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Everything posted by sectechie

  1. Lee, I tried programming several times, but still cannot get my X10 devices to work. The x10 devices work when I individually turn them on within my Mobilinc app on my phone. Any ideas why this wouldn't work? Thanks Ed
  2. Thanks for the response Lee! So that someone in the house doesn't accidentally turn the outside lights on during the day I was going to add the "after sunset/before sunrise nxt day". Should I do this before or after your "If" suggestion? If Control 'KeypadLinc 8 Button / KeypadLinc 8 Button - G' is switched On And Control 'KeypadLinc 8 Button / KeypadLinc 8 Button - G' is not switched Off Thanks Again! Ed
  3. Thanks for all who replied. Turns out the switch was bad. I replaced it with a new one and it worked fine!
  4. Thanks in advance for taking a look at my question! I have this 8 Button KeypadLinc Dimmer next to my Bed and would like to be able to hit (1) Button that would turn all my outside lights if I hear something in the middle of the night. I've tried to program, but haven't had any success. I started with IF Button G is pushed between Sunset and Sunrise of the next day, turn X10 device A 1,2,3,4,5 on, but it doesn't work. Should I use Button G as the "ON" command and H as the "OFF" command? Can I just toggle Button G? Thanks in advance for your time. Ed
  5. Thanks aLf, my parents have the Bully FM231 and really like the added security. I might just have to "open'er up" and see what I can do!
  6. I would really like to get this unit http://www.amazon.com/Mighty-Mule-FM231 ... =8-1-fkmr1 and incorporate it into my isy-99i. Has anyone seen something similar? I imagine you could open it up and get some sort of a contact to incorporate into a EZIO. Any ideas? Thanks, Ed
  7. Ok, so here is the normal evening scenario: Sitting on the Lazy, just finished a movie and I want to go to bed. Normally when I'm in the living room I have on my cove lighting and recessed lighting on as well as the fireplace. What I would like is on button to turn those devices off(at a reasonable slow ramp rate so I have around a min. To get out of the room) and at the same time these devices are ramping down I could have my bedroom light coming on so it would light my pathway. Does this make sense?
  8. Oberkc, I'm trying to figure out whether the following would be a program or a scene: It would be my "Going to Bed" scene I would like to be able to press a button on either a keylic or on a button on my cell phone running mobilinc and have it send mutiple "OFF" commands for lights in my living room and an "ON" command to my light in the bedroom. Thanks for your input! Ed
  9. (In regards to my Eagle Eye being addressed as A-11 and sending an A-4 X10 code) I wanted to be able to control the IFs and THENs within the ISY-991. I already had the Porch lights addressed as A4 and didn't want the Eagle Eye to send the A-4 command without going through the ISY. Does that make sense? Now if the Eagle Eye detects motion between sunset and sunrise it send the A-11 ON waits 3 mins then sends a OFF command. This way if I wanted to reprogram any IFs or THENS I could do it through the ISY vs. the painful programming on the Eagle Eye. Does this make sense? Thanks Again! Ed
  10. No. its a used switchlinc I got off ebay. I remember a friend mentioning that I could click on the arrows on the upper part of the isy gui? Does that make sense? Thanks, Ed
  11. Oberkc, Thanks for the advice on the dimmer, I was thinking it was the dimmer too expecially since the dimmable receptacle worked fine when hooked up to the same lighting. Another quick question, how can I find an address of switchlinc dimmer 2476D using the isy-99i? Thanks again! Ed
  12. I recently hooked my cove lighting (incandescent rope lighting) to a Insteon 2476D dimmer and it will not turn the rope lighting completely off. Has anyone else run into this? Prior to hooking the lighting up to the dimmer I had it fed through a dimmable receptacle and it worked perfectly fine. Any ideas? My guess is it's the dimmer, but do I need to get a special dimmer for this to work right? Thanks for your time! Ed
  13. Thanks again! It worked! Ed
  14. oberkc, Thanks again! What I was trying to do last night was program my Eagle Eye. I know that you can program the Eagel Eye itself to only send ON and OFF commands when it is dark out and also program it for how long you want the light to stay on, but I programmed it to send a command (A11-On) whenever day/night it sees motion. I thought this might give me more flexibility in programming. So as I have it programmed right now it sends a (A-11 ON) all day everyday and I have the isy programmed so that if it sees a A-11 ON command between sunset/sunrise to send a A-4 ON command (Stagecoach Light address) and stay on for 2 mons then send a A-4 OFF. Does this make sense? So the address I have the Eagle Eye programmed as is A-11 and my Stagecoach lights are A-4. Would you recommend programming everything (on/off at dusk to dawn,the time the light stays on etc.) within the Eagel Eye or through the isy like I have tried. Is it alright to have the Eagle Eye have an address that technically doesn't activate anything, but just sends A11 and when it does have isy look for that command then send other commands. Have I confused you yet? lol Thanks again for your time!
  15. Good Morning Everyone! Looks like its gonna be a great Saturday here in Southern Md, definitely not winter here! I am trying to hook up a EZIO6I to a set of Door Contacts, can someone walk me through this? I'm confused with the Digital/ Analog Inputs. All I want this thing to do is let me know when a door is opened or closed. After doing some reading it looks like I will have to have power on 2 of the contacts? I want to montior 5 doors (exterior doors on my house). Thanks in advance for your help! Have a great day! Ed
  16. Disregard, I figured out how to get the "next day" clause. Thanks again!
  17. I do not know how to get the "next day" clause added to my "if". Can you tell me how you add this?
  18. Oberkc, Firstly thanks for taking the time to help me out. My big plan is to have the following: Front Stage Coach Lighting- Between Sunset and Sunrise these Lights will be activated by motion from an x10 motion located above the door and remain on for 2 mins. BTW- I have tried to program this, but have not been able to get the "next day" after sunset. Garage Stagecoach- Constant on between sunset and sunrise. The EZIO6I: Point #1 (garage door) -when opened between sunset and sunrise it will activate a light in the house. Points #1-6- Set up a program that would send me a text/email when a door is opened while I am gone for the day. I plan to arm/disarm from my cell phone using Mobilinc. Does any of this make sense? Thanks, Ed
  19. I know this might seem elementary to most of you guys but I'm just getting into this programming thing, I greatly appreciate the time everyone on here takes to answers questions like these. I hope to be able to answer these same questions for someone else on here one day. Thanks in advance for your time!!! On to my questions: Program 1- I have a x10 motion sensor located on my front porch that was activated by motion only after dark and kept the light on for 2 minutes. This same sensor sent an on/off command to another set of lights on my garage at sunset and sunrise. Front Stage Coach Lights- Activated by motion for 2 mins after sunset-sunrise Garage Stagecoach- On at sunset, off at sunrise Program 2- I have a EZIO6I that I would like to program so that when contact #1 opened (garage door) after sunset triggers an insteon appliance module. I am also planning to use a EZIO6I for a "door monitor/home alarm system" and have it annunciate via text message when a door contact is broken. It will be armed either via a cell phone or keylinc button to give it an "away" an "at home status" and a "secure at home status". The secure status would be linked to a peizo alarm of some sort to let me know when someone opens the door in the middle of the night. Thanks in advance for your time in answering any of these questions. Feel free to share your set up similar to this too. Have a wonderful evening! Ed
  20. I am having the same issue, it says that it connect to my light controller. It seems to be just mobilinc I'm having the issue with, I am able to toggle things back and forth with other apps such as Conductor and the Admin Console of the ISY.
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