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  1. Hi.. Not sure where to post this - Any help will be greatly appreciated - I have a Keypadlinc controlling an In-LineLinc with 4 Par 20 LED lights - The LED's are dimmable but start to flicker when dimmed past a certain point - Playing around in the ISY admin console I can set the LED's current state to 19 and the LED is stable - Anything below that and it will flicker - So I have a couple of questions : What is Current State vs On Level - And 2 is there anyway to make it so that the KPL will only allow the In-LineLinc to dim down to the current state 19% level??? I know this sounds somewhat confusing - I'm learning that LED's are kinda tough to use... Thanks for any and all help
  2. I just ran a restore on the PLM and everything is now working... I figured I'd try the restore before ordering a new PLM - Michael - Thanks for sendingme down the PLM road!
  3. Just tried that again - I was able to remotely control my lights, but none of my triggers were working - Any trigger going through the ISY was dead... But now, 5 minutes later, once again all my controls are dead..Hmm.. And now I can control some lights again.. seems like something really odd is going on..
  4. Hi - I live in Nh and just went through 6 days with no grid power - We were running a generator for 3 days as well - Now everything is back on - My problem is that my ISY is no longer controlling any of my lights - If I access the console, my light status is incorrect, when I run a query all, it runs, but then when I try to control a light, any light everything fails - I just see a system busy message - I'm not sure if it is the ISy, PLM or both, but I'm going nuts - Any ideas?? Is there any way to reset everything?? I was able to do a current backup from the ISY and I have others from days past... HELP!!!
  5. I had a few blackouts (New Hampshires poer system is sooooo bad) - Anyway my lighting system stopped responding and i made the mistake of doing a hard reset on the PLM, and I also cleared out the all my links so in essence I'm starting from scratch - When I look at the Administrative console, I see there are no programs listed at all - I could have sworn there was a Query All with a do not remove comment there as a default - I restored to the newest firmware but I still do not have this - Before i start recreating all of my lighting, does anyone know what I should do to make sure everything is pristine, including the Query all program? I was thinkinging I would delete al the links on all of my devices and get everything realy clean when I reprogram today... its only 25 or so switches so its not a major deal.. thanks for you help!
  6. Thanks so much - I have the code in place now, hopefully when the snow melts (only have a few feet.. covered by a few inches of ice) I can get in my backyard and trigger a motion sensor to test it out... At this rate it'll be mid July by the time the snow melts... Once again - Thanks!
  7. Hi - I have X10 motion sensor floodlights (X10 A5) in my backyard, what I would like to do is have a program which on an X10 A5 code turn on Insteon "kitchen light" - 5 minutes later I would like to have the Kitchen light turned off, but only if the light was not previously on prior to the X10 signal - So for example if I have the light on in my kitchen already, I do not want it to get shut off by the program - Am I clear or am I confusing everyone??? Thanks!
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