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  1. Hello io_guy, Would you be willing to share some of your setup for use with d-link ip cameras. I have a couple of them and would love to interface them thru a common interface such as ISY. Thanks in advance!
  2. TJP_426

    IOLinc v.36

    LeeG, Thanks for the input, I believe it was a new electronic device installed near my plm that seem to be causing my communication issues. Thanks again
  3. TJP_426

    IOLinc v.36

    Lee, LED is normally On when door is open. I removed the IOLinc from the garage and used jumpers to simulate the sensor status change and all seems to work fine. It seems to be purely a comm. issue as ISY cannot write updates to the device or communicate at all. It fails each time regardless of where the device is plugged in. I have never had comm. issues in the past and currently have a hardwired phase coupler is place. Any ideas? Have you seen an IOlinc fail? Thanks in advance
  4. TJP_426

    IOLinc v.36

    All, I seem to be having some communication issues with my garage door sensor via IOLinc v.36. The sensor does not revert back to it state after the door has been opened then closed. Any ideas where to start for troubleshooting purposes. This is a longstanding install and has worked perfectly for about 1 yr. Thanks as always!
  5. oberkc, That was actually my thoughts as well intially, but the 'if' evaluates as false and proceeds to 'else' because of the sequence of events. State 1 = Garage door sensor is off. State 2 = Garage door sensor is on. 'If'a runs (assuming remainder of 'and' conditons are satisfied) during this time to garage door sensor returns to off (wifes closes door as she enters laundry room), then 'If' status becomes false, so the 'then' never reaches the 'wait' 5 minutes portion. If I add the 'wait' 5 minutes to the 'else' then anytime the light is turned on locally @ the switch this command turns the light off 5 minutes after. I am brand new to ISY-99 so this could easily be a glaring ommision on my part, but I believe I have an intial understanding of the logic (I hope...) Thanks again!
  6. I have a program that runs after sunset that checks the condition of a few interior lights status after the garage door sensor opens to ensure I my wife does not come home to a dark house. I want the program to turn on two lights and then 5 minutes later turn off only the laundry room lights. I can't seem to get my syntax down. When the garage door closes after pulling the car in the status then becomes false and negates the then commands. If I add the timer sequence to the else command anytime the light is turned on it turns off 5 minutes later. The code is below. Thanks in advance! If Status 'Garage Door Sensor' is On And Status 'Kitchen - Under Cabinet' is Off And From Sunset + 15 minutes To Sunrise - 3 hours (next day) Then Set 'Kitchen - Under Cabinet' On Set 'Laundry Room - L [East]' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Laundry Room - L [East]' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  7. Well I tried both methods... Using version 2.8.16 with the air gap procedure and the local values don't take. I then updated to 3.1.15 beta and still the local values don't take. I beginning to think there is a larger issue here. Is there any further information I can provide for ease of troubleshooting? Thanks for all your assistance and time thus far. Scratch that!!! I removed the device and re-added it and viola!! Everything works as expected! Thanks again for all your help. I'm sure I will have many more questions as I begin to add the other 36 devices...
  8. Thanks leeG When would I power cycle the dimmer? Is this the air gap feature? I would like to try this before upgrading the isy firmware. Thanks
  9. LeeG, I have attached my event log, but I have to admit that as of yet I am not real familiar with this process. I keep thinking I am missing something simple. Thanks again. Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:17 PM : [ Time] 19:26:18 0(0) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:17 PM : [ Time] 19:26:18 0(0) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:17 PM : [ Time] 19:26:18 0(0) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:17 PM : [ Time] 19:26:18 0(0) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [ Time] 19:26:52 0(0) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [All ] Writing 1 bytes to devices Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [16 9C 6B 1 ] Memory : Write dbAddr=0x0032 [91] Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [16 9C 6B 1 ] Using engine version i1 for 'Dining Room Light' Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.9C.6B 0F 28 00 06 SET-MSB(00) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.9C.6B 19.74.6A 2B 28 00 SET-MSB(00) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.9C.6B-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.9C.6B 0F 2B 32 06 PEEK (32) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.9C.6B 19.74.6A 2B 2B 87 PEEK (87) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:51 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.9C.6B-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:52 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.9C.6B 0F 29 91 06 POKE (91) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:52 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.9C.6B 19.74.6A 2B 29 91 POKE (91) Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:52 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.9C.6B-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:52 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Thu 12/22/2011 07:26:52 PM : [ 16 9C 6B 1] OL 145 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:13 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.9C.6B 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00) Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:13 PM : [standard-Group][16.9C.6B-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:13 PM : [ 16 9C 6B 1] DON 0 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:13 PM : [ 16 9C 6B 1] ST 145 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:13 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.9C.6B 19.74.6A 41 11 01 LTONRR (01) Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:13 PM : [standard-Cleanup][16.9C.6B-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:15 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.9C.6B 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:15 PM : [standard-Group][16.9C.6B-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:15 PM : [ 16 9C 6B 1] DOF 0 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:15 PM : [ 16 9C 6B 1] ST 0 Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:15 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.9C.6B 19.74.6A 41 13 01 LTOFFRR(01) Thu 12/22/2011 07:27:15 PM : [standard-Cleanup][16.9C.6B-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
  10. Thanks LeeG Any ideas as to why it might not work? You mentioned in the other post that it may take a power cycle on the controller device, could/would this apply to an icon dimmer? Thanks again!
  11. If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From Sunset To 5:20:00AM (next day) Then In Scene 'Dining Room Light' Set 'Dining Room Light' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Dining Room Light' Set 'Dining Room Light' 30.0 Sec (Ramp Rate) Else In Scene 'Dining Room Light' Set 'Dining Room Light' 70% (On Level)
  12. Thank you LeeG! I understand that the dimmer has to be the controller in the first parameter of the adust scene as well as the set scene. Is this program not possible with a icon series dimmer? Thanks again
  13. Hello everyone! I have been deliberating for a few weeks on taking my insteon install to the next level and finally pulled the trigger. Very Excited! I have many questions, and hope I have come to the right place. I have a decent programing background and hope the learning curve will be easily traversed. I wanted to see what the members would suggest for a simple introduction to the features within ISY. Here is an example of something I was thinking of: Lets say I have a 2876DB Icon Dimmer and I want to be able to control the local on level after certain times of day. For example lets say it is after 10:30 pm and the switch state is off, I awake from a sleep and enter the bathroom (switch installed location) and press the switch on, as opposed to the on percentage jumping right to 100% I would like to be able to control the on to a more sleep friendly 20%. I believe I have an idea how to go about this but would like some input before I start. Is this even possible? Sorry if this is such a trivial question but I am looking for a starting point. Thanks in advance! Todd
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