestion?
  9. Can someone explain to me the difference between using the Admin Console to activate a scene and using a KPL button to activate the scene. I understand the scene is written to the KPL so when I press a button, the ISY is not involved. But when I use the Admin Console to activate a scene or device, do the commands come via the PLM? I believe I am having a com issue because I can turn a light on/off from the Admin Console, but not from a KPL that should control the light as a responder. Steve
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