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Everything posted by riceman

  1. Hello all -- I am sporadically encountering a scenario where an Insteon Motion Sensor that normally should only trigger a program that turns on two Lamplincs and and 1 Swichlinc and then turn them off after 5 minutes is turning on ALL INSTEON DEVICES IN MY HOUSE!!! I've had an ISY-99 for the last few years and just upgraded to an ISY-994i about 2 months ago (using same PLM - a 2413S purchased in Oct 2012) and the anomaly has occurred with both ISYs. There appears to be no rhyme or reason for it to occur and usually only happens no more than once a month. This is a heavily used motion sensor that is triggered dozens of times a day since it is in a laundry room that connects the house and garage. I have looked at the ISY log entries around the time it occurs. The log only shows the motion sensor being triggered and the devices that are supposed to be turned on by the associated program -- but no record of all of the other insteon devices in the house being turned on. Also looked at the ISY error log, but no entries around the time the anomaly occurs. This leads me to believe it might be some issue with the PLM, but I don't understand what could cause it to be occurring in the sporadic manner that it does. Anybody ever hear of something similar to this occurring and what if anything can be done to fix/prevent? Thanks, Dave
  2. Michel -- I will try to provide answers to the rest of your questions tonight when I get home, but in the meantime: 1. I did not import the existing links (as far as I know). This is a new install--I may have created some links in devices when I was playing around, but I am not trying to preserve those when I add a device to the ISY. 2. I just did a individual restore against the device that was not responding to the ALL OFF / ALL ON. 3. For the devices that are not responding, none of these belong to a scene (I only have two scenes defined so far, and the devices that are included in it respond fine to the ALL OFF/ALL ON.) Now, when I get home and do more experimenting/troubleshooting, you mention that the device needs to have a "slave link" for the PLM. How is that created? Lately, all I am doing when adding devices is activating the "Start Linking" item in the Link Management pulldown, then going to the device and pressing in the set button (pushing the air gap button in) for about 3 seconds until the light blinks twice (for switchlinc dimmers). I think for the first few devices I added, I did it differently--I pressed the top of the paddle for 10 seconds. I think these ones where I used the top paddle press for 10 seconds are the same ones that are responding to the ALL ON / ALL OFF command from the ISY. Is that just coincidence?? Is there any difference in these two methods of adding? Perhaps I need to brush up on my Switchlinc Insteon manual... Thanks for helping me through the forest. Regards, Dave
  3. Michel -- Well, since you requested that I report any other anomalies, I am witnessing a consistent problem: When I do an "ALL OFF" from the ISY console page, not all my devices are responding. The status goes to "OFF" for all devices, but about half of my 10 switchlincs remain on and the two icon dimmer switches do not respond. My Lamplincs respond fine. Furthermore, the same switches also do not respond when I issue an "ALL ON" from the ISY console. I also get the same result when I create a schedule to set all devices under "My Lighting" to OFF. However, all switches do respond as they should when I use the On/Off controls on the individual device control page. And I am no longer witnessing the previous issue I reported where the local device action is not being reported on the ISY console page (but the status is incorrect now for the non-responding devices to the ALL ON or ALL OFF). Has anybody else witnessed this? I tried a PLM restore as well as device restores, all to no avail. It seems that the device and PLM are working properly since the devices always respond to the commands from the individual device page. What would cause some devices to not respond to ALL ON / ALL OFF from the network view page? I really would like to be able to utilize the ALL OFF as part of a scheduled command to make sure all lights / devices are turned off at the end of the night, so I'm hoping this can be figured out. Thanks, Dave
  4. Stop the presses, I tried one last thing -- I performed a restore on the PLM and viola! --all local actions at all my switchlincs are now reporting instantly to the ISY -- no manual query needed!! Phew, I thought I was stuck with a bunch of old switchlincs! Thanks for the help in getting this solved. Dave
  5. Well I went and tried several switches, all to no avail. I specifically tried every possible variation on linking a switchlinc dimmer I just bought from smarthome a couple days ago and the label says V 3.1. Almost all my switchlincs are less than a couple months old. The oldest is maybe 6 or 8 months. How long has the version 2.4 and above been out? Any other ideas on what I might be doing wrong? I've restored the device via the ISY, I've reset it via the physical reset on the switchlinc... Everything is fine when I turn the switch on or off from the ISY console page -- I just cannot get updated switch status whenever the switch is turned on or off at the switch itself, unless I manually issue the query command.. Frustrated in Florida
  6. Hi all-- Just got my ISY unpacked and running last night. I've been trying to figure out if there is an easy way to have the ISY immediately see a local switchlinc action (somebody turning the switch on or off). Right now, it appears the only way is to manually query or to set up a schedule to periodically query. However, neither is an option if I want to set up an immediate trigger in response to a local state change at the switch. Is this part of the enhanced trigger functionality in 2.5? I can think of many scenarios where having ISY immediately see the state change of a local action would be extremely useful. Will I have the same issue with using X10 motion sensors to trigger events (when X10 support is incorporated)? Other than that, everything else with the inital setup has been really smooth! Great product... Thanks Dave
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